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trading guidelines

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by bjcole26 Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:18 pm

Let me see... I have traded with Cheddah, traded with JMO, traded with EZ, traded with FF and i believe traded with CP... YEP i am on the "darkside" or leading the pack of "Great Buddah Trading Idiots" list.

Do you ever give it a break? Do you just like to hear yourself ramble about nothing? Are you really upset that the owners on this list all beat you or they are all better than you? Do you realize that Cheddah, EZ, CP, FF, JMO and Kight are all more respected and feared playing than you?

Keep up the good work and enjoy the ignorance that you continue to show.


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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by mblammers Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:25 pm

Alright, deep breaths everybody.
I know I've traded with (or attempted to trade with) damn near everybody in MG. Tweaking my roster, and trying to build the most complete team for what I want to do on the field is as fun for me as playing the games. That's why I'm in franchise mode...
I've made multiple trades with Buddah, and I understand that if you go by what he says, that must mean he doesn't respect my game.
I've made trades with jmo and cheddah and ez too. If you go by what Buddah says that must make me a dumb fool or goat or whatever.


1. Buddah is entitled to his opinion
2. I happen to disagree with him (I don't think it makes any sense)
3. I don't think he means to be insulting people the way he is. I think that's just how its coming accross 'cause of poor communication


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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:16 pm

There are some guys in the MG who are absolute TRADE SHARKS - and i give them credit - they take tyhe time and effort required to approach people and find the best deals... Sure trhey prey on the YOUNGF (usually new guys to the MG with varying level of experience in online franchise play) - BUT its survival of the fittest - and soon enough these new players will learn the value of players through a bad trade or 2....

perhaps we should make a caveat to all new members - to be on the watch for these sharks!!!! lol

but in the end - its like STICK SKILLS - if some1 takes the the time and effort to become more profficient in their stick skills - it wouldnt be fair to make rules that take this advantage away - ITS UP TO US TO IMPROVE OUR GAME (in stick skills or in other ways like play selection - roster lineups - rookie drafts - roster changes etc) to make us competive with them... DEFINITELY cant penalize a player for being crafty with their off-field transactions - although i am happy to see ezweightloss hasnt had as much time to HUNT DOWN HIS PRAY LATELY - although his rosters are pretty stacked as it is!!!! check out his team in his LG - HE HAS 3-4 TOP END QBs - its like he is collecting them!!!!
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Child_Please4285 Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:47 pm

C'mon i know im not the only one who can see where he is comming from. Why make the rich richer lol. why i do want people to continue to trade with me there are understandable reasons not 2. Me personally i usually overpay on my trades. EZ trades be so 1 sided i told him months ago to stop sending me offers, his team is good but not nearly as "stacked" as people make it out to be and i have no problem with his methods. I Most trades are never completely even it just stands out when guys who are more involved in the "Social" part of the MG. Duqside is a good player but if he was to make a trade someone thought was unfair most people would never pay it anymind cause he rarely post.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by bjcole26 Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:51 pm

I think we all see where he is coming from but all those guys on that list do not make one sided trades or offers. Sometimes teams make trades to address needs... Either from not drafting or injuries or from having depth at a position. This is a video game for hours of entertainment with NO money involved... If we were playing leagues for money, then i could understand why he is so concerned.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:56 pm

Child_Please4285 wrote:C'mon i know im not the only one who can see where he is comming from. Why make the rich richer lol. why i do want people to continue to trade with me there are understandable reasons not 2. Me personally i usually overpay on my trades. EZ trades be so 1 sided i told him months ago to stop sending me offers, his team is good but not nearly as "stacked" as people make it out to be and i have no problem with his methods. I Most trades are never completely even it just stands out when guys who are more involved in the "Social" part of the MG. Duqside is a good player but if he was to make a trade someone thought was unfair most people would never pay it anymind cause he rarely post.

i have made 1 trade with CP - and it was to get 80 overal - 90+ spd SS - i giot the safety and he moved up 2 places in the rookie draft - and he grabbed RB BOWMAN with the pick - IDK if he was reading my mind - but i definitely had my eye on him... but the point is - if he wanst something - he is willing to pay - some would say moving up 2 spots was a steep price to pay for SS Godfrey - but clearly it was worth it to him...

