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Trash Talking

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Trash Talking  Empty Trash Talking

Post by Child_Please4285 Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:17 pm

Ok i will open up by saying i dont want this post to start any drama just to see how people feel about it to see different opinons and how people feel about this topiic not to be cliche but if you have nothing good or insightful to say about the topic or anyone responding just dont say it

Trash talking is a delicate matter in any situation but on the internet it is usually taken to another level. Me personaly i do like to trash talk just because its fun for me and it helps get people off there game, but its something i rarlely do due to alot of guys just not likeing it which i can respect. i would like to trash talk more but alot of guys just couldnt handle some of the things i would say and im sure i would shortly be removed from the leagues. But then i got the thinking when is enough just enough, when do you go from playfully playing with someone to going completley overboard in maybe seriously upseting some one and ruining the experince of playing madden for them. Every game me and JMO play we talk trash all game long one of us could be down 10 with 1 min on the clock and still be running our mouths that they are better, thats just the relationship we have and we do that to each other. Even though i do like to trash talk the callng of names in see more and more on these forums are just taking things to a level that i think just isnt healthy for the forums, i understand that everyone is not gonna like everyone but these name calling really isnt needed and in my opinon should be taken into regards like if someone breaks a rule there should be some kinda consequenses for these actions. Now im some super sensitive kid who cant handle name calling but im a grown man who knows that you need to respect people even though you may not like them . When it all comes down to it theres a thin line between trash talking and just flat out disrespecting some one or humiliating them.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by Vista3131 Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:19 pm

Trash talk is only appropriate when you know who you opponent is and it is understood as in jest. But to do it to someone you don't know on a personal level is disrespectful.


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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:40 pm

So what BIGBUDDAH did calling everyone "lab rats" and him calling me a "bastard" is okay though? Awesome man. If you didnt want to start drama, you would not say anything. You are trying to get everyone rallied against me since now people are seeing through arrogant players like you and Buddah.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:11 am

In my opinion, if you wanna trash talk, trash talk. That's all it is. There's probably nothing anyone on these boards can really say that's gonna affect me personally. I mean when it comes down to it, madden is a video game. There are 12 year olds that could probably beat me, or even the best players on these boards. Madden has nothing to do with actual football knowledge, or actual football skill, so if at the end of the day, the worst thing that happened to me is some person on here talked trash because they blew me out in a video game...let's just say you won't find me on suicide watch afterwards. I find it fun, Jmo is the perfect example of it. He talks his trash, he's a little full of himself, but it's all good. He never gets personal, he never takes digs at people, and he never rubs it in, even when he's running up the score. Now if only he could lend his madden skills to those sorry ass real life broncos.
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by Child_Please4285 Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:59 am

JDB who said anything about you or buddah dude calm down jeez why are you always saying negative things and calling someone a lab ratisnt necessarily a bad thing depending on the context it was used im not sure how it was used i dont pay that much attention to your post oh and cheddah lol at your bronco statement

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by bigbuddah Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:17 am

i dont think i talk trash in my post game reviews i tell it like it is from my perspective and if ppl dont like it tell your side of what went down in the game. i love talkin shit its the 3rd thing i do best outside of video games. ppl are too sensative and take things out of context like its a personal jab and its nothing personal just my thoughts and how i think. if everyone knew how i think then the world would be fucked up. i dont name call if im just talkin...if anything im calling those digital guys fuckin bastards and sorry bastards and brick handed bastards and shit like that. bastard is a word i use for everyone and everything. i like trash talkin but calling ppl bitches and shit personal like that gets to far and is unecessary specially when we dont kno each other personally. i can call txboy05 a motha fucka caus i can literally say it to his face we are best friends and roommates in a few months. but for regular ppl like yall man i talk normal shit and i dont even like talk shit like i usually do its not really talkin shit at all. i dont even get on the mic no more unless its jmo or child please caus noone plays with a mic (which should be manditory specially to cut down messaging time it sucks).

as far as what i said bout ppl being lab rats obviously it was taken out of context all someone had to do was ask me to explain. when i said that i ment it as for players i kno i can beat i experiment new gameplans playbooks etc. like scientists do on lab rats..call it wat u want arrogant, cocky, self rightious it is me and im not gonna change for nobody since i dont kno yall. trash talking is healthy for competition but if your a sensative person dont respond or get mad when ppl who do trash talk say something so small turning dust into a windstorm. there are far greater things to worry bout than someone speaking their mind on a mic or in forums.

i said all this bullshit to say this.. its getting to the point where someone (I) cant say nothin on these boards or on mics caus other players lose. i already have to dial down my offense most the time caus im up by so much dont take my freedom of speech away by attacking me or anyone just for talking. be a grown up and ignore people (me) if u dont like what they (I) say plain and simple.


