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Tough Decisions to Make...

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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Fr8trainShane Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:16 pm

bigbuddah wrote:I don't think u should move the lg off mg bro..I joined chz lg because it on mg. This situation has blown up to the point where ppl are starting to rage. Rage ban and rage making sites. U moving chz lg might make ppl not want to be apart of it is all I'm sayin.

Greenerrr is kind of forcing my hand Buddah. I'm happy remaining here for now, but I refuse to let Greenerrr dictate the actions in the Chz league.


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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by saastar Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:34 pm

bigbuddah wrote:I don't think u should move the lg off mg bro..I joined chz lg because it on mg. This situation has blown up to the point where ppl are starting to rage. Rage ban and rage making sites. U moving chz lg might make ppl not want to be apart of it is all I'm sayin.

buddah i dont think people would get disinterested by moving chz lg.. i mean it could be an good or bad experiment.. but if i was the commish i wouldnt put up with greenerrr bs either saying he is the one keeping chz lg afloat and all these bs posts about this and that.. asking for peoples opinions about rules when in the end their opinion wont matter bc its greenerrr's lg so he wont do anything about it since it was his lg... also as some of the top people mentioned they are not going to be apart of greenerrr's lg come madden 12!!! so that leaves who ever green decides to put in his lg plus maybe like u, txboy and FF.. but i doubt FF will rejoin his lg for madden 12.. so in the end most of the returning original members will be joining dw, chz lg, surf's lg maybe or if FF gets an lg going..

so where does that put us??

that puts us as most original members looking to play in the most active lgs come madden 12... which we all know was DW, CHZ, SURF.. and there will be very few wanting to play in greenerrr's.. so that might eventually lead to another rant post about using HIS(greenerrr's site) to host these lgs.. with more bitching back and forth.. in which after awhile reading about that gets very old quick.. sometimes an change of scenario is not always bad... but im on board with whatever fr8 decides bc im apart of chz lg right now and i just have to roll with the punches...

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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by saastar Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:41 pm

but also ncaa 12 comes out in 4 weeks and 3 days on july 12th.. madden 11 will die down some more with ncaa 12 release.. then madden 12 will be out 7 weeks after ncaa 12.. 11 weeks from now.. so its not to long before we are starting up all these new lgs again.. got to get things hammered out before to long

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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Admin Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:10 pm

I 1 breathe Shane says the following:

Fr8trainShane wrote:

Fact #2 - Chz league currently operates outside of the MG, we are not an MG related league.

In the next breathe he says the oppisite!

Fr8trainShane wrote:
bigbuddah wrote:I don't think u should move the lg off mg bro..I joined chz lg because it on mg. This situation has blown up to the point where ppl are starting to rage. Rage ban and rage making sites. U moving chz lg might make ppl not want to be apart of it is all I'm sayin.

Greenerrr is kind of forcing my hand Buddah. I'm happy remaining here for now, but I refuse to let Greenerrr dictate the actions in the Chz league.

lets get the facts straight - i didnt force CHZ lg out - FR8TRAIN said in previous posts that its NOT PART OF THE MG... thats his decision - not mine - IF SHANE OR WHOEVER RUNS CHZ LG IS NOT GOING TO BE PART OF THE MG FOR MADDEN 12 - THAN I WILL CERTAINLY NOT GIVE THEM THE BENEFITS OF RUNNING THEIR LG NOW WITHIN THE MG (as negligible as these benefits are - there are still benefits) - sorry life doesnt work that way - u cant utilized the MG for your benefits and piss all over at the same time....

U either are part of the MG and run your Lg under the conditions set by the GC or you go elsewhere - I will continue to honour the will of the GC - but clearly the GC needs to be reworked - hell most members dont even play Madden anymore - so under the interim - we wikll run things "as is" - and figure out how best to proceed via the GC - through the will of MG membership...

as far as shanes membership goes - i never thought of his membership in other MG leagues - his membership will be continued in that regard - but if he is bailing CHZ lg from the group - he has to move CHZ lg now but may remain as a player in the other MG leagues and he keep his refferences and posts limited to his scope of particpation.... its that simple...

