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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:35 pm

New rule that you FREESTYLE guys won't like - but we need to discuss...

Proposed NEW RULE:

If you run a screen pass - the only player u can throw to is the player running the screen route...

Reason is simple... In FOOTBALL AT ANY LEVEL - the qb throws to the screen receiver, throws ball away or eats the ball - HE NEVER THROWS TO ANY OF THE OTHER RECEIVERS RUNNING CLEARING ROUTES - not ever (these ayers are too busy running their defenders away from the screen and getting reAdy to block downfield)

If the defense sniffs out a screen - THATS THEIR WIN! GOOD ON THEM! But to go through a "passing progression" is just complete fiction!


And for the record - I would be 1 of the players that WOULD NOT BENEFIT FROM THIS RULE (as I am one if the 70% of players that throw more TDs then INTERCEPTIONS - so clearly I am able to make "good decisions" and could easily manipulate the gm by passing ball downfield when screen receiver is covered) BUT I CHOOSE NOT TO DO THAT BECAUSE ITS A PLAY LITERALLY OUT OF A FAIRY TALE

so if you gonna say that I making a rule "to benefit me" you need to get a grip! I WANT THE RULE BECAUSE ITS THE LEGIT WAY TO PLAY!
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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by gpatt55 Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:58 am

I think that is a fine rule.

There is a wrinkle that might be worth addressing.
I've noticed some guys will run a WR screen and hot route the WR on a drag/slant and hot route the HB to the flat, thus creating in essence a Swing Screen. This play could create a loophole in this rule, b/c by design the WR is supposed to be the receiver, but the hot route changes the effect of the play.

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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by weasel_ Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:48 pm



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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by GREENERRRR Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:47 am

gpatt55 wrote:I think that is a fine rule.

There is a wrinkle that might be worth addressing.
I've noticed some guys will run a WR screen and hot route the WR on a drag/slant and hot route the HB to the flat, thus creating in essence a Swing Screen.  This play could create a loophole in this rule, b/c by design the WR is supposed to be the receiver, but the hot route changes the effect of the play.

I think this falls under OBVIOUS - but your right we have a bunch of "wannabe lawyers" that look for technicalities they can exploit - so the language of a propose rule would have to be aware of this...

And if anyone in this leagues says I am proposing this rule because "it helps my gameplay" - your a total wack job - I have always thrown more TDs then interception, I have made LOCKER a probowl QB - so clearly i would benefit from being able to chz a screen pass by throwing to a check down receiver when the screen intended receiver is covered (obviously I know how to make at least 2 - sometimes 4 progressive receiver reads) and I have four receivers over 90 (one of which is a 99 speed MEGATRON) so they will go "get balls" even when their covered - this rule does not benefit me in the slightest BUT ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!

I challenge anyone to show me a time when this proposed rule is shown to be "not true" - its a 100% thing - their isn't even a fluke situation where you can refute this!
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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:24 pm

i have no problem with rule, wont affect me much since i throw about 4 screens a gm


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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by Maddening isn't it? Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:06 pm

You're just crying. It's a BS rule, but fine I'll just quit throwing screen passes. No biggie. Not like they are that vital.

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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:42 pm

seems like some people forget tht this is a sim lg, there for if a rule is implemented because some1 abuses something u cant do in the real nfl i dont get y people start complaining


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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:52 pm

RIPxPatTillman40 wrote:seems like some people forget tht this is a sim lg, there for if  a rule is implemented because some1 abuses something u cant do in the real nfl i dont get y people start complaining

That's my point completely!!!! If we don't enforce such things we may as well be a FREESTYLE LEAGUE WITH A PUNT RULE!

Maddening isn't it? wrote:You're just crying. It's a BS rule, but fine I'll just quit throwing screen passes. No biggie. Not like they are that vital.

Nobody here is "crying" - we just expect gameplay in this league to reflect what happens on the REAL FOOTBALL field - and the truth is that on screen passes offenses only throw to the intended screen receiver! They never throw to anyone else - not ever! if u pass to a different player (then the player running the screen route) then your running a play from NFL BLITZ!

And this rule does not lesson the advantages of the screen pass - it just makes screens react like they should! If the defense expects a vertical passing threat and or aggressively blitzs - a screen pass will be a HUGE SUCCESS!

