* Committed SIM play

* we play 12 months a year

est 2009
If you have any issues logging on or registering, see if GREENERRRR is in the website chat (and get instant feedback) or contact him directly at greenerrrr@ps3maddengroup.com

Join the forum, it's quick and easy

* Committed SIM play

* we play 12 months a year

est 2009
If you have any issues logging on or registering, see if GREENERRRR is in the website chat (and get instant feedback) or contact him directly at greenerrrr@ps3maddengroup.com
* Committed SIM play

* we play 12 months a year

est 2009
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groupme ID 5302641
maddenfantasydraft.com chat

if you want to chat about league text GREENERRRR at (289)241-4968 and he will invite you to groupme chat

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Introduce Yourself Empty Introduction of bigbuddah

Post by bigbuddah Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:24 pm

Hi all, I go by bigbuddah aka zach thorpe. Y'all posted on my main site and i seen y'all are sim and seem to be very organized so im here to check it out.

I've tried for 3 years now to build a sim section. 1 full of leagues and franchises and a place were u can play individual games as well so i could do a ranking system but it never developed as my main site is all free styleplayers and i don't play that. I have floated from 1 sim site and league to the next trying to get the fit for me and my creative spirit. I'm not trying to hop around I want 1 league or franchise. Im looking for a group of gamers that respect people and their opinions and ideals. Know how to talk trash without getting personal or butt hurt.

I bring a lot to a franchise...I'm a video youtube guy. I do game videos and instructional videos. I do end game summary write ups...i have done ebooks and things of that nature. But i haven't found o group of maddencause i believe madden is more than a game. I'm always on AIM wether it be on my phone or laptop..if neither u can't still message me they come through text message...my email is always coming to my phone so I'm very reachable.

that's pretty much it email me at zthorpe180@gmail.com or aim at bigbuddah180...I'll be around and if u way check my youtube channel...bigbuddah180


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Admin Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:53 pm

Welcome to our Group bigbuddah! - You will find that we have a quality group of people in our organization (sure we are infiltrated from time to time by players who "say" thgey are SIM players - but are truely not) - these kinda players quickly show their true colours and they are removed form our group... - Naturally we have internal "squables" but we have respect for each other and these "arguements" are quickly resolved - thos is aided by great leadership of our Governing Council...

In actual fact - they are a handful of members in our group tha are NOT true SIM players - but they enjoy our Online Franchise and the dedicated LEGIT and ACTIVE membership we have - so these non SIM players actually are willing to play SIM football (while in our Online franchise) - so that they can maintain their "good-standing" within our group - THIS IS TRUELY A FACT I AM PROUD OF...

I look forward to developing a partnership with you - and hopefully our Madden Group - can help develop your SIM section on your site... forgive me for not recognizing specifically which site you represent (I make posts advertising our Madden Group on 4 different Madden Forums) - perhaps you can post a link in a reply message - and this will develop some cross promotion of our 2 groups!

I am glad to see you have joined our initial fantasy draft online franchise (it filled quickly - and I am going to stop the application process for this Online Franchise tonight - we have 8 LEGIT members from last year that I have yet to make contact with about MAdden 11) - I am a loyal guy - and want to give every opportunity for players that supported MY online franchise last year (and made it a huge success) to have the chance to join us again - I will be operating a wait list - that will serve as `replacement players` for draft `no-shows` - 1 of our principals in the Madden Group is to have 32 people attending each Fantasy Draft (we have found that the CPU does a poor job selecting players for teams - regardless if players are ranked - we want to elliminate this situation - thsi is why we insist on 32 players at the draft) - THEREFORE IF YOU ARE ON THE WAIT LIST - AND YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO BE AT THE DRAFT - I AM CERTAIN THAT A HANDFUL OF LAST MINUTE SPOTS WILL BECOME AVAILABLE - (afterall the unexpected happens and sometimes players have things that `come up` at the last minute that would prevent them from being at the draft...)


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by bigbuddah Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:41 pm

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am very excited to get back to my previous form on madden. I have been a contender in everything I have participated in even being the only sim guy in a freestyle league. My main site is madden-school.com I haven't been an admin there since the move to vbulletin so I haven't started my sim section again waiting on modrewgnu but even then might not do it. I've tried for 3 years to start 1 up and nothing consitant has form so joinin a more established sim group is better whether or not I am in a position or not is not important to me anymore. Just participating and hopefully bringing something to the table that noone else has to expand the franchise is a new goal of mine. Ppl tend to not take a sim section on a freestyle site seriously. I have been told that by many people to idk about starting the sim section back up there again although that is my home.