Last edited by Admin on Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:09 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Admin Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:22 pm

saastar - i never said i was keeping CHZ lg afloat - I certaibnly have sent more than my fair share of refferals - some ave worked out and others havent - BUT THE GUYS I FULLY ENDORSED ARE STILL THERE - b4 the most recent draft Shane was desperate to fill the last few spots - he asked if i had any refferals - I TOLD HIM IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT I WASNT ENDORSING THESE REFFERALS AS CONFIRMED MG MATERIAL - and he wanted them anyway - (and that was the smart move- better to have an idiot draft - than the dumb ass CPU) - but you cant come back on me after the fact when those refferals dont work out! Besides the refferals i did endorse and the original members i refferred to CHZ lg on its inception are the definitely the largest portion of refferals to the group - Does that make me responsible for the success of CHZ LG ? - hell no! In fact i sent a message to shane not to long ago telling him what a goiod job he was doing and i encouraged him to make sure he runs a lG in madden 12 because he is a good commish... but when your counting players in CHZ lg - my contributuion cant be ignored...

and saatar - lets get more facts strraight - JUST BECAUSE - U - SHANE - FF are the loud mouth posting on these boards - who dont want to play in my LG (and i wouldnt have you anyways because your all a bunch of uncommitted QUITERS) - DOESNT MEAN THAT I DONT HAVE A COMITTED, SIM AND COMPETITIVE MEMBESHIP IN MY LG - and my wait list will grow - hell i have half of my MLBTSG members (over 400 and 60 specifically in my LGs) - who likely want to be part of a Madden LG... So not only will i have my corp group of DEDICATED MEMBERS RETURNING from this years LG but i have hundereds of other players to draw from - who already ENJOY playing in MY lg in the show - I May have a HANDFUL of opening for Madden 12 in my main LG - but i am sure i could build a second LG easily and still have double digit wait list (as ussual) in my MAIN league...

My LG is not in any jeopardy because the guys in the AIM blast chat and the loud mouth in this thread (who are confirmed quiters anyhow) will not play in my LG... U say u dont want to be in my LG - I SAY I WOULDNT WANT YOU! and my LG is better off for it -

My league will continuye to thrive right up until the release of Madden 12 - and we will move forward into that game SEEMLESSLY - U can call my members names - but the fact of the matter is we get along great in my LG - the only guy who ever bitched was FF when he lost - but everything was "dicky doo" when he won - enough said there - sorry dont want guys like that in my LG - and yes i will continue to be successful - LIKE I WAS LAST YEAR IN MADDEN 10 - LIKE I AM THIS YEAR IN MADDEN 11 AND I WILL BE EVEN MORE SUCCESSFUL IN MADDEN 12 -

a few of you bark loud - but you have no bite in my LG - so say what you will its the biggest WHATEVER in the history of the vinacular....


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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Fr8trainShane Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:41 pm

Admin wrote:

a few of you bark loud - but you have no bite in my LG - so say what you will its the biggest WHATEVER in the history of the vinacular....

We don't want anything in your league. We don't want to tell you how to run it, what rules to follow, or how you should treat your membership in Madden 12. Thats your league, run it how you will. What we want, is simply for you to stop trying to exercise control in our leagues. We are the commissioners of these leagues, we will make the command and control decisions about the leagues. Chz league has been, and always will be an invite only league. Our rules may vary from the MG's, and how we police our members is certainly different from how you handle your leagues.

The Chz league expects that any new members are already fluent in the rules that we play by, we don't tolerate a whole lot of "newbie learning". Its a premiere league, not one for random lobby recruiting. I've booted a couple of my own referrals for not being serious about scheduling their games. Yet, in your league, SIM games seem to be tolerated (I don't know as I quit in my first season in your league because of the lobby players).

I guess we just run a tighter ship, which is why we are one of the Premiere leagues, along with DW (which you seem to have been content to let die btw), and Surf. And despite MGLO's lack of members, its actually pretty damn popular amongst the people in the league.

I want you to respect Chz league enough to keep your opinions to your self, or have enough sense to communicate them to me privately as opposed to an open forum.


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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Admin Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:34 pm

for the record - i didnt let DW lg die - it was long dead before the psn shutdown - it had under 20 players -= it was no longer a viable lg - and sure i read a posyt in passing from FF wanting to play out the last season - but I DIDNT GET ONE PM OR PSN MESSAGE - SO HE COULDNT HAVE BEEN THAT SERIOIOUS - i am disappoint DW lg died - BUT N NO WAY WAS THAT MY FAULT... lots of places to rest the blame - but thats rteally not iomportant...

Its funny - in 1 breathe u say you doint want to have anything to do with my lg - and than in the next breathe u say something about SIM games in my LG - which occur at no greater rate than your LG (last weaks partipation rate was 95%)...