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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:17 am

I read your first paragraph and just stopped. Did you say you dont know me? THEN DONT CALL ME A BASTARD. You endlessly contradict yourself because you are too stupid to even realize it. Im so sensitive, but you cry about how I'm getting personal. Just because you were raised in a barn and not taught manners, doesn't mean you have the excuse to talk shit. I can tell you one thing. You "literally" would never say any of this to my face like you do Txboy, so just shut your mouth. You can joke around but when I start hurting your feelings, then I'm getting personal and WAAA WAAA WAAA. You are stupid. Thanks for confirming this. Bye

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by jmojsoski Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:50 am

"Now if only he could lend his madden skills to those sorry ass real life broncos." I wish that was possible...lol
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:00 am

Child_Please4285 wrote:not to be cliche but if you have nothing good or insightful to say about the topic or anyone responding just dont say it

once again, another topic turns into name calling and personal attacks. i'm done with this garbage...we can't even have a real discussion, jd you need some prozac or something man.
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:46 am

falconfansince81 wrote:
Child_Please4285 wrote:not to be cliche but if you have nothing good or insightful to say about the topic or anyone responding just dont say it

once again, another topic turns into name calling and personal attacks. i'm done with this garbage...we can't even have a real discussion, jd you need some prozac or something man.

See you can say stupid shit like 'JD you need prozac' but I'm the only one talking shit, right? You keep contradicting yourself too. Do you think since you are a commissioner, you are entitled to talking shit yourself?

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:52 am

lmfao! you are wound so tight...jesus dude, relax. thats the whole prozac thing...

and if you want to babysit 31 people in a league and listen to complains in your free time be my guest, and if you shit talk a good player like olebo again you can just gtfo now.
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:11 pm

falconfansince81 wrote:lmfao! you are wound so tight...jesus dude, relax. thats the whole prozac thing...

and if you want to babysit 31 people in a league and listen to complains in your free time be my guest, and if you shit talk a good player like olebo again you can just gtfo now.

Oh yeah mean Olebo, the guy who deliberately picked the team
with the first overall pick? Once again Father Time, you should probably use better examples if you are going to poorly point the finger at me. LOL it's always just a joke until you get your feelings hurt, then you wanna tell people to gtfo of your league. That's not 'childish'. I wound up so tight? Lol all my friends will tell you I'm one of the most laid back people they know. Only when I need to, I will get 'wound' up. Your attempt at portraying my life when you don't know me has miserably failed cupcake.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:52 pm

JDB721 wrote:
falconfansince81 wrote:lmfao! you are wound so tight...jesus dude, relax. thats the whole prozac thing...

and if you want to babysit 31 people in a league and listen to complains in your free time be my guest, and if you shit talk a good player like olebo again you can just gtfo now.

Oh yeah mean Olebo, the guy who deliberately picked the team
with the first overall pick? Once again Father Time, you should probably use better examples if you are going to poorly point the finger at me. LOL it's always just a joke until you get your feelings hurt, then you wanna tell people to gtfo of your league. That's not 'childish'. I wound up so tight? Lol all my friends will tell you I'm one of the most laid back people they know. Only when I need to, I will get 'wound' up. Your attempt at portraying my life when you don't know me has miserably failed cupcake.

ok chief, i see what your trying to do...and it doesn't work on me. i don't stoop low enough to start an e-fight where we can throw meaningless words around trying to antagonize someone into retaliation. HOWEVER you need to know...the vip draft class was open to everyone, i assigned olebo AND wilson their teams, i then TOLD WILSON to take carolina after he requested to be removed from olebos division. and we've since taken action in future leagues to preassign teams with no switching, so...live and learn i guess.