Sorry for getting long winded hit me up with any details I need to participate in a franchise and if y'all need to know something hit me up.


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Admin Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:50 pm

well if you decide to revisit your efforts - and our group can help in any way - let us know - we all about expanding the SIM style of Madden - and if we can help you do that - great!... regardless - we are greatful to have another SIM player that is dedicated to the game - glad to have you onboard!


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by bigbuddah Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:11 pm

thanks again for the support. ill talk to modrewgnu to see what his plan is for caus it is his site so if he wants to to do it then i will. but anyways enough about that ill be around i can talk forever about madden and stuff and dont want to bore u caus i can imagine your a busy guy with this site and i can get long winded lol. glad to be here my dude.


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Introduce Yourself Empty GREENERRRR

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:31 am

Hey i am GREENERRRR (my last name is Greene so my friends were real original when they were handing out nicknames!) I am clearly the old timer in this string I am from Niagara Falls CANADA- I am in my Mid 30`s and have been playn videogames longer than some of you have been alive - Back on the original INTELIVISION game counsel - soon upgraded to a Commodore 64 (PC)(where I fell in love with my 1st sports games)... That's rite FLOPPY DISKS and 25 -30 minute load times (for a single game that wouldn't be fit to play on a wrist watch now!) but that's all we had - and we loved it!

I was an avid athlete growing up (and I mostly play sports titles on the PS3)... U name the sport - If it was available to play I did it - of course being Canadian my 1st love is hockey(Leaf Fan forever), but i have played competitive Softball, Lacrosse, Football (i also have high school experience wrestling and playn tennis and Golf)...

After highschool i was recruited by every University in Canada to play football (not a huge deal because at the time none offered athletic scholarships) - I settled on Concordia University and played behind NFL players Mark Montreul (Chargers) and Denis Montana (Dolphins) - Mark tells a storey about all the veterans on the Chargers making fun of him for having to pay for his education! Within 1 year he went from having to pay to play football (of course it really was tuition) and the next he made the NFL LG minimum - life is strange! After sitting on the bench for a couple seasons at Concordia i came home and finished my degree at the Local University (Brock)... I have a Degree in Business Economics- they had no football program at Brock but i walked onto the Varsity Men's Field Lacrosse Team and won 3 Canadian championships with the Badgers - We played exhibition games against top US schools (all scholarship Players) and put a beating on them - but our lineup was full of NLL (National LAcrosse League) players - its against NCAA rules to play in the NCAA and the NLL - but no such rules apply in Canada - (we view the NLL as indoor LAcrosse`and Field Lacrosse is considered a different sport - NCAA doesn't make this distinction) - so i guess we kind of had an unfair advantage LOL! (2 of players actually played on the Canadian National Team)....

I have coached highschool football for the past 12 years - - 7 as Head Coach - This is a volunteer position in Canada as the sports does not have the funding that the USA has... But I do ok financially - so i am happy to volunteer my time - and i often get more enjoyment coaching than i did playing - I know i am a better coach than i was a player! LOL

Other than being busy with football in the fall, my GF bugs me about playn to many games online but she knew what she was gettn into b4 we met!!! LOL
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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by bigbuddah Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:36 am

business econ...haha no way man im so bad at econ its rediculous...as a total i have taken micro and macro econ 6x. i just pasted both this summer. and i am accounting major so i NEED it...o well glad its over..i envy u lol econ is not fun at all...depressing actually.


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by johnnylagz17 Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:38 pm

Ok I'll introduce myself

- huge gamer , big football fan , write my own reviews for games for fun currently ( hoping to pursue a career in that field )

- currently on probation since 15 for multiple stupid moves that matured me beyond my actual age so you take the good with the bad , I've grown up and am a much better person for these experiences

- use to play sports..all star athlete but unlike some nfl players I couldn't play due to my off field activities..

- I am in the process of opening up my own website with my friend whose in the army and in iraq at the time , when the site's up I would love input from you guys by the way .. just saying lol

- I'm from milford Ct Im 21 male italian irish

- currently poor ..whole family is unemployed .. not an excuse for my past

- being part of things like this keeps me from running into friends who are still alive from my past and keeps me living healthy wich i started at 19

- got a g/f

- I'm very laid back and opinionated at the same time , I have lots of thoughts and don't mind joking around or being seen as the bad guy if I believe it's the right thing to do but that shouldn't have any affect on what happens here as that's more likely a face to face thing like stopping a guy from beating his wife..