and i am sure there are many trades out there like this - somebody really wanst a player - and they do what they gotta do to get them - sometimes this is absurd fan worship -= and other times it is going out an getting a player that gives u a distint advantage - depends on the circumstance...
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Child_Please4285 Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:27 pm

Child_Please4285 wrote:C'mon i know im not the only one who can see where he is comming from. Why make the rich richer lol. why i do want people to continue to trade with me there are understandable reasons not 2. Me personally i usually overpay on my trades. EZ trades be so 1 sided i told him months ago to stop sending me offers, his team is good but not nearly as "stacked" as people make it out to be and i have no problem with his methods. I Most trades are never completely even it just stands out when guys who are more involved in the "Social" part of the MG. Duqside is a good player but if he was to make a trade someone thought was unfair most people would never pay it anymind cause he rarely post.

i have made 1 trade with CP - and it was to get 80 overal - 90+ spd SS - i giot the safety and he moved up 2 places in the rookie draft - and he grabbed RB BOWMAN with the pick - IDK if he was reading my mind - but i definitely had my eye on him... but the point is - if he wanst something - he is willing to pay - some would say moving up 2 spots was a steep price to pay for SS Godfrey - but clearly it was worth it to him...

and i am sure there are many trades out there like this - somebody really wanst a player - and they do what they gotta do to get them - sometimes this is absurd fan worship -= and other times it is going out an getting a player that gives u a distint advantage - depends on the circumstance...
No secret greenrrr loves power backs and with 96 speed how could you not take him bowman really is a top 5 pick but ppl see the 68 overall and shy away. his awareness is 25 i think so if it was a 85 his overall would be in the high 80s but ppl dont see this lol. awareness is a joke in madden and for a RB what could it do, i guess it comes into play if u let cpu control rb but who does that

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by T-MAN-13-RHP Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:30 pm

i can personally say that i will trade with anyone, i personally will look at a players team and compare it to mine and try to find spots in which we both need help in. if i need to fill the hole then ill trade with anyone. if the deal makes sence ill trade. sometimes guys try to make their deals to "lopsided" but thats the nature or trading you always want to come out on top. i know sometimes i over price guys in how i rate them and if someone doesnt offer what i think he deserves then itll feel insulting. everyone has their list of players that they "love" and they'd do anything to acquire them and some people need to realize that.

all and all if the deal makes sence to me and it feels balanced and itll workout with my plan, no matter who it is ill make the deal. that person may be better then me in a lot of things but on game day if my plan is executed better then his then there is no reason to complain about who to trade with.

as they said in "semi-pro" "everybody love everybody" and this is a good group of madden players and good people as well, and i always understand everyones side in a deal and try to make it as even as possible.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by txboy05 Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:07 am

i think most of yall from jump street just totally misunderstood what he was saying about the whole trading/draft pick situation. the thing that got this whole thing started was because we seen a trend of players throwing they whole damn season. not to mention theres some" top" guys on here thats doing it in two franchises, which i think is really low because these are the guys that make all the rules. why even draft a team or join a franchise when ur not even gonna try to win ?? i love football and this is the only football game available and i joined this site because i thought this is where all the good players are that do things the right way. and thats what i thought until i got a lil bit more involved and joined different franchises. theres guys that are great players that are 0-10 and 2-11 records. thats ridiculous. i know u want a number one draft pick but damn thats not the way to do it. and then on top of that they are trading away some of the players they draft as "trade bait" to get more draft picks to go along with the good pick they already gettin. then they already know exactly who they gonna get becasue they got "the list" lol, im still kinda new to this but i thought it was a damn myth or somethin. i just think its crazy to throw ur whole season, shit if u cant draft a good team ill help u out lol for real !! i dont think its even anybody else's business what another player does with their team but it is very bitchlike to throw ur whole season cause u dont think u can win with the team drafted. not sayin everybody with a losing record does it but there are some that do.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:33 am

