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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 pm

1) Kicking Game Rules!
PUNT RULE - You must punt when the ball on 4th down if it is ON YOUR 49...
unlesss a) your behind in the 4th quarter...
b) your behind 3 scores or more anytime...
note: when recieving a punt, you are NOT ALLOWED to take an extra blocker off the "D-Line" and bring him in a better blocking angle position... (if you wnt to bring a playerback beside the kicker, move the players over-top of the Kick coverage team's gunners...)
Extra Point and FG inside the 20 Rule - on extra points and FieldGoal attempts scrimmage inside the 20, U CANNOT MANUALLY CONTROL ANY PLAYERS
SQUID KICKS - are limited to the last minute of a half or a game...
SURPRISE ONSIDE KICKS - are currently allowed but this has to be truely a ONCE IN A WHILE TACTIC - if you are found o be doing this every 3rd game (or more) - its not really a `surpise` and is prohibited...
note: Surprise onside kicks vs where u punch it 11 yards slightly to kicking foot side of the kicker is prohibitted... it is known to be a GLITCH... i.e. the onside kick were u aim as far as u can oppisite to the surpise onside kick direction and pooch the ball 11 yards ahead...

2) QB drop back / sprint out rule: QB is PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that are designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 5 yards outside of the pocket in pass plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket...

note - the LATERAL movement does not apply to ON THE FLY QB scrambles - but the distanced dropped back in the pocket applies regardless of pressure and scrambling ability...

3) Minimum Pass Rush Rule: You must PASS RUSH a minimum of 2 players EVERY PLAY (that means no "gay" defense)... You are prohibited from moving a Defensive Linemen off the Line of Scrimage (to a traditional LB starting position) before the snap... If you want to play with less DL and more LBs or DBs than call a defense that has such a strategy implemented ...

note: DE that are given a "contain" or `spy` responsibility are considered HALF of a pass rusher (so if you have your two DE in `contain`pass rush - that only counts as 1 pass rusher (in terms of rule number 3) and you will be required to have 1 more player pass rushing...

4) Players playing out of position Rule: Players played out of position must be REASONABLE and SIM like... (the most obvious example is that u cant play Ofensive players on defense and vice versa) unless in an EMERGENCY SITUATION where injuries and fatigues demands this switch from a depth chart perspective... The acceptable changes of positions are as follows:

HB to FB cant have a speed greater than 89...
HB to WR they cannot be in the depth chart higher than #3 position.
FB to TE
TE to FB cant have a speed greater than 89...
TE to SLOT, SPLIT-END or FLANKER - must be an "isnide reciever"
OT to TE, G or C
G to OT or C
C to G or OT

DE to OLB or DT
DT to DE
OLB to DE or MLB
SS to FS, CB OR OLB cant be greater than 88 speed @ OLB...
FS to SS or CB
CB to FS or SS

note: you are responsible where your players lineup on AUDIBLES... All audibles are subject to these rules - therefore if u come out in a 5WR set - u cant audible down to a 2 WR 2RB 1TE set because obviously u would have WRs playn the two RB spots (HB and FB) and a WR would have to play TE - clearly unsim and against the rules...

5) Repetitive Play-calling & No Huddle: Mix your plays up...We all have our "go to" plays - aka MONEY PLAYS but dont over use any one play... The exception being BASIC FUNDEMENTAL PLAYS that are "main stays" of all ofenses (example - dives, offtackle or sweeps... and blitz counter passes) - if a defense dictates that a bliitz counter pass be used b/c the defense continues to BLITZ - the offense is not responsible to mix it up as his play call is actually dictated by what the defnese calls...

No Huddle - cannot be used as "base" offense - at the end of half and 4th quarter its obvious no huddle can be used - or as a CHANGE OF PACE TACTIC - done every-once-in-awhile or to exploit a MISMATCH of defensive vs offensive personel - but u cant do it over 25% OF YOUR PLAY CALLS - if u have to ask yourself if your running no huddle to much - u probably are!

6) The use of known GLITCHES and ILLEGAL BLITZES (aka NANO BLITZES) blitzes is prohibited... Examples of such things are Spy Glitch, Inside Out Return aka IOR, Motion Glitch or stacking your MLB directly behind a DL... These Kind of plays will be updated on an ongoing basis (new glitches and nanos present themselves all the time) - we will provide specific written discription of each and where possible video footage of the play...

note - there are many BLITZES that may appear as "NANO " blitzes to some - while others see them sound strategy... A blitz will be determined ILLEGAL if there is no reasonable easy way to defend the blitz (after falling victim to a BLITZ - a player should easily be able to find its counter on subsequent plays) - iof this counter is not relatively obviosu and easy to implement - than its an ILLEGAL BLITZ....