- The name's John Lagonigro .. (Lagz..) ( johnny .. so on) real full name is john not jonathan , heard all the nicknames for lagonigro so yah no offence taken here but don't offend others with it..

- nick name I go by is also Joker .. wich is from my past ..watch the dark knight ..heath ledgers character..

- 117 1-17 is my bday , 17 lucky number 1-1-7 is me and my g/fs anni , 17 was my sports # before I choose it , lots more lol

- always up for b/sn about football or anything really but love football , also I have to win a fantasy football league this year ( it's vs my gfs dad uncle my xs dad .. so I wanna beat them ..any suggestions for fantasy football picks I could use lol )

- sorry this is so long ..it happens ..

Also I've been a member of this group for over a year? , greener and company are good ppl trust me you won't be let down if you're new this is what madden should be played like.. I actually wouldn't of bought madden without greeners leagues ... so they should be cutting this sim league in some money lol

oh any1 who can code a website ..my friend and me do need help message me , he pays and the sites up but without some things we feel we need but we need some1 else to add them as he's busy and I'm a salesman and content guy ( I write alot lol) so we need another web designer

thanks .. nice to meet who ever I didn't know nice to see the rest of ya'll can't wait for a good 10 video game seasons at least

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Age : 35
Location : milford , ct

https://facebook.com  look for john lagonigro ...

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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Admin Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:18 pm

jonnylagz - aka the joker was a great contributor to our boards and a wonderful ambassador of SIM play in ALL the franchises he was a part of last season - glad to see you on board for Madden 11!!!


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by johnnylagz17 Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:58 pm

thanx glad to see you all here from last year carrying the tradition , expecially with what you've accomplished for this sim group

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https://facebook.com  look for john lagonigro ...

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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by CaseHa Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:21 pm

Hey I'm CaseHa. I'm 30 and was born in VT, but curently live in NC. I'm a gamer and have been playing Madden since 90 on SEGA 16 bit(gotta love it). I'm a huge sports fan, a die hard Bills fan(nobody circles the wagons like the buffalo bills).

This is my first year in the Madden Group and I look forward to a great league and a great time!
See some of you on the field.


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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Admin Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:31 pm

glade to have you with us caseHa - Did a bit of research - chizz, you and myself are the only confirmed BILLS fans - at least we are not fightn the critics alone!!!


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Introduce Yourself Empty G-Villa809

Post by G-Villa809 Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:08 pm

Hey how are you guys looking to playing and haveing lots of sacks lol.


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Introduce Yourself Empty Cheddah_Cheez

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:36 pm

What's going on guys. Firstly, my name obviously has connotations of a cheeser. DON'T WORRY, I've been brought up football my whole life, and absolutely hate the non-SIM style of football played by so much people online. Now that that's out of the way, My PSN is bc of my nickname, which I got due to a resemblance of a character (Cheese) from a show on HBO called the Wire. My preffered madden squad is the Ravens, but my friends and I do three randoms anyway so I'm used to playing with all the teams. This is my first online league, so I might need some help, but other than that it seems like it's going to be a good time.
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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by GREENERRRR Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:16 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:What's going on guys. Firstly, my name obviously has connotations of a cheeser. DON'T WORRY, I've been brought up football my whole life, and absolutely hate the non-SIM style of football played by so much people online. Now that that's out of the way, My PSN is bc of my nickname, which I got due to a resemblance of a character (Cheese) from a show on HBO called the Wire. My preffered madden squad is the Ravens, but my friends and I do three randoms anyway so I'm used to playing with all the teams. This is my first online league, so I might need some help, but other than that it seems like it's going to be a good time.

glad to have yha Cheddar! - ALL SIMN players enjoy their time in the Madden Group - We have a great bunch of guys - If you have questions or concerns about your 1st Online Franchise - DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL ON ME - or any of the other members - WE ARE ALL ABOUT HELPING ONE AND OTHER!!!
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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by AthleticOne Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:15 pm

Admin wrote:glade to have you with us caseHa - Did a bit of research - chizz, you and myself are the only confirmed BILLS fans - at least we are not fightn the critics alone!!!

You might want to add me to the Fan Group!!!


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Join date : 2010-07-15

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Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by iSINSAY Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:24 pm

Sup ?
How u doing ?

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