This is because coverage follows the "clearing route" receivers down field on a meaningless route and AGRESSIVE blitzes get sucked into chasing the qb who dumps a short screen pass slightly beyond them and the result is the DBs are too fat downfield to make a play (because they are covering clearing routes) and pass rushing DL and LBs get sucked in chasing a qb who throws a dump off screen over their heads - which takes them out of the play because they are not fast enough to chase the intended screen receiver from behind!!!

THIS IS HOW AND WHY AN OFFENSE SHOULD BENEFIT FROM SCREEN PASS... and there is plenty of opportunity for this in current madden!


If the defense "sniffs" out a screen, the play "at best" for the offense is an incomplete pass - this is simply a football truism...
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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by Maddening isn't it? Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:26 pm

So if someone drops 9 in to coverage and I have no pressure on me I have to take a sack or throw it away? That's not cool at all. If we were allowed to throw the ball over our players head out of bounds like they do in real life sure I could see what you're saying but you can't in Madden. If I'm facing heavy pressure and the Target is covered I can't throw it away like real life. So I either take a sack or intentional grounding? That shit ain't right.

Maddening isn't it?

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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:29 pm

Maddening isn't it? wrote:. If we were allowed to throw the ball over our players head out of bounds like they do in real life sure I could see what you're saying but you can't in Madden. If I'm facing heavy pressure and the Target is covered I can't throw it away like real life. So I either take a sack or intentional grounding?  That shit ain't right.

Nope - YOU THROW IT AWAY - like in real life - read my initial post! - that is what the R3 button is for... Heaving the ball to a player that would NEVER be catching a pass (or looking to catch a pass) - is just unrealistic...


In FOOTBALL AT ANY LEVEL - the qb throws to the screen receiver, throws ball away or eats the ball - HE NEVER THROWS TO ANY OF THE OTHER RECEIVERS RUNNING CLEARING ROUTES - not ever...

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:38 pm

Rambro black made a good point - there are some bubble screens that DO NOT HAVE LINEMEN PULLING - these plays should be EXEMPT from the rule - and I agree...

Plays where the OLINE stays "in tact" (does not pull...) are essentially the same as standard plays - these sort of bubble screens can have "outlet" receivers if the primary screen receiver is covered - and the OLINE is not pulling so the QB has legit amount of time to go through pass progressions...

Therefore you should only be able to throw to the intended screen receiver when the OFFENSIVE LINES PULLS TO BLOCK FOR THAT RECEIVER

I think this is a reasonable CAVIAT and gives some compromise...
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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by Da_headsmasha-09 Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:16 pm

This rule is whack the plays are set up wit different routes for a reason I vote no! But on another note when we advancing the leagues ?!? Anyone ??


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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by weasel_ Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:11 pm

You break the game all to often. This rule is a huge advantage to the defense. Like I explained to greener via text. Greeenr plays someone they have some unique wrinkle to what they do that differs from greener most pure madden godly style of olay he conceives a new rule. The common problem he runs into with these rules is he fails to understand why the play against him was working etc. In my opinion if he was getting burnt on screen passes on other routes it's because he was over pursuing the screen with a user controlled player, Typically a MLB that would otherwise be covering the TE. If you leave the TE open I should be able to throw to him. Not to mention there is a pump fake button in this game, maybe I want to set up a fake screen? Are we not allowed to use hot routes to draw up our own plays anymore? The game is complex and hard stop simplifying it. This rule isn't "sim". You confuse what you see in the field and don't judge the result enough. The sim labels should be more result orientated. After all you banned the gap guess last season because you didn't like how it looked not caring if it was effective or not. Now it's back in because they fixed it, according to you, Where in fact it was never broken in the first place. This is one of those rules that will only be minded when people play against you greener as are most of te rules anyways. This over policing has saturated the league it's not nearly as active or interactive as it used to be.


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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

Post by Maddening isn't it? Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:34 pm

I broke zero rules when I played Greener but since I won we have to have a new rule. There are other routes for a reason. If you cover my screen guy my QB is talented enough to throw to another guy. I can't simply throw a ball over the screen receivers head and dont have enough time to roll out and throw it away so i have to take a sack? That's some bs. Also if someone only rushes 2 guys and there is no pressure and the screen is covered why should I have to eat it?

Maddening isn't it?

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PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes... Empty Re: PROPOSED NEW RULE - u can only throw to receiver runnin screen route on screen passes...

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