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royal wedding... i dont get it

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by slickmonkyz Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:27 am

all this effort , money spent to put on a wedding for ppl who DONT DO SHIT, dont understand all the hooplaa for a couple of meaningless ppl.....oh wait ...we DID elect obama a few yrs ago

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by Rui_F Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:16 am

Actually the prince is a certified Apache pilot in their military and as served in Afghanistan on at least one tour. Think of the royal family as a mascot and cheerleaders for their nation just like on a football team they don't do anything on the field during the game but they can be entertaining and pretty to look at during half time when nothing else important is happening. On the money side of it its miniscule when you figure that every time somebody launches a tomahawk missile strike at a shack in the desert in Libya it costs us like 300 million.

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by slickmonkyz Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:23 am

srry,,lol.. still dont get the wall to wall coverage here in america,, shit tons of ppl watching ,, grandstanding by the media and the ppl in the "know"..alas,,, smoke and mirrors,,much like the obama thing,, both parties are useless

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by Rui_F Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:29 am

For England they probably came out on the plus side money wise, between all the tourism and sales taxes (as high as 20% in Europe) dollars that have flowed in over the last month it was more then enough to cover the cost of the wedding. While it may seem silly you just have to look at how much media attention is given to American idiots like Lindsay lohan. Given the choice between American "royalty" and the British I would take theirs on most days.

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by slickmonkyz Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:31 am

the thing is ,,, they dont like us over there either,, so i cant comprehend ,, and i would so "do " lohan.. lol

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by falconfansince81 Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:35 am

its still just 2 people getting married, who gives a shit. then again i don't watch TV, at all...unless its NFL network, man vs wild, ghost adventures, or river monsters cause those shows are pretty damn cool. i can't stand the reality TV bullshit...i have to hear about it all day at work between this one guy and our boss, they talk about other people's lives all day its sad.
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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by Rui_F Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:40 am

Actually most English like Americans and tend to be our only real allies that tend to stand shoulder to shoulder with the usa on all the crap going on in the rest of the world, its the french that cant stand us, but they are assholes and don't much like anybody in the world unless they can use them for their own self interest.

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by Fr8trainShane Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:44 am

Fuck 'em.
If it weren't the US the wedding would have been spoken in German.


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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by slickmonkyz Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:51 am

well .. i can think of about 20+ ppl in my family who have served in the armed forces,, many who have been stationed in england at some point,,they all say the same thing about england,, the ppl there dont particularly care much for us.. there was a show on bbc i think,, about families on a base in england , the ppl were instructed to NOT go into public in their american " garb" for fear of the backlash and hostility towards american servicemen and their families so idk,, i dont ever want to go there,, my oldlady's family actually has a castle there ,, she wants to go and see it.. i said " what ther fuck for ,, lol ,, what are u gonna do go and knock on the door?? they dont fuckin know who the fuck u are ..lol "

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by Rui_F Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:10 pm

The relationship between our troops especially on large bases and the surrounding populations on foreign soil is always a strained one.
It can stem from many reasons but the two most widely recognized problems come from the American attitudes of if it wasn't for us "you all would be speaking (insert language here)" and thanks to us your "free" and also in the 60's 70's and early 80's most American bases were run in a way of self sufficiency in where you never had to go off base other then when you wanted to go hang out with the locals, or drink your ass off, or go find a girlfriend/hooker.
These two things lead to a negative attitude to our soldiers by locals living near bases and while these problems are not so severe these days its hard for them to be forgotten.
I served on bases all over and have seen it, but you have to ask yourself how happy would you be if you had a foreign army's military base in your neighborhood with a few thousand 18 year old drunk guys chasing after your daughter every Saturday night.

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by GREENERRRR Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:09 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:Fuck 'em.
If it weren't the US the wedding would have been spoken in German.

like RUI said, its this sort of attituude that perpetuates the UGLY AMERICAN stereo type internationally - Why do u think CUBA is such a HOT SPOT to vacation for people outside ofthe USA? Its teh only place in the world u can be guaranteed to not run into americans! Why do u think many Americans sew Canadian flags to their luggage and outerwear when they travel to Europe, the middle and far east?

Their is no doubt that the Americans aided the winners of the 1st and 2nd world war - but some people viewed Americans LATE ENTRY into the 1st and most definitely the second world war as an opportunity for the USA to line their pockets by selling arms (and other needed commodities) to the allies overseas without manning up and joining the war -

Rosevelt did not want to committ any forces to the war! Hell their were many brave Americans that joined the Royal Canadian Airforce, Infanty and Navy just so they could get into the action and stop the FACIST dictator who we failed to hold accountable via the LEAGUE OF NATIONS (which the USA was a big part of)... In the end it took a sneak attack in Hawaii to get the Resovelt to actually committ US troops to the war effort - granted - thier is no way the ALLIES are successful in the 2nd WW without the USA in the war - but they were far from the only nations storming the beaches of Normandy -Utah and Omaha beaches (immortalized in Saving Private Ryan) are landed by the Americans... Gold and Sword beaches landed by the Brits, and Juno beach landed by the Canadians...