txboy05 wrote:i think most of yall from jump street just totally misunderstood what he was saying about the whole trading/draft pick situation. the thing that got this whole thing started was because we seen a trend of players throwing they whole damn season. not to mention theres some" top" guys on here thats doing it in two franchises, which i think is really low because these are the guys that make all the rules. why even draft a team or join a franchise when ur not even gonna try to win ?? i love football and this is the only football game available and i joined this site because i thought this is where all the good players are that do things the right way. and thats what i thought until i got a lil bit more involved and joined different franchises. theres guys that are great players that are 0-10 and 2-11 records. thats ridiculous. i know u want a number one draft pick but damn thats not the way to do it. and then on top of that they are trading away some of the players they draft as "trade bait" to get more draft picks to go along with the good pick they already gettin. then they already know exactly who they gonna get becasue they got "the list" lol, im still kinda new to this but i thought it was a damn myth or somethin. i just think its crazy to throw ur whole season, shit if u cant draft a good team ill help u out lol for real !! i dont think its even anybody else's business what another player does with their team but it is very bitchlike to throw ur whole season cause u dont think u can win with the team drafted. not sayin everybody with a losing record does it but there are some that do.

That's where I think you and buddah have it wrong bro. You guys only play Madden to win. Which is fine, I like that. But not everyone is like that. I enjoy winning, but I also like building teams and seeing what kinds of combinations work. Like I said earlier, I have 2 leagues that I play in to win (mine and DW) and 2 leagues that I use to experiment on different things. Before this, I haven't played Madden since 05 and I never played online before, so I'm developing what I like and what works for me. However, because I wanna win in DW and my league, I'm not gonna experiment with my team very much in those leagues. I do that in my other two leagues. I now know you and buddah aren't talking about me, but in surf's league I got a team that was good, I could have won with them if I wanted to...but that team is to try new things, I didn't have the players I wanted to do what I wanted to try, so I decided to throw the season away and start over. I would never do something like that in my 2 competitive leagues but I made a decision and have to live with it. As I build my teams in those experimental leagues, I try and implement the changes in my competitive leagues. It's a little harder to do in DW and mine, because people already have their guys and getting them is a little more difficult, but I slowly will try and make those changes.

However, I know a lot of guys also throw their games to simply to build a super team. It's happening in my league and it's happened in DW league. But, then again, how do I know those guys aren't just using my league and DW's league to experiement on different play styles and what works for them just like I do in Ez league and surf league? I also don't know whether those guys play Madden because they want to try and build a super team, or to win. If they wanna throw their seasons and build teams full of top 5 draft picks every year because they find it fun, then I'm happy they're having fun. What other people are doing with their teams has little effect on the amount of fun I have. Yeah I get a little mad when I lose to someone who has a stacked team when I know if things were even I'd probably beat them, but I don't lose sleep over it.
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by bigbuddah Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:50 am

this is my last post on this caus we should just move on caus noone gets it but cp.

1. the methods and ethics ppl use to get these teams or "have fun building teams" is completely fucked. the goal of everyone is to build a good team but ima do it the right way.

methods include: throwing games...throwing full seasons...trading all your talent to acquire 1st round picks...using the cheat sheet...swindling and pimpin new guys.

2. im not saying dont trade, what im saying is show restraint and realize the ppl on the list in page 1 are elite players and shouldnt be traded with.

clear cut to the point idk how to make it even clearer than that and if u dont get it still then.....lol idk...but whether u agree or disagree is up to u and i can deal with that caus thats what this post was for.


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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by phantomshark Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:23 am

I really wanted to run one of my leagues as follows- the top 16 picks in round 1 are 'inverted', so if you earn pick 16, you get pick 1. 15 gets 2 and so on down to 16. I've also wanted to try one where all non-playoff teams (picks 1-20) all have a random chance at pick position in the first round, and if I could figure out a fair way to do the random drawing online I'd absolutely do that. In the first case, the incentive would be to try and win to get a better pick, and in the second the only theoretical thing that matters would be either making it into the playoffs or not, so tanking would only help your 2nd round picks and later, and who's going to tank a season for better position in round 2?


