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TallMidget Empty TallMidget

Post by Child_Please4285 Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:06 pm

just played the worst game ever dude ran nanos all game i tried to save footage but of course i couldn't get it damn EA replays

I do have 2 plays i saved but i can't get on my page on this ps3 browser and i don't have a cpu

could someone be a good samaritan and post the 2 links? In the description it should say i was playing TallMidget if not its the one's with romo at qb

Before i get chastized these are horrible replays and the blitz wasn't that effective since i immediately rolled out after seeing the play a dozen times

PS. I pinched the line and he still came up the A and B gap funny thing it was better to not pinvh the line cause when i did the guy came up the A gap free and when i didn't he came up the B gap

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by surfnturf90 Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:10 pm

That's weird, I just played him in chz league and he was completely sim.

How do i get on your ea sports page to post them?


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Fr8trainShane Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:14 pm

Here you go CP

I don't know if thats a nano, or using the awareness glitch like EZ does.... you have to click repeatedly on the beginning of the frame to see him run right thru the line untouched.... its like the OLine doesn't know he's there.

This one is hard to tell...but he's got instant pressure on the left side of the line for sure....


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Fr8trainShane Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:23 pm


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by slickmonkyz Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:16 am

idk.. but it looks like the same stuff everybody does..instant pressure always comes from the left

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Child_Please4285 Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:33 am

yeah these was horrible replays but its all i could save he was playing kool till he went down by a few scores than he just kept running nanos

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TallMidget Empty Tallmidget

Post by tallmiget Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:54 am

This dude here is full of shyt! pardon my french. Nano's all gm? child_please!!! Now u say it didn't start until i was down. Yet u fail to mention how u constantly moved ur defensive players, specifically ur LB's, pre-snap before controlling ur FS. Learn to distinguish a well times blitz vesus a nano. My defensive play calling was mixed up, even when i was down by 12pts, although i increased my bltizing to cause a turn-over, which was wat happened. Now u write this BS that i was nano'ing all gm? So if i was nano'ing all gm, how did slow as romo end up with over 50yds rushing?


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Mjkight Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:33 am

Wow if cp is complaining dude must really be cheesy...sure that was a fun game.


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by jmojsoski Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:37 am

damn, the replays suck but CP complaining is something not seen...
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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by saastar Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:35 am

ok.. but surf also said he just played him recently in chz lg and he was completely sim... so since cp says dude is cheesing that means he is?? and yet this is the 2nd time something said about cp moving LBs presnap or moving LBs consistly during the gm... so does that warrant something being said about cp?? or we can just all over look that and bash the new guy... great post!! scratch

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Fr8trainShane Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:08 am

saastar wrote:ok.. but surf also said he just played him recently in chz lg and he was completely sim... so since cp says dude is cheesing that means he is?? and yet this is the 2nd time something said about cp moving LBs presnap or moving LBs consistly during the gm... so does that warrant something being said about cp?? or we can just all over look that and bash the new guy... great post!! scratch

There is nothing wrong with moving LBs pre-snap. You can move coverage guys as much as you want. You can just only move 1 blitzing player (and thats if you are usering him)

I will often move an OLB (in a cover 3), from the middle of the field to slightly over and inside the slot receiver.... if I'm worried about a quick snap and throw....


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by falconfansince81 Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:34 am

i had him in a similar situation earlier in the year (week 6), both of us had undefeated records on the line as well i believe or maybe he had 1 loss. i was havin a good first half and he caught some bad breaks where i found myself up 42-7 at halftime. if we was gonna pull out some desperation nano's than yeah this would have been the time to do it, but he not only stuck around and finished the game he didn't do any sort of nanos (though i did see a ton of sell out blitzes). in the replays, i see that gap blitz but you picked em both up and were able to roll out...if it were a nano i don't think you'd have time to even get out the pocket. again, CP knows the gm as well as anyone and i wouldn't discredit his case...just stating my experience from playin tall miget and it wasn't the least bit cheese.
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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Mcnair2wycheck Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:24 pm

On the 2nd replay it looks like the line completely picks up the blitz.


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by MoWarrior79 Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:10 pm

I was one of the 1st people to play TallMiget and i had no problems with him.

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:10 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:
saastar wrote:ok.. but surf also said he just played him recently in chz lg and he was completely sim... so since cp says dude is cheesing that means he is?? and yet this is the 2nd time something said about cp moving LBs presnap or moving LBs consistly during the gm... so does that warrant something being said about cp?? or we can just all over look that and bash the new guy... great post!! scratch

There is nothing wrong with moving LBs pre-snap. You can move coverage guys as much as you want. You can just only move 1 blitzing player (and thats if you are usering him)

I will often move an OLB (in a cover 3), from the middle of the field to slightly over and inside the slot receiver.... if I'm worried about a quick snap and throw....

Exactly...as far as moving guys around before the snap. It's completely legal, and one of the only non-user ways to defend against snap and throws when playing zone. I believe our rules only prohibit the repositioning of blitzers...which is done to prevent certain nano's
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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Fr8trainShane Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:20 pm

Here is the rule.

20) U can only manually move (joystick move) 1 player that rushes the QB - U can shift as many pass rushers u want using the `shift` system with L1 or R1... player that manually move more than 1 player that pass rush the QB, could be tryn to confuse the a.i. of the Offensive Line - so this practice is outlawed!


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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by Child_Please4285 Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:01 pm

ok well i guess like i figured i really shouldnt have posted without having good videos

But anyways if a guy comes free through the a gap every play and hits the qb before he can throw a pass to the fb in the flats how is this not a nano?

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by saastar Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:23 pm

i dont know man.. but i have plenty of people before i learned how to shift my oline and hot route my hbs and fbs to block come right through the line untouched and hit my qb before i ever had the chance to throw the football or make an read.. and this was done by numerous people i played... so without any good video proof there is nothing really to prove....

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:41 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:Here is the rule.

20) U can only manually move (joystick move) 1 player that rushes the QB - U can shift as many pass rushers u want using the `shift` system with L1 or R1... player that manually move more than 1 player that pass rush the QB, could be tryn to confuse the a.i. of the Offensive Line - so this practice is outlawed!

the rule fr8train quotes was DISCUSSSED and RESEARCHED at great length between many of us - and its a good rule (but does need to be updated - with this years way of "shifting DL and LB") - does it stop all he ILLEGAL BLITZES ( i try to use this term as opposed to NANO - thats an out dated term from madden years past) -of course it does not STOP ALL ILLEGAL BLITZES -but it can stop many of them - definitely willing to listen to othr suggestions that would illiminate furthur ILLEGAL BLITZES...

btw - what makes 1 BLITZ ILLEGAL and another LEGAL???? I have faced some tremendous BLITZES in the MG lately (on par with the spd at which sickstick had his)... Definite grey area here - some people think ILLEGAL BLITZ others think its a LEGIT OVERLOAD BLITZ...
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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by slickmonkyz Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:48 pm

im in one lg. where ur not supposed to move anybody on defense.. no shifts to either lbs,, the d-line,, no press ,, no nothing.. call ur play ,, make adjustments .. but no shifts of any kind.. u can however flip the play..

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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:36 pm

slickmonkyz wrote:im in one lg. where ur not supposed to move anybody on defense.. no shifts to either lbs,, the d-line,, no press ,, no nothing.. call ur play ,, make adjustments .. but no shifts of any kind.. u can however flip the play..

i think thats extreme - and is totally pointelss if you can MAUALLY MOVE as manny PASS RUSHERS as you want...

are u around slick - maybe mjkight playoff game?
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TallMidget Empty Re: TallMidget

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