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Madden 25 RULES!

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Madden 25 RULES!

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:38 am


PUNT RULE - You must punt when the ball on 4th down if it is in your end...
unlesss a) your behind in the 4th quarter...
b) your behind 3 scores or more anytime...
note: when receiving a punt, you are NOT ALLOWED to take an extra blocker off the "D-Line" and bring him in a better blocking angle position... (if you want to bring a player back beside the kicker, move the players over-top of the Kick coverage team's gunners who already drop back on the sanp of the ball...)

POOCH PUNTS are banned!

WEASEL CAVIAT: you cannot do a 4th down HARD COUNT "STATUE" play unless you can legitimately "go for it" within the rules... (Hard Count Statue play is when the offense does not intend to run a play - instead they just TRY to draw the Defense offside by running a hard count then either accepting a 5 yard delay of gm penalty or calling a timeout just before play clock expires...)
- bottom line u have to LEGITAMATELY be allowed to do a 4th gamble in order to employ a HARD COUNT STATUE on 4th down - you can't just TRY to draw them offside if you legitimately have to punt - EVEN THE MOST FOOLISH PLAYER WOULD NEVER BE DRAWN OFFSIDE IF THEY THE OFFENSE COULDN'T SNAP THE BALL UNLESS THEY BROKE THE RULE! - the play has to have the threat of the ball being snapped to be effective and that's only done in legitimate 4th down gamble situations...

XTRA POINTS & SHORT FIELD GOALS - on XTRA points or field goal attempts inside of 30 yards,  YOU CANNOT MANUALLY MOVE ANY PLAYER (unless its a fake...)

2) QB is PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICALLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that are designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimmage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 5 yards outside of the pocket in pass plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket UNLESS he has been in the pocket - MAKES A LEGIT READ and movement outside of pocket is warranted by that read (because of throwing angles or flow of the play)

note - the LATERAL movement does not apply to ON THE FLY QB scrambles - but the distanced dropped back in the pocket applies regardless of pressure and scrambling ability...

3) You must PASS RUSH a minimum of 2 players EVERY PLAY (that means no "gay" defense)... You are prohibited from moving a Defensive Linemen off the Line of Scrimmage (to a traditional LB starting position) before the snap... If you want to play with less DL and more LBs or DBs than call a defense that has such a strategy implemented ...

note: Players in SPY and DE that are given a "contain" responsibility are considered HALF of a pass rusher (so if you have your two DE in `contain`pass rush - that only counts as 1 pass rusher (in terms of rule number 3) and you will be required to have 1 more player pass rushing...

4) Players played out of position must be REASONABLE and SIM like... (the most obvious example is that u cant play Offensive players on defense and vice versa) unless in an EMERGENCY SITUATION where injuries and fatigues demands this switch from a depth chart perspective... The acceptable changes of positions are as follows:

Note: if a change is not listed here - YOU CAN'T DO IT!

HB to FB cant have a speed greater than 89...
HB to WR they cannot be in the depth chart higher than #3 position.
TE to FB cant have a speed greater than 89...
TE to SLOT, SPLIT-END or FLANKER - must be an "isnide reciever"
OT to TE, G or C
G to OT or C
C to G or OT

DE to OLB or DT
DT to DE
OLB to DE or MLB
SS to FS or CB
FS to SS or CB
CB to FS or SS

Note: In the offseason - You can Permanently Change these Players Positions above but changing players positions outside of this is against the rule (and will result in forfeiture of that player for the season when he can be switched back to a position that is allowed within the rules...)

5) Mix your plays up...We all have our "go to" plays - aka MONEY PLAYS but don't over use any one play... The exception being BASIC FUNDAMENTAL PLAYS that are "main stays" of all offense (example - dives, offtackle or sweeps... and blitz counter passes) - if a defense dictates that a bliitz counter pass be used b/c the defense continues to BLITZ - the offense is not responsible to mix it up as his play call is actually dictated by what the defense calls...

6) The use of known GLITCHES and ILLEGAL BLITZES (aka NANO BLITZES) blitzes is prohibited... Examples of such things are Spy Glitch, Inside Out Return aka IOR, Motion Glitch or stacking your MLB directly behind a DL... These Kind of plays will be updated on an ongoing basis (new glitches and nanos present themselves all the time) - we will provide specific written description of each and where possible video footage of the play...

No manipulating plays so that defensive alignment or assignment is fouled up... example, the defender has to "run across the screen" before the snap to line up across from his player... Or adjusting play so a LB covers a WR and DB covers a RB....