btw - while the Americans were profiting earlier in the war - the ALLIES devised a "raid" on a port called DIEPPE - the raid was done by the Canadians and was a total disastour - some goofball failed to do proper recognisance on the beach-head at DIEPPE; the beach was not made of sand but of small pebbles and the amphibios armour got bogged down in these pebbles and could not traverse the beach leaving the troops to be slaughtered - but the ALLIES learned a lot from that raid - 1) they realized that beaches with established ports were well defended and fortified - so they gave up on tryn to take an existing port in the future and floated across a temporary harbour to Normandy... 2) They realized they need to agressively attack the beach head to get a foot hold so that reserves could follow the initial attack and establish a solidified presence - and of course numerous weapoins and tactics were devised for the Normandy invasion to help this a) Large bombardment from the Navy and airforce.... b) THe value of paratroopers that were dropped behind enemy lines - they took control of key chockpoints (bridges and crossroads) this illiminated the ability of the Germans to counter attack and bring troops to Normandy... c) specialized machinery and armour to traverse the beachead (we all have seen those black and white videos of floating tanks or tanks with that rotating spike spinning at the front which took out land mines and barbed wire... d) The need for secracy around the invasion and counter inteligence - In dieppe it seemed like the Germans were waiting for them - 1 of the US leaders talked about "what hey did" to any of their troops withg "loose4 lips" - they were sent to AID there russian allies in SIBERIA and they could talk all they wanted there - plus the ALLIES had a whole division of counter intelligence where they had fake divisions and fake armies lined up along the atlantic wall which was the obvious spot to invade France - the Germans were convinced that where the invasion would come from... anyhow - what i am getting at here is that the Americans cetranly didnt win the war by themselves - and in fact it is estimated that for every Canadian killed at Dieppe (and there were 3400 casualties) - there were 20 ALLIES saved in the Normandy invasion because of the things they learned on that raid...

But enough of history - this lil lesson was just made to illustrate that the USA didnt win the war by themselves - of course they were the key componet that made everything possible - but it wasnt completely NOBLE for the USA and Rosevolt to sit on the sidelines from when the Munich Agreement gave back the Rhineland and the Sudetenland back to Germany (which was done to appease the Germans who were being crushed by the treaty of Versaille) - but they were given these lands (and subsequent resouces) back but no furthur agression was to be made by Germany - but what do you know? Hitler is not a man of his word and invades Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and Poland in September of 1939 when it was clear that he had intentions on conquering Europe and possibly the rest of the world...

Why didnt the USA help stop this tirany in Sept 1939???? It was clear that the NAZIS were a manice to WORLD ORDER... They rarely discriminated between soldiers and non-combatants - Sure the extent of genoicide of the JEWS was not 100% realized - but the writing was on the wall literally - Hitler even published a book of NAZI ideals - Mein Kamp!!!! It was no secret that the NAZIS were a menace to WORLD ORDER!!! Every other power in the world manned up to set this travesty straight - but it took the Japanese sneak attack in Hawaii in Dec 1941 before the USA would committ and if this cowardly act didnt occur, who knows when the USA would have stoopd up and be counted against the EVIL AXIS powers???? Its a shame it took such a horrible incident to bring USA into the war

But it is abvoslutely true that the Amercian Entry in WW 2 propelled the allies into success - but it could have come a lot sooner with many millions of lives saved if the Amercians stood by their ALLIES earlier instead of making profit on the sale of military hardware and commodities without committing any troops to the effort - so when people make comments like above - its sets people from outside of Amercia off - although there is a certain level of truth to the statement - because the war wouldnt have been won w/o the Americans - but sayn such things doesnt contribute positively to the way Americans are viewed internationally - especially when you know the entire history of the situation...

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:28 am; edited 3 times in total
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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by falconfansince81 Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:17 pm

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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:16 am

i do admire Americans pride in their country - The patriotism within the citizens of the USA is second to none - and most USA citizens bleed red - white and blue...

In adition its great how the USA is a cultural "melting pot" - immigrants from nations around the world immigrated to the USA - built the country and INSTANTLY BECAME AMERICANS when they took their citizenship oaths...

I do find that Canadians should wear their patriotism more on their sleeves like Americans do - The differnece in Canada is that it is more of a "Cultural Mosiac" - immigrants come to Canada and they are French Canadians, Irish Canadians, Japanese Canadians, Scottish Canadians etc - they maintain their cultural heritage of ther country they immigrated from - which i dont have a problem with respecting your roots and where you come from - but the COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN SHOULD COME FIRST! (afterall if the country u immigrated from was so great - U WOULDNT HAVE LEFT!) - but Canadians are hung up on respecting this diversity - EVEN AT THE EXPENSE OF FORMING A CANADIAN IDENTITY - the USA never hs this problem - and Canadians could learn from this devotion to patriotism...
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royal wedding... i dont get it Empty Re: royal wedding... i dont get it

Post by falconfansince81 Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:07 pm

that was actually made by canadians mocking america in case you haven't seen the movie 'team america' made by the guys who do south park lol.
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