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I find it strange..

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I find it strange.. Empty I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:27 pm

I find it strange how all of you complain about how the show is coming out.. but ive posted on numerous sites and sent stuff to cheddah and DW and only cheddah responded to the message that was sent. i said i would send anyone who wanted to help by providing a follow up message, but nobody messaged me.

All the resources to keep the MG alive are there.. but nobody wants to put in the effort.. which is sad that everyone was so pissed off about how the MLBTSG was going to take all the players.. but infact you could have helped yourself by getting players, youve sat at 299 members for like 2 weeks now.

All im saying is.. if you are going to go after the MLBTSG and you dont even do any recruiting or anything. hell these boards have been pretty much silent lately compared to last month.. just if you want this group to survive til season 10 in DW or kight or Greenerrrr, you need to help recruit.. that means everyone.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:05 am

This right here is a shut storm that you do not need to get started up again. That's funny you play like you want the MG to make it but I don't see you playing any of your games. Don't come on these boards spouting off that you want the MG TO KEEP GOING WHEN YOU CLEARLY DON'T.
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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:07 am

all i am saying is that there are things we could do to help get members. but i dont see many doing it. thats all, i just think there are some that need to help out and look for ways to get more guys.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bjcole26 Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:13 am

Hey Tman,

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bigbuddah Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:43 am

the difference in our recruiting and probably yours is that we can be stuck at 299 members because we are a specialty group. we dont want jus everyone to join the group and forums that dont belong here. just my piece


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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:46 am

i understand that buddah, im just saying if there was a list of sites that the members of the MG use to find guys and can pop in every few days and maybe do a support post. i dont think thats a hard thing to do. im not saying that 299 members is a bad thing, i think its great to be honest. i just think that with so much talk about how mlb would ruin the MG and i havent seen anyone try to 'lead the bus' and help get the MG larger, and fill holes.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bigbuddah Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:51 am

i understand u are trying to help us. we started out with alot of franchises and right now we have a strong 3 that are doing well still. it comes with the game being out for 7 or 8 months. we are in preparations to grow for next years game. right now isnt the time to recruit. trust me. june and july is the proper time.. more like july.


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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:55 am

bigbuddah wrote:i understand u are trying to help us. we started out with alot of franchises and right now we have a strong 3 that are doing well still. it comes with the game being out for 7 or 8 months. we are in preparations to grow for next years game. right now isnt the time to recruit. trust me. june and july is the proper time.. more like july.

no no, im saying even getting 10 guys would benefit the leagues.. im not saying getting a explosion of 30-40 members im saying enough to ensure DW and cheddah and greenerrr and kight and surf can play out the rest of the year(some reaching the end date) without being down 5-8 guys in their league. i think we are set membership wise with the franchises we have now, but by getting even 5 would help.

you are right in saying july is a big month for the MG, i have no doubt the membership base will be 400 by release date.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bigbuddah Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:00 am

yea any 1 member would be help of course. we have the right number of guys man..i understand what ur tryna do even if other ppl dont. dont let it bother you. u got your thing over there and we are overs here, its all good.


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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bjcole26 Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:22 am

Tman...Nice 4 straight sim games in kight league... You are really helping the league stay active.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:24 am

i was on vacation greenerrrr and kight knew that.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bjcole26 Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:26 am

Vacation for 3 weeks.... We sim that league every 4 days or so... 4 games is 16 days or so... nice to miss that much school

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:28 am

it was for baseball. i guess a guy cant play for the under 18 team for canada at 15 years old right?

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by Fr8trainShane Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:07 am

T-Man, I've officially had enough of you.
Before, I could deal with it. Before I could simply write it off as being such a young age that you were willing to do anything possible to impress Greenerrrr or whatever your little mind was fixated on...

Now, its just fucking annoying.

Stop already.
Do you want to know why the most respected members around here aren't recruiting by posting on different boards? Its simple. We don't want the riff raff.
Lobby bums, cheaters, glitchers, nano-type guys frequent those boards.... and why in the hell would we want them in our leagues?

Not to mention, you continue to recruit for the The Show by sending PSN messages to MG members.... another member (I won't name him unless he does it himself) said he got another recruitment message from you.