i'm really trying to find a solution we can both come to terms with so the good players we do have continue to post on here without you trying to twist it into a 'he flamed me' and so imma flame him back. c'mon bro, this is like some jersey shore bullshit...we're on here to play a video game. i talk to these guys like i do with you on the mic, and sometimes once you realize its just another guy (who you don't know personally which is why i never judged you or anyone else based on their madden game) it kind of builds a little tolerance and respect.

believe me, i need a LOT of tolerance with you when you send ignorant messages to olebo cause you got ripped by CJ and blame it on a draft conspiracy, you flame buddah in every post with his name in it, you call cheese every time someone jukes you (or runs around cause locomotion is broken), you call CP arrogant because he posted a poll on who the top player (who fucking cares???). i mean goddamn, i'm trying to not be biased but these guys are friends of mine whos game i respect and i just can't find a reason to see such hostility towards them, like we've talked about before sometimes the way we type things comes out more aggressive then we intend (my wound tight judgement) so i can understand some misunderstandings, but really theres no need to go that far every time those guys post something ya know?
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:13 pm

YOU SAID CHILDPLEASE WAS ARROGANT FOR POSTING THAT. NICE TRY. I dont cry when people juke me. I get pissed when they run inside out insdie out inside out all day. Thats not sim. Whatever man. If you werent trying to start conflict, you wouldnt reply with your full of shit remarks. You think because you are 29 years old, that you are some fucking genius and pro gamer. LOL Then you pretend like you weren't one of the people criticizing Child please for his post. YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE TO SAY ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT IT. Then you said, "I hope he puts it on his next job application.". Its pathetic that you want to call me out for talking shit, WHEN YOU SAY THE SAME EXACT THINGS BEHIND THE SCENE. I DIDNT NAME NAMES BECAUSE THAT DOESNT MATTER, BUT FOR YOU TO CALL ME OUT ON IT WHEN YOU WERE SAYING ALL THE SAME THINGS IS VERY HYPOCRITICAL.

I really hope you get MLB the SHOW, because i know you will quit since you havent played the game for 10 years and can't win 75 percent of your games. Then we will see who is having the tolerance. Then again, you will just come up with the excuse that baseball is boring when we all know losing isn't your strong suit either. I'm done replying to you Father Time. When you don't constantly contradict yourself, then I'll reply to you. Until then.

If I played Madden for 10 years like you, I would be good too. I know I would dominate you on MLB like you do Madden, so lets just wait until you can't win a game in MLB before you start passing judgement. You will just quit anyways or make excuses like I said.

iI'm not here to start shit with you, but when you contradict yourself, I will be telling my side of the story. Don't make me out to be something I'm not, especially when you are doing all these things behind peoples backs. Atleast I have the balls to admit what I said.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:56 pm

JDB721 wrote:YOU SAID CHILDPLEASE WAS ARROGANT FOR POSTING THAT. no i said hes confident, big difference in self assurance you should look into this.

NICE TRY. I dont cry when people juke me.

yes...you do, which is what spawned a hate message to olebo...which probably ended in an mlb threat.

If you werent trying to start conflict, you wouldnt reply with your full of shit remarks.

my replies are logical, yours sound like an angst filled rant desperately trying to defend yourself by belittling other with posts of 'the show'. if the game wasn't so boring i'd figure out how to beat it as well.

You think because you are 29 years old, that you are some fucking genius and pro gamer.

according to my iq, i am no genius but far above average...so i'd like to think i don't sound as stupid as you when i make a point, and technically yes i've been a pro gamer with a sponsor (razer, NFO gameservers). i've worked for everything i had, served 4 years in the army and paid way way through college to get where i'm at. i support myself independently and achieved success through the confidence in the decisions i make, why would i not think i'm right?

LOL Then you pretend like you weren't one of the people criticizing Child please for his post. YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE TO SAY ANYTHING TO ME ABOUT IT. Then you said, "I hope he puts it on his next job application.". Its pathetic that you want to call me out for talking shit, WHEN YOU SAY THE SAME EXACT THINