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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by BlaineTheMono19 Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:05 pm

Just beat this cheap ass 20-17 in the wild card. But listen what he did....

3:30 left in the 3rd, Titans lead 10-7 with ball, 4th and 4 on the Texans' 36. As has been stated before, I have no faith in my kicking game. Later in the game I attempted a FG from the Texans' 39 and missed by a good 5 or 6 yards. So I line up in shotgun on 4th down and run a draw for 12 yards. Well of course Greenerrr goes ape shit and says starts sending his infamous rage messages telling me how cheap I am and calling me names. I ignore him, being used to his childish antics. The ensuing kickoff this guy proceeds to pull an IOR, running it all the way back for a TD and bringing the game to 14-17. So now I'm irate. Playoff game, i'm completely dominating this guy, and he panics and gets a cheeze TD. Ensuing kickoff I try to do the same thing, wanting to cancel his out. SInce I never try this move I didn't really have the technique down and got tackled on my own 18. BIG MISTAKE. This hypocrite now has something to hang his hat on.

Anyways, he ties the game at 17. I end up attempting a fg from his 39 with under two minutes left. I miss and he's on the move now. He moved the ball to midfield before Polamalu snags his second pick of the game and runs it back to the 28. An 8 yard Spiller run later, Titans line up for the Game winning FG. Obviously Greenerr is beat, but can he accept this? HELL NO. First he blatantly runs offside WAAAAAY before Ive even lined up, making my FG 5 yards easier. Then he comes across the line and just waits in front of my kicker. I somehow get the kick off and nail it. Then Decline the penalty and squib it for the win.

Then, naturally, as has anyone whose beat Greennerr, I received numerous rage messages, threatening to kick me out for my attempted IOR return. This guy is a joke. Terrible example of a Mod or Regulator or Founder or whatever he is to this site. I can honestly say he is the only person I've ever had a problem with, and it's beginning to be consistent.


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by surfnturf90 Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:09 pm

That's funny, he is trying to get me to kick somebody out on mg surf league for doing the exact thing to him on a field goal attempt.


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:46 pm

Now like anybody else would say. Do you have video evidence?
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by BlaineTheMono19 Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:50 pm

Nope. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that yet. But I give you my word, that's how it played out. I think Greeneerrr's reputation backs my claims. And hey, I won, I'm happy as can be. I just didn't want this to go unmentioned. I don't want him booted. I've always thought a villain was a good thing, keeps things interesting. He just needs to be put in check, realize just because he's involved with the site more so than others it gives him no right to bitch, moan, and discredit his opponent EVERY SINGLE TIME he loses.


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:59 pm

Now I have never actually beat greenerr but I have experienced the messages first hand when I was at mjkights house when he beat Greenerrrr in dw lg. And a he was Sayin a Td that Matt had before th half was bs when Randy McClain who has spectacular jump and spc ratings jumped up and brought a ball down and broke a tackle and scored. I thought it was a bad ass play myself. Well the game was tied and went into OT and Greeenrrr won the toss and got the ball. Matt shut him down and got the ball back and ended up breaking a 52 yd Td run with Ryan Matthews untouched to the house and boy did those messages start piling in.
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by Ace1129 Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:39 am

Hahahaha i am loving this shit...... I have dealt with this and been booted out of his franchises 2 out of the 3 times i have whooped his ass.. The guy is a complete TOOL!!!!!


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by ezweightloss Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:10 am

first off i wanna give greener utmost credit for organizing this.

BUT i have experienced these messages, nothing too serious like what is being stated but whenever he plays he goes on about everything being complete BS, more so in loses but he throws something in even when he wins to balance it out. we all know there is AI BS but we all still CHOOSE to play this poorly programmed game so let's get over it.

(i.e) divisional playoffs in my league. i kick off, greener throws a pass and i user pick it with brian urlacher on miles austin doing a slant across the middle in double coverage. i score shortly after. next drive he gets a long completion to michael turner and me using brian urlacher hit stick turner forcing a fumble and also recover it. greener quits, leaves league and tells me to play the cpu...


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by Deathwish22 Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:47 am

Blaine...have no worries. I got your back. I also received 3 messages from Greener about this game with him complaining about IOR's. Seriously...if he had won the game...he would have not said a damn thing. I'm pretty much getting sick and tired of him pulling this garbage when he loses. I am friends with him...but this is now 2 reports in the last 3 days of him pulling some stupid bullshit like this. I need to figure out what to do.

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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by Vista3131 Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:36 pm

Blaine, this is very disappointing that any member of our community would act in this manner.

Your going for it on fourth down in this situation makes sense so the fact that Greenerrr flew off the handle I don't understand, now had you been outside his 40 that would be a differnet story but the 36 I understand.


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:53 pm

Vista3131 wrote:Blaine, this is very disappointing that any member of our community would act in this manner.

Your going for it on fourth down in this situation makes sense so the fact that Greenerrr flew off the handle I don't understand, now had you been outside his 40 that would be a differnet story but the 36 I understand.

BLAINETHEASS DOESNT TELL THE whole storey - HE DID A 4TH DOWN GAMBLE just passed his 40 - well into his end prior to this - AND LEAD TO A SCORE... - THIS IS WHAT SET ME OFF - and this was AFTER I EXTENDED HIM AN olive branch BY DECLINING A KEY DELAY OF GAME PENALTY ON 3RD DOWN FOR HIM (because he was victimn of a short play clock diuue toi injury) - THAN ON THE SAME SERIES he pulls the BS 4th down gamble - (which is not illegal but ANY TRUE SIM PLAYER WILL all agree is BS) - NOT SURE HOW U WERE BROUGHT UP =- but when i TRIED TO BE COOL WUITH HIM BY DECLINING THIS PENALTY - than he SPITS IN MY FACE BY PULLING BS! I GET PISSED OFF....

THAN HE DOES OBSESENT IOR RETURN THE REST OF THE GAME - (just because they were not successful doesnt make it ANY LESS ILLEGAL)...

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:59 pm

BlaineTheMono19 wrote:
The ensuing kickoff this guy proceeds to pull an IOR, running it all the way back for a TD and bringing the game to 14-17. So now I'm irate. Playoff game, i'm completely dominating this guy, and he panics and gets a cheeze TD. Ensuing kickoff I try to do the same thing, wanting to cancel his out. SInce I never try this move I didn't really have the technique down and got tackled on my own 18. BIG MISTAKE. This hypocrite now has something to hang his hat on.

THIS IS NOT EVEN IN DOUBT - this guy JUST ADMITTED TO BREAKING THE IOR RULE!!!!! in no way was my KR an IOR return - he freely admits his was!!! THIS IS IRRAFRUITABLE - NOT IN DOUBT - ITS 100%...

U STARTED THIS STRING - AND U DESERVE WHAT U GET FROM IT- dw - u now have clear evdidence of what i was telling you - U DONT EVEN NEED VIDEO PROOF (which i was hoping to give you)... i want to reiterate - just because a guy is NOT SUCCESSFUL BREAKING OUR RULES - DOESNT MAKE THE CIRCUMSTANCE ANY LESS SIGNIFICANT!!!!! AND IN NO WAY WAS MY KR AN IOR RETURN - didnt happen.... (he was just mad because i GOT LUCKY AND BROKE ONE - every1 knows hoiw EA SPORTS PROGRAMMER WORKS - than he RETALIATE BY CHEATING (i just got LUCKY with my return - NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT - all big KRs have an element of luck) - THAN he gets upset and tries CONTINUAL DO IOR AND ADMITS TO IT!!!.

can u understand my frusturation with dealing with this guy??? every chance he has to pull BS vs ME he does!!!!!! its a personal vandeda against me -I BET HE DOESNT DO THE SAME BS VS ANY1 ELSE!!! - HE JUST DID TO ATANGONIZE ME - and what actually is upseting IS i TRIED TO EXTEND AN OLIVE BRANCH TO HIM BY DECLINING THE bs PENALTY HE RECIEVE (in hopes of just having a CIVIL game) - AND WHAT DO I GET IN RETURN??? I GET SPIT IN MY FACE!!!!! THAN CONTIUNUALLY SHIT ON WITH HIS ATTEMPTED IOR RETURNS!!!! If this wouldnt upset you - u would have to be VULCAN OR A ROBOT!

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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:26 pm

I am an emotional guy - i admit this - WHEN SOME1 SHITS ON ME - i am not the type of person to sit by and take it!!!


nOW THAT I HAVE ADMITTED my ILL TEMPER... i would also like to point out that i am GENEROUS - ACCOMODATING - COMMUNITY MINDED - CHARITABLE (i have coached highschool football for 16 years AS A VOLUNTEER b/c CANADA does not put MONEY into youth sports like the USA - IT GOES TO HEALTH CARE! If did this job in the USA it would be a $60-$200K a year POSITION!!!!) -

i challenge any1 to say they PUT MORE TIME INTO THE MG - building, nurturing and developing it (MAKING POSTS on other message boards - developing strategic partnerships with MADDEN SCHOOL - recruiting endlessly - devloping policies and procedures WHEN NOBODY ELSE WANTED TO LAST YEAR - than this year when it suggested that 1 person shouldnt make the rules (i made this suggestion) - I put my ego aside (and potentially all the hard work i put into rules) AND CREATE THE GOVERNING COUNCIL - if i am such a horrible person - I ASK YOU WHERE WOULD WE ALL BE PLAYN NOW IF IT WASNT FOR MY ENDLESS WORK?????

I AM NOT GONNA APPOLOGIZE FOR MY nature - i call a spade a spade a spade - IF U GET A LUCKY PLAY THAT DECIDES THE GAME - i am gonna say so!!!! BUT AT THE SAME TIME I AM ALWAYS THE 1ST PERSON TO ADMIT WHEN I AM LUCKY!!!!! it seems every1 forgets that and call me a TIRANT for pointing out BS when its clearly is BS!!!!!
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by BlaineTheMono19 Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:07 pm

Not gunna sit here and blast this guy anymore, it looks like everyone else knows exactly what I'm talking about. I DO want to reiterate how the game actually played since Greeneerrr has come on here and now fabricated the story. The 4th down gamble was indeed from my 36, not outside my 40. And I did the IOR once, directly after he did it.

So you can come on here and USE YOUR MIGHTY CAPS and misspell tyrant and even call me 'blainetheass'...it doesn't change the fact that I beat you, twice in a row now, two LEGITIMATE times in a row.

Question: If GREENERRR's name didn't show up in blue, wouldn't he have been booted a long time ago? I mean this guy breaks more rules than anybody.


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:23 pm

i challenge any1 to come on here and say i break rules - any1!!!!!! i have a temper and i have owned up to that BUT i dont break rules!!! but it is IRRUFRUITABLE that you do!!!!

and u had 2 4th down gambleS fool!!!!! ONE in my end and ONE in yours!!!!!! u cant even keep your BS lies straight - ITS EZ FOR ME TO REITERATE THE FACTS BECAUSE I SPEAK THE TRUTH - look it up - its ez enough to see u did TWO 4th down gambles (bs twice over! - granted the 1 in my end wasnt as BIG OF BS AS THE 1 U PULLED IN YOUR END OF THE FIELD!!!!)
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:43 pm

WHAT COLOUR (or i mean color - dont want blianetheass aka spelling nazi to call out my diction - EVEN THOUGH 90% OF THE WORLD SPELL THE WORD COLOUR)... ANYHOW - WHAT COLOR IS THE SKY IN YOUR WORLD? because clearly u are living in a different one than the rest of us!
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Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:10 pm

This right here is ridiculous....two grown men squabbling back and forth over a video game.....pathetic and embarrassing
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by Ace1129 Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:35 pm

Greenerrr has simply lost his mind hahaha, his B.S scheme has finally been unvailed and he is going NUTS!!!!!


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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:44 pm

Ace1129 wrote:Greenerrr has simply lost his mind hahaha, his B.S scheme has finally been unvailed and he is going NUTS!!!!!

another GRAND CONSPIRACIST SPEAKS UP! what is my big SCHEME? To bring SIM play to more people??? wow - thats a crazy thought... I half thought of just restricting your access to the site - BUT MORE U SPEAK - MORE OF A FOOL U LOOK LIKE - just look at the thread with bjcole in GENERAL DISCUSSION
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty mblamers post moved to correct spot

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:27 pm

off topic post - MOVED TO ITS CORRECT SPOT...

I'm assuming that you meant to say "FLAMERS" and that your spelling "FLAMMERS" was just a mistake and not a shot at me.
That being said, I'm going to use the mistake as an excuse to give my .02 to all this BS, since I have been asking for and searching for an explanation for awhile now.
You opponent's decision to run out of bound was SMART. When Westbrook and MJD did it they were hailed as selfless, heady players with high football IQ.
You have repeatedly reminded us that you have a football background (playing and coaching). Would you not coach a player to do what those guys did in that situation? If you didn't coach them to do it, would you reprimand them for it if they if they did?
As I've said, what troubles me the most in all of this is your absolute refusal to own up to what you did. This would all be over if you would just apologize and admit you were wrong.
Acting like a vicitm and calling everyone who calls you on your BS a bully is not going to help.

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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Chedahs topic movbed to the right thread

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:28 pm

As someone else with a very deep background in football, Slick's move was unquestionably a headsy play. The only reason why plays like that aren't seen more often are because: A. It's rare to find a unique situation where someone has a late game go ahead score (in regulation) where a FG would still win the game for them...B. In ANY situation where you have a player with an endzone in front of them and NO defenders in sight it's almost impossible to think of anything else but scoring. Imagine a room with Scarlett Johannson, Megan Fox, Kerry Washington, and Rhianna butt naked covered in caramel with no security guards around...could you honestly not want to go in? Same feeling..

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Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:30 pm

LOL! Wow, Cheddah, that post was as disturbing as it was funny.

1. You compare scoring a touchdown to an orgy with some of the hottest women in the world? That IS a DEEP background in footbal lol.
2. In your fantasy room with those chicks butt naked and covered in caramel, why would you be relieved there is no security guard lol? What kind of nasty shit do you have planned? .

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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:31 pm

.Greeneerrr, nobody said anything about Knight. The only problem has been with you. SLicks move was legit and you know it. Just start saying GG when people beat you and stop the "personal attacks". That post you just made, all the negative things you said, it could have been about you. So stop trying to save face by showing nice things others have done. Do I need to propose a rule that states one cannot stand OFFSIDES in front of the kicker in an attempt to block the attempt? Or should I post some of the 'rage messages' from my inbox? The ONLY bully I've seen on this site is you. And if others are saying, not just me—doesn't there have to be a little truth in it?

Oh yeah, I, too have a coaching background, so lets not feel special. Won 2007 4a NC state championship as O-line coach. (And we call fake fgs All the F'n time!)
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GREENERRR has got to be dealt with Empty Re: GREENERRR has got to be dealt with

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:32 pm


Cmon dude, reread your post. Do you honestly contend that you are talking about how solid MJKIGHT is? You expect any objective reader to come away from that post thinking the subject is how great MJKIGHT is? Of course not. You used a story about him as a launching-off place for you to express your indignation and victimhood.

And I'm still waiting on an articulated opinion on how smart football = "BS". All you can do is say that because it doesn't happen very often it is BS???!!!??! Is that all you got? Cheddah gave two VERY good reasons why it doesn't happen very often, and neither of them mean that it is because it is BS. Since when is whether something is SIM or not judged only by the frequency with which it happens?
No matter how much you repeat that it is BS, your repeating it doesn't make it so.

I'm also still waiting on an honest answer: If one of the players you coached took a knee or ran out of bounds to secure a victory would you reprimand them for it? If not, how is it not SIM?

I don't know you. You've seemed to me through our interactions to be reasonable for the most part. But here, you've just got it wrong. Whether you're confusing the notion of SIM with what happens MOST often, or whether you are just being stubborn as hell, I don't know, but it seems to me you are quickly losing your credibility.

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