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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:02 am

Phantom that's actually a sick idea. I think the best way would be to do it lottery style a la the NBA, but inverted so that 20th gets the highest probability. I'd bet there's a way to do something like that online. But the problem is actually conducting the draft after those picks are assigned. Great idea tho as it'd def stop tanking.
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Child_Please4285 Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:11 am

those ideas make no sense you rewarding people for mediocrity getting the 1st pick for not being good enough to make the playoffs but not being among the worst teams is crazy. Also the whole point of the draft is to make the worst teams better which wouldn't apply here. Kinda why the lottery is a horrible idea in the nba theres so many franchises that been horrible forever this shouldn't happen in a league with a salary cap

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by sam22smith Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:08 am

Child_Please4285 wrote:those ideas make no sense you rewarding people for mediocrity getting the 1st pick for not being good enough to make the playoffs but not being among the worst teams is crazy. Also the whole point of the draft is to make the worst teams better which wouldn't apply here. Kinda why the lottery is a horrible idea in the nba theres so many franchises that been horrible forever this shouldn't happen in a league with a salary cap

Those ideas are by no means perfect. But Phantom is trying to brainstorm ideas to deal with a legit problem.

I the real NFL - 1) a team can't purposely blow games 2) if a team gives up on the season by dumping everyone and going into a huge "rebuilding" mode they risk losing some their fan base and ticket revenue. Obviously in Madden there are no ramifications to blowing seasons and games.

The problem with these draft order ideas is that there are plenty of legit bad teams run by players that try every game but the team actually stinks so they "deserve" the high picks. So I believe the only way to deal with this is to have limits on how far a team can go in the "rebuilding" process. Also - people can't be allowed to dump games by giving opponents CPU games or whatever method is used. Please note that I do not know if anyone in MG actually does or has dumped games.

EZ has six first round picks in Cheddah's first rookie draft. I can understand someone saying that is not sim - because it it is not sim. I am willing to bet the bank that no NFL team has ever had 6 first round picks. I wonder what the most is - 3 maybe? But 6? That's not sim. I personally don't care and I am generally of the same mind as Cheddah when it comes to people making trades. But I can also see Buddah's point that such an extreme rebuilding is not sim.

So there seems to be a point where some rules must be put in place in order to keep the rebuilding in the realm of simulation NFL.....

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by bjcole26 Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:40 am

I agree with Sam and Buddah about 6 picks being a bit excessive but not many real NFL teams would trade Calvin Johnson in a rebuilding process. The other problem is it is the "same" draft in most of these leagues with Boutte, Savage, Austin, etc... So with the cheat sheet and because he already knows about ALL the players, he would never get a BUST pick with any of those 6 players he picks which is very unsim IMO... Could we maybe rate players 1-100 then do a random order of the players and assign them to the picks?... Maybe have a set top 5 but after that, do a true random.. I know it would suck at pick 16 to get a 48 overall but this happens in the NFL all the time.... Even if we did a random order of not players but what value is assigned to that draft position... meaning pick 16 can not draft a player over a 55 overall, etc...

This would also create more trades because maybe you were loaded at DT but your pick got assigned Buie or Storm Williams or maybe that is who you really wanted and it would force that team to trade again.

Just throwing out ideas.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:12 pm

The problem is, even if we outlaw dumping games, there's no way u can prove it. Someone like me, I can go 12-4 in a lg one year, and 9-7 the next. All while really trying. Sometimes you just don't play well so how can u tell a guy he's dumping for sure? They could play and do just enough to lose a game by 3 or a td 7 times a season and you really wouldnt know if it was purposeful. The lottery still gives bad teams a chance to at the highest picks while making it random. I don't think many people would be willing to trade for picks I they didn't have an idea what it would be. I really would like to figure something else out to institute in my lg starting next season bc I made my lg to be competitive and if only half the guys are competing it defeats the purpose
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by bjcole26 Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:16 pm

Maybe do 1-10 in a lottery then 11-20 in a lottery, then 21-32... It is not perfect but the worse teams still get a top 10 pick.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by sam22smith Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:19 pm

Maybe just limiting first and second round picks to a max of two each would help do something to stop complete fire sales which are unrealistic.

I don't think anyone in your league cheddah would purposely dump games while playing. I think the people are too competetive to do that. At least I hope so.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Child_Please4285 Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:28 pm

honesty i dont see where this is that big off a problem EZ team is trash even with 6 1st round picks his team wont be good he traded CJ there is no receiver close 2 CJ in that draft his team has so many wholes but i do like the idea of limiting 1st round picks

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by sam22smith Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:35 pm

I agree with you CP - in that EZ has such a weak roster right now that he is going to need all of those first rounders in order to build back to a decent squad. I think he gave up a ton in the fantasy draft in order to get CJ - certainly more than I would give up for any one player.

Now EZ is obviously a top notch player because he is still competing with that skeleton crew he has out there. But if I were to unload everyone on my team like he did - my games would all be a joke. Guys in my division and the other teams I happen to play against would have cake games which may be the deciding factor in a playoff race because some teams get an automatic win when they play me. To me - this is the issue with loading up on picks to an unrealistic degree - it unnaturally upsets the competetive balance of the league until the next year when that team has a respectable roster again.

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:41 pm

sam22smith wrote:I agree with you CP - in that EZ has such a weak roster right now that he is going to need all of those first rounders in order to build back to a decent squad. I think he gave up a ton in the fantasy draft in order to get CJ - certainly more than I would give up for any one player.

Now EZ is obviously a top notch player because he is still competing with that skeleton crew he has out there. But if I were to unload everyone on my team like he did - my games would all be a joke. Guys in my division and the other teams I happen to play against would have cake games which may be the deciding factor in a playoff race when because some teams get an automatic win when they play me. To me - this is the issue with loading up on picks to an unrealistic degree - it unnaturally upsets the competetive balance of the league until the next year when that team has a respectable roster again.

There are teams dumping in my league. I know this for a fact. Several guys gave up on their season around week 4 or so...many of them have said so in their game summaries or on their team home page.
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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by ezweightloss Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:33 pm

i like how people wanna make all these rules to limit what i myself am good at. that's like saying CP shouldn't be able to user catch just cuz he is ridiculously good at it. personally i think it's retarded. and you guys are right my team has holes EVERYWHERE in chz lg. and those 6 picks won't help me as much as many of you think it will. if i had 10 then i can say i'd be stacked but it will take a couple years before i get a team i'm really satisfied with. see this is my 11th league this year. i've been there, done that, etc etc. i tried drafting a different style than usual this time around. turned out i didn't like it. so now i'm trying something i've NEVER done before in stockpiling picks. if i wanna screw around with my team that is MY PREROGATIVE. i needa try new things to keep myself interested in madden for several months, i join these online franchises for the management features, if i just wanted to go out there and just play i could go into the lobby. i don't flip out when i get put up against cheezers, i usually end up winning anyways when i'm not using them to experiment. i was ranked pretty high in 09 before online franchises were around and i was something like 265-27 or something. it gets incredibly boring though! its just the same shit over and over. if you want want to pretend like you're the shit when you haven't done shit (buddah) that's you're business. im not losing sleep, i really dont give a **** what you think. i could say many things about you, but i don't because i'm better than that. i was raised to be a man, not a bitch. one of my favorite quotes is:

"ya'll sittin' here worrying bout the next nigga, that ain't man shit, man shit is takin' care of your own business and takin' care of your own family, if you worrying bout the next nigga you'se a bitch..." - Trey Songz

^^ maybe that's in a language you can understand buddah.

sorry for the profanity but i felt it was necessary...


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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by Child_Please4285 Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:01 pm

im not sure how you think i feel about the situation but i really could'nt care less how many picks you have it don't really effect me. you having more picks don't make me have less and it's obvious that you gave up alot for the picks i maybe would have a problem if you were trading bums for 1st round picks but since you not it's not as big as a problem people are making it out 2 be

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trading guidelines - Page 2 Empty Re: trading guidelines

Post by ezweightloss Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:05 pm

that's what i'm saying. and considering you're the only person i've never been able to beat i dont see why you would worry about me..


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