I want to be clear all MG leagues follow the same UNIVERSAL GAMEPLAY RULES as determined by the GC... if a LG wants to make logistical POLICY AND PROCEDURE around their LG (example thditon of when they advance - every 48 hours - every 72 hours ETC) thats up to them - but if your in the MG - we play by a UNIVERSAL GAMEPLAY RULES... unified gameplay rules is 1 of the cornerstone strengths of the MG - guys can play in multiple LGs and only have to learn 1 set of rules... This is non-negotiable - (and i would lik to re-iter- no 1 person decides on rules - the GC deciides the rules and they are made of commishes of LGs and possibly a form of elected members - in no way are the rules set down by 1 person....)

and as far as me asking about the status of CURRENT MEMBERS in CHZ LG for Madden 12 - ITS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION THAT U REMAIN UNCOMMITTAL... The intent of this post was simple - to ensure LEGITIMATE - ACTIVE and SIM PLAYERS currently in the remaining LGs dont get squized out for next year by players who may be viewed as "btter friends" - its easy as RIGHT and WRONG - and i dont see what all the debate is about - players who are willing to committ to CHZ lg (or any other LG within the MG) and meet the standards required of them - SHOULD HAVE PRIORITY STANDING FOR NEXT YEAR - If you are only going to use these players for Maden 11 - u should tell them now - Its what is RIGHT and WRONG... I am actually amazed at the pushback - this is such a clear no brainer - I figured all commishes would easily committ to the guys who have made there LG a success and who have met the threshold around standards of play... I really dont see what all the fuss is about - sure some long time MG members could be left out of LGs - but afterall it was their decision to quit (and they may have the best reasons in the world to quit - but doesnt lesson the fact that they did bail...) besides - there will be others they can play in within the MG that folded and dont have such committments to players that played out the entire season...

But ultimately - this thread discorved more - cearly CHZ lg has no intentioon in being part of the MG in Madden 12 - and if thats the case - If your going to bail on the MG, its unfair to think you will continue to get the benefits of membership... Cause and Effect - If you want to get away from the SCRUTINY I BRING UNDER THE MG UMBRELLA than its your perogative to leave - but YOUR NOT GOING TO GET THE BENFITS OF THE MG IF YOU HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF BEING PART OF IT - I cant see how you would expect anything less...

I will however personally maintain my committments i have made to each and every lg i play in - although many questoned my loyalty to the MG previously - these same guys have quit LGs and i am still playn all my games - and have yet to give up a SIM game because of my actions...


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Tough Decisions to Make... - Page 3 Empty Re: Tough Decisions to Make...

Post by Fr8trainShane Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:36 pm

Admin wrote:and as far as me asking about the status of CURRENT MEMBERS in CHZ LG for Madden 12 - ITS A LEGITIMATE QUESTION THAT U REMAIN UNCOMMITTAL... The intent of this post was simple - to ensure LEGITIMATE - ACTIVE and SIM PLAYERS currently in the remaining LGs dont get squized out for next year by players who may be viewed as "btter friends" - its easy as RIGHT and WRONG - and i dont see what all the debate is about - players who are willing to committ to CHZ lg (or any other LG within the MG) and meet the standards required of them - SHOULD HAVE PRIORITY STANDING FOR NEXT YEAR - If you are only going to use these players for Maden 11 - u should tell them now - Its what is RIGHT and WRONG... I am actually amazed at the pushback - this is such a clear no brainer - I figured all commishes would easily committ to the guys who have made there LG a success and who have met the threshold around standards of play... I really dont see what all the fuss is about - sure some long time MG members could be left out of LGs - but afterall it was their decision to quit (and they may have the best reasons in the world to quit - but doesnt lesson the fact that they did bail...) besides - there will be others they can play in within the MG that folded and dont have such committments to players that played out the entire season...

Don't play that BS, lol. You asked me the same question via PSN message, you did not need to make a post for public consumption. Not only that, the only reason you would have, is to undermine my authority within my league. The owners that deserve a team in Madden 12 will be given a team. I will not however allow you to sit and prance around here telling me who is, and who isn't deserving of a team....given the fact that you don't know a damn thing about what goes on in Chz league. Concern yourself with your own league.....and with so much turnover in your league....I wonder how you'll decide.

As for Chz.....Thats for me to decide, but owners in Good standing need not worry about getting a team next year


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