You've done nothing but damage the longevity (look it up) of the MG by constantly raping it of its members for another game..... You've not held up your end of the bargin playing games, until Daddy Greenerrrr lifted his so-called-but-really-non-existent rule about MG/MLBTSG commitments.

Just stop. At this point, just go away. All you do is piss the people off that are still here.
I'm sure Greenerrr will tell you that you are being an excellent son, and you get to be called the CEO of the MLBTSG....Good job, you have a title junior. We're all so proud....

Seriously, at this point, you worry about the Show. or recruit lobby bums for Greenerrrs league... You might want to notice how Chz, DW, and Surf all have vacant teams, yet aren't willing to bring over people from Greenerrr's leagues (despite his continued posting of 'hey guys, I got players')... its because they are unreliable.

Damn it, its 2:30am, and I don't have time for this shit.


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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:54 am

fine, ill just pack my bags and head home. i am clearly not wanted, and when i try to help the group obviously nobody cares. all i have tried to do is help both groups in any way i can, obviously you guys are so stuck up that you cant see anything.

im not saying ive done much for the MG, but i try to do anything i could to help get players here. you dont know whether a guy on the EA or OS site are lobby bums.. they could be legit players. ive found web groups like ours and ive sent them to cheddah. in no way am i saying 'go post there and get their players'. im saying 'look at what they do, see whats different and try to make the group better'. thats why i said in a previous post 5-10 players would be sufficient to help the MG survive.

I really want to know who this member is.. ive only talked to members of the MG who said they were going to buy it or signed up. kind of like yesterday i sent coward a message asking if he was still interested(because he signed up and never clicked the link on the email). he said "never bought the game" and i was done with it.

Obviously no matter what anyone within this COMMUNITY does.. they always get slammed. if a person tries to better the group then maybe lend a hand and see for yourself. im not saying recruit every player who wants to play. i even think for next years game a new member should have a 3 game try-out against a vet from the MG so we dont get a sickxstick. it'll keep us away from the lobby bum and let the new member get to play against a member who is a good guy.

As i said ill pack my bags, and leave the group so you guys can have your fun.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:03 pm

T Man this shows your maturity level right there with that last comment. Nobody said they wanted you to pack your bags and leave. It is very hard to swallow that you have any interest in helping the MG though. You are not really known for getting your games in(vacation or not).

And now that MLB the show is indeed here I really don't see you getting any games in. Your intentions are good but your actions are all wrong.

I told you that post would start another shit storm and all be damn if it hasn't.......thanks T Man.....
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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:09 pm

im being mature by leaving the group so there wont be anymore issues. that's all. thats why im leaving not because of everything or anything that was said, im doing it so you guys dont have to bitch and complain over everything i say because its obviously always wrong.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by Fr8trainShane Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:45 pm

Do what every you need to do young man.
I'm not going to coddle you anymore.

(cue Greenerrr post about losing such a key quality guy....seriously Green, you are predictable)

I gotta agree with Dozer. You want to help the MG? Play your fucking games. You can't be the savior of the MG when you've used every chance you can to msg people about the Show.

T-Man, its been said a million times to you, and you just don't get it. So believe me... there isn't a single member who reads this forum that believes that what we say will ever sink into your tiny little skull.... and yes, I'm annoyed like hell with your constant badgering. You can't talk about bettering the MG, when all you do is miss games, recruit for another game, and then post about everyone elses lack of help....lol

As for you leaving the MG.... really, everyone probably already thought you already left the MG due to your inactivity since the Show came out.


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I find it strange.. Empty RE:

Post by COsMiCTrAvO Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:59 pm

I am fine with less members for now as long as everyone is legit. This is clearly the down season for Madden. At this point quality over quantity is really all that should matter.

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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by bjcole26 Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:15 pm


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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:00 pm

bjcole26 wrote:http://www.operationsports.com/forums/scea-sports-mlb-online/474208-looking-canadian-players.html

Here you go Shane.... TMan is officially CEO..... HAHAHAHA!!!!!

THats a pretty clutch post helpin out the MG
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I find it strange.. Empty Re: I find it strange..

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:26 pm

Here's the post i did for the MG on OS


I'll edit it if there is anything missing.

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