7)U can only manually move (joystick move) 1 player that rushes the QB - U can shift as many pass rushers u want using the `shift` system with L1 or R1... player that manually move more than 1 player that pass rush the QB, could be tryn to confuse the a.i. of the Offensive Line - so this practice is outlawed!

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:26 pm; edited 19 times in total
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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Re: Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

Post by dtigertron Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:37 pm

are we going to have rule for going for it on 4th down against CPU ?

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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Re: Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:56 pm

dtigertron wrote:are we going to have rule for going for it on 4th down against CPU ?

hmmmm - never really thought about having specific rules for games against the CPU - In general all rules that we have would apply when playtn the CPU - but tuff to monitor and enforce - its not like the CPU ever complains or submiytts replays of guys breaking rules... not sure what we can do hear - i definitely would listen to any suggestions...
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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Re: Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

Post by Your_Gurls-OBGYN Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:46 pm


Last edited by Your_Gurls-OBGYN on Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : placed in wrong area)

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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Re: Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES

Post by Mcnair2wycheck Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:40 pm

Is this the most updated list of rules or have more been implemented since this post?


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Madden 12 Rules - aka LESS THAN 8 SIMPLE RULES Empty Reworked rules updated....

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:41 pm

Rule 1

  • 4th Down, Punting & Kicking
    If the ball is scrimaged on your 49 (or closer to your end), you must punt on 4th down. Only exceptions:
    a) You are behind three scores at anytime during the game
    b) You are behind in the 4th quarter

    On the extra point or field goal inside the 20 Rule you cannot manually control or manipulate any players.

    Squib kicks are only allowed in the last minute of the 2nd and 4th quarter.

    Surprise onside kicks are allowed but only one every few games.

    'Tactic-ing' every third game (or more) is strongly prohibited.

    An onside kick where you punch it 11 yards slightly to the kicking foot side and up the middle is prohibited and a known glitch (i.e. the onside kick were you aim as far as you can opposite side to the surpise onside kick direction and pooch the ball 11 yards ahead straight ahead of the kicker).

      Note: When receiving a punt, you are not allowed to take an extra blocker off the D-Line and bring him back near the punt returner. You are allowed to bring a player back beside the kicker or move the players over-top of the Kick coverage team's gunners.

Rule 2

  • Glitches and Illegal Blitzes
    The use of glitches and illegal blitzes is illegal and any violators will be prosecuted. Any manipulation to gain an illegal advantage over a CPU is considered a glitch. Examples of such things are nano blitzes, spy glitch, inside out return (IOR), motion glitch, stacking your MLB to purposely confuse the OL..etc. These kind of plays will be updated on an ongoing basis (new glitches and nanos present themselves all the time) and we will try to provide specific written discription of each and where possible video footage of the play.

    You can only manually (joystick) move one player that rushes the QB. You can shift as many pass rushers as you want using the 'shift' system with L1 or R1. A player that manually moves more than one player that pass rush the QB could be trying to confuse the CPU so this practice has been outlawed.

      Note: There are many blitzes that may appear as nano blitzes to some, while others see them as sound strategy. A blitz will be determined illegal if there is no reasonable and easy way to defend the blitz. Seeing that after falling victim to a blitz, a player should easily be able to find its counter on subsequent plays. Of course this counter is not relatively obvious and easy to implement than an illegal blitz.

Rule 3

  • Quarterback
    The QB is prohibited from doing unrealistically long drop back and sprint outs on pass plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket. A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the line of scrimmage. The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 5 yards outside of the pocket in pass plays which are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket.

      Note: The lateral movement does not apply to on the fly QB scrambles but the distanced dropped back in the pocket applies regardless of pressure and scrambling ability.

Rule 4

  • Pass Rush
    You must pass rush a minimum of two players every play, this means no "gay" defense. You are prohibited from moving a defensive linemen off the line of scrimmage to a traditional LB starting position before the snap. If you want to play with less DL and more LBs or DBs than call a defense that has such a strategy implemented.

      Note: DE that are given a 'contain' responsibility are considered only half of a pass rusher so if you have two DE in 'contain' pass rush, that only counts as 1 pass rusher. Therefore, you will need to rush at least one more DL.

Rule 5

  • Player Positions
    Players played out of position must be reasonable and SIM like. The most obvious example is that you cannot play offensive players on defense and vice versa. Unless in an emergency situation where injuries and fatigues demands this switch from a depth chart perspective.

      Note: You are responsible where your players lineup on audibles. All audibles are subject to these rules. Therefore, if you come out in a 5 WR set you can not audible down to a 2WR, 2RB, 1TE set because obviously you would have WRs playing the two RB spots (HB and FB) and a WR would have to play TE. This is clearly un-SIM and against the rules.

Acceptable changes at various positions are listed below:

      HB to FB, HB cannot have a speed greater than 89
      HB to WR, HB cannot be in the WR depth chart higher than 3
      FB to TE
      TE to FB, TE cant have a speed greater than 89
      TE to SLOT, SPLIT-END or FLANKER, TE must be an "inside reciever"
      OT to TE/G/C
      G to OT/C
      C to G/OT

      DE to OLB/DT
      DT to DE
      OLB to DE/MLB
      MLB to OLB
      SS to FS/CB/OLB, SS cant be greater than 88 speed at OLB
      FS to SS/CB
      CB to FS/SS

Rule 6

  • Repetitive Play Calling
    Mix up your plays. We all have our go-to plays (AKA Money plays) but dont over use any one play. The exception being basic fundamental plays that are 'main stays' of all offenses (i.e. Dives, off tackle, sweeps, blitz counter passes..etc.) If a defense dictates that a blitz counter pass be used because the defense continues to blitz, the offense is not responsible to mix it up as his play call is actually dictated by what the defense calls.

* This principle applies to running NO HUDDLE - its ok to run no huddle as a "change of pace" tactic (ran one series per half...)... You cant use NO HUDDLE exclusively - (exception of course if you are down 3 scores or more,,,)

As far as running the clock goes - this is harder to interpret... But often you know it when you see it... We don't play 15 minute quarter - so running the clock as a "ball control" style offense is suspect... I cant think of a rule that would allow us to prohibit this tactic - but i do say if you run clock - you are gutless!!!!

Rule 7

# of DBs allowed on field vs various formations

Without Counting the DBs playing FS and SS, you can only have 1 more DB on the field then the other team has WRs...

- 2WR 2RB 1TE or 2WR 1RB 2TE: you can play 4/3, 4/4, 4/6, 3/4 or any NICKLE defense but you cannot play DIME - DOLLAR or QUARTER

- 1 WR 2RB 3TE: you can only play  4/3, 4/4, 4/6 or 3/4

- vs sets with 3Wrs or more -  YOU CAN PLAY ANY DEFENSE!

Rule 8


GAP GUESSING DEFINED: occurs when on defense you use L2 and R3 to anticipate - aka GUESS the direction of the play...

If you " gap guess" in the correct direction - U GET A STOP EVERYTIME (regardless of the play you run, how good your offensive players are or how weak your defensive players may be) - the OLINE should still be able to make blocks HALF THE TIME to counter the GAP GUESS (afterall they have the advantage - they know where the ball is running and when the ball will be snapped - but thats not the case)

The bigger issue is how successful this tactic can be even when the defense "gap guesses" in the wrong direction - If the offense runs toss to the opposite side of the field then the "gap guess", The backside CB takes on the lead blocking FB, The guard gets entangled with all the DL players who are "gap guessing" and is out of the play - and an average USER can control the backside SAFETY - and comes down and makes an easy 1 on 1 tackle - (if u are unable to JUKE or RUN over the defender he stuffs the play for a loss!)

If you try to run the DIVE to OFFTACKLE hole (towards the side the defense is guessing towards or away) - your OLINE doesnt make a block because all the DL players are "shifting" through these running lanes - at best you can hope for is your OLINE player to make a "pile" and then if your RB runs into that pile he is probably gonna just fall down!


1) if u run the same way that the defense gap guesses - U GET SMASHED FOR A LOSS

2) If u run to the opposite side that the defense gap guesses towards - The USER makes a relatively simple 1 on 1 tackle

3) If you run from A to C gap or from 0 to 6 hole, The shifting DL penetration at best creates a pile in your run lane and all you can hope for is to get back to the line of scrimmage!

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