If this occurs the defense can pause (give a shout out to offense  for the reason of the pause) and then the offense cannot snap the ball until the defense is in proper alignment or has the correct personnel matched up... If the offense continues thus tactic in the game or has video proof against from other games, further sanction will be made...

SCREEN PASS GLITCH: throwing to any player other then the player "running the screen route" is a glitch... Clearing route receivers never receive passes - the qb either throws to screen receiver, throws ball away or eats the ball - THOSE ARE YOUR 3 OPTIONS ON A SCREEN PASS...

DEFENSIVE FORMATIONS: You must play a formation that has NO MORE THEN 1 CB THEN THE OFFENSE HAS AT WR... example:

- vs  1 WR you can call a BASE defense - 3/4, 4/3, 5/2, 4/6 or 4/4...

- vs 2 WRs you can call BASE defense 3/4, 4/3, 5/2, 4/6 4/4 or NICKLE...

- vs 3 WRs (or more...) you can play any type of defense you want...

*Common Sense CAVIAT:
- if a TE has 87 speed or higher he can be considered a WR in terms of this rule...

note - there are many BLITZES that may appear as "NANO " blitzes to some - while others see them sound strategy... A blitz will be determined ILLEGAL if there is no reasonable easy way to defend the blitz (after falling victim to a BLITZ - a player should easily be able to find its counter on subsequent plays) - iof this counter is not relatively obvious and easy to implement - than its an ILLEGAL BLITZ...


NO HUDDLE: The offense can only use NO HUDDLE as a change of pace tactic.  That means no  more then 15% of their play calls can be NO HUDDLE...
This rule is suspended when:
A) At the end of the first half...
B) If your losing in the 4th quarter...
C) Your down 17 points or more...

3 SECOND SNAP RULE When the offense comes to the line of scrimmage they must wait 3 seconds AFTER THE LINE IS SET before the snap the ball... (This is to ensure the Defense is able to have a reasonable amount of time to call their base play)
This rule is suspended:
A) in the last 2 minutes of a half - when offense is doing HURRY UP
B) if the offense is down 14 points or more...
C) if the offense is behind in the 4th quarter...
* there will be times when the offense doesn't call their play in time and they will have to SNAP ASAP to avoid a delay of game penalty - you can do this a handful of times each game (but this cannot be a tactic you use to circumvent the rule...)

MILIKING CLOCK RULE - aka BIGMULLET RULE: You may not milk the clock unless there is 3 minutes left in the half... Milking the clock is defined as repeatedly letting the play clock run down below 10 seconds...
* There will be times when you are indecisive or making subs and cannot snap the ball within these guidlines - AND THATS FINE IF IT HAPPENS OCCASSIONAL - it just cant be something that happens consistently... (no more then 15% of your snaps should run below the threshold)
* you can RUN CLOCK in the last 3 minutes of 2nd quarter and 4th quarter (your opponent needs to use his time outs to prevent the clock from running out at the end half / game....

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:42 am; edited 22 times in total
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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Why GAP GUESSING is a GLITCH!

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:46 am

Update GAP GUESS has been reinstated to our leagues gameplay for Madden 25... The "on mass" movement of the DLINE threw the OLINE does not happen in M25 like it did in Madden 13 - do if you wish to use this tactic you are allowed...

Definition - GAP GUESSING occurs in short yardage when use CRASH RIGHT or LEFT  to anticipate - aka GUESS the direction of the play...

NOTE: GAP GUESSING (from what i seen in practice mode) works different vs CPU then it does vs a HUMAN PLAYER - for this discussion i am talking about how it works vs a HUMAN

First off - I want to concede that GAP GUESSING is a legit part of football - i am not opposed to the idea of GAP GUESSING (i think its a part of the game that EA tried to implement but unfortunately it doesnt work the way it does "in the real world") - this post is not about IF GAP GUESSING happens in football - its about its effectiveness in madden!

In short yardage - especially on the goal-line  - i have noticed more and more players GAP GUESSING - and imo its works way too well (when implemented by a player with even just "average" user skills)

If you " gap guess" in the correct direction - U GET A STOP EVERYTIME (regardless of the play you run, how good your offensive players are or how weak your defensive players may be) and i am actually somewhat indifferent with this - although i do think that the OLINE should still be able to make blocks HALF THE TIME to counter the GAP GUESS (afterall they have the advantage - they know where the ball is running and when the ball will be snapped)

The bigger issue is how successful this tactic can be even when the defense "gap guesses" in the wrong direction - If the offense runs toss to the opposite side of the field then the "gap guess", The backside CB takes on the lead blocking FB, The guard gets entangled with all the DL players who are "gap guessing" and is out of the play - and an average USER can control the backside SAFETY - and comes down and makes an easy 1 on 1 tackle - (if u are unable to JUKE or RUN over the defender he stuffs the play for a loss!)

If you try to run the DIVE to OFFTACKLE hole (towards the side the defense is guessing towards or away) - your OLINE doesnt make a block because all the DL players are "shifting" through these running lanes - at best you can hope for is your OLINE player to make a "pile" and then if your RB runs into that pile he is probably gonna just fall down!


1) if u run the same way that the defense gap guesses - U GET SMASHED FOR A LOSS

2) If u run to the opposite side that the defense gap guesses towards - The USER makes a relatively simple 1 on 1 tackle

3) If you run from A to C gap or from 0 to 6 hole, The shifting DL penetration at best creates a pile in your run lane and all you can hope for is to get back to the line of scrimmage!

Should running the ball in short yardage be that ineffective? I know from a SIM style perspective it makes my hair stand on end - but from a freestyle standpoint - ITS A KILLER TACTIC!

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by CharlieHustle Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:32 pm

There should be a minimum of 3 pass rushers at all times... I have yet to see a scheme with 9 players in coverage and only 2 rushers/blitzers

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by McNoob Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:29 pm

CharlieHustle wrote:There should be a minimum of 3 pass rushers at all times... I have yet to see a scheme with 9 players in coverage and only 2 rushers/blitzers
I disagree. For one, defenses might only employ two pass rushers when the offense is attempting a Hail Mary or similar passing drive. Two, in the past there were scripted plays where only two DTs rushed, while the DEs played contain. I don't remember seeing that play in M13, but I imagine with audibles it's still possible, and useful for screen passes and option runs.

One minor rule I'd like to see is, the road team can only select road uniforms and vice versa. That way, we don't have both teams wearing similar colored uniforms and we can't tell them apart.


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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:59 am

McNoob wrote:

One minor rule I'd like to see is, the road team can only select road uniforms and vice versa. That way, we don't have both teams wearing similar colored uniforms and we can't tell them apart.
Uniforms with similar colors is a huge pain - Even if players pick the correct home and away jerseys, Often the home team will have WHITE PANTS and the away team has WHITE JERSEYS - IDC what color i wear - as long as opponent wears a color as close to opposite (pants and jerseys) then that of mine...

I dont think this is something that needs to be put in our rules (as rules are for gameplay...) This is more of a POLICY and PROCEDURE type issue (and policy and procedure regulations need to be followed just as close as rules...) - I will make this addition and link to this message (makes sense to sticky thatr section to this area of the forum too...)

UPDATE - just went to get link for policy and procedure section - AND THE UNIFORM RULE IS ALREADY IN THE REGULATIONS!!! lol

I update the P and P section - erased some regulations that dont apply anymore and made other inline with M25 - it is now sticky to the section of website!

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by Maddening isn't it? Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:52 pm

A D# play called velcro has only 2 DT rushing.

Personally i only want to rush 1 guy on the pass happy dudes. It may be 'gay' but so is not being able to stop some of the cheesy ass passes people use.

You don't have QB spy listed as half a passes rusher anymore Greener. Does that still count as half a pass rusher?

Maddening isn't it?

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:28 am

Maddening isn't it? wrote:A D# play called velcro has only 2 DT rushing.

Personally i only want to rush 1 guy on the pass happy dudes. It may be 'gay' but so is not being able to stop some of the cheesy ass passes people use.

You don't have QB spy listed as half a passes rusher anymore Greener. Does that still count as half a pass rusher?
Most SIM lgs require 3 pass rushers and spy and contain players don't count as pass rushers as well - we are a sim league, we have to have this rule in place

Ty for mentioning SPY - the rule book has fixed that oversight
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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by CharlieHustle Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:07 pm

What defensive package has velcro. I want to see this defense that only has 2 DTs rushing?? lol

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by Maddening isn't it? Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:40 pm

Its in the nickel strong I believe charlie. Check through the nickel formations. It's in one of them. How could you not know this? It's been in Madden for nearly 10 years.

Maddening isn't it?

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by CharlieHustle Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:44 pm

This is only my second year playing madden again... I dropped it for a few years.

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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by weasel_ Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:51 am

I broke my huddles at 20 seconds then made my pre snap adjustments. So I follow the new rule about not snapping ASAP by takin my time and now you make anther rule about having to snap the ball within a certain amount of time? FUCK YOU!!! Tired of this Mickey Mouse shit! This game is hard I had to think about what plays to call sub guys in and out etc... That shit takes time and now because my opponent went and cried to you during the game like a little baby that I was running the clock. Guess what that's tuff luck for him. He should have elected to kick not receive and e could of had te ball at halftime. He's down 12 at the half so I took my time and drove the ball for a score. My drive took 4 minutes off te 3rd qt which is totally fine. Kiss my ass for trying to tell me now how to manage the clock."!!! IM THE COACH I COACH MY TEAM HOW I WANT! If it's to my advantage to move fast I will if it's to my advantage to move slow I will. Sick and tired of this PG rated bullshit where I'm responsible for giving my opponent extra chances to win the game. Put te clock back to 8 minutes then if this is a problem . Tired of this shit it's rediculas


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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by GREENERRRR Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:59 am

weasel_ wrote:I broke my huddles at 20 seconds then made my pre snap adjustments.  So I follow the new rule about not snapping ASAP by takin my time and now you make anther rule about having to snap the ball within a certain amount of time?   FUCK YOU!!!  Tired of this Mickey Mouse shit!  This game is hard I had to think about what plays to call sub guys in and out etc...  That shit takes time

We don't play 15 minute quarter games - so playing BALL CONTROL style offense is unacceptable! Our quarters are less then half of a real NFL game - therefore running 33 seconds of the clock every play is really equivalent to running well over a minute in a real game! Any person can see that as idiotic!

Bottom line - EXTREMES are Generally not SIM (and are just done to gain some sort of unfair advantage...) - Don't snap to fast (which takes considerable effort to do...) and Don't snap to slow (which also takes considerable effort!)

Sure there are going to be times when you can't snap within guidelines BUT NOT EVERY PLAY! If it happens more then 15% of time you are up to something!!!

You pride yourself on being able to make changes quickly - there is no reason why you cannot pick your play and make subs within an average of 17 seconds! Occasionally you may need more time BUT NOT OFTEN!

And don't give me this BS on "you need time to think" - we all are experienced players that know our playbook and if you need to think about the kind of play you want more then 3 seconds then this league is not for you (that leaves 17 seconds to find the play and make subs - that's plenty of time)

weasel_ wrote:Kiss my ass for trying to tell me now how to manage the clock."!!!  IM THE COACH I COACH MY TEAM HOW I WANT!  If it's to my advantage to move fast I will if it's to my advantage to move slow I will.   Sick and tired of this PG rated bullshit where I'm responsible for giving my opponent extra chances to win the game.   Put te clock back to 8 minutes then if this is a problem .   Tired of this shit it's rediculas
We have to tell you how to manage the clock because you USE EXTREMES to gain UNSIM advantage!

Your 4 minute drive is really over 9 minute drive (when you proportion our quarter length to 15 minutes!!!) - so yes that's extreme!!! And it's no problem to have a drive that long AS LONG AS YOU EARN IT BY SNAPPING WITH 10 SEC LEFT ON THE PLAYCLOCK!

And non of these rules are "PG" - on the contrary! They make the game harder (and more legit) but your not interested in that! You just want to use flaws in the game to gain advantage - and that sounds like GLITCHING to me!

below are the rules Weasel doesnt want to follow!!!

Tell me which one of these rules is NOT reasonable??? You simply look for ANGLES AROUND ALL RULES - your worse then a damn lawyer!!! Were not letting you do this!!!

Keep up this shit and see if your invited back to the league next year...


NO HUDDLE: The offense can only use NO HUDDLE as a change of pace tactic. That means no more then 15% of their play calls can be NO HUDDLE...
This rule is suspended when:
A) At the end of the first half...
B) If your losing in the 4th quarter...
C) Your down 17 points or more...

3 SECOND SNAP RULE When the offense comes to the line of scrimmage they must wait 3 seconds AFTER THE LINE IS SET before the snap the ball... (This is to ensure the Defense is able to have a reasonable amount of time to call their base play)
This rule is suspended:
A) in the last 2 minutes of a half - when offense is doing HURRY UP
B) if the offense is down 14 points or more...
C) if the offense is behind in the 4th quarter...
* there will be times when the offense doesn't call their play in time and they will have to SNAP ASAP to avoid a delay of game penalty - you can do this a handful of times each game (but this cannot be a tactic you use to circumvent the rule...)

MILIKING CLOCK RULE - aka BIGMULLET RULE: You may not milk the clock unless there is 3 minutes left in the half... Milking the clock is defined as repeatedly letting the play clock run down below 10 seconds...
* There will be times when you are indecisive or making subs and cannot snap the ball within these guidlines - AND THATS FINE IF IT HAPPENS OCCASSIONAL - it just cant be something that happens consistently... (no more then 15% of your snaps should run below the guidlines...)[/quote]
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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:08 am

As mentioned in league messages - GAP GUESS rule has been abolished for the start of season 3
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Madden 25 RULES! Empty Re: Madden 25 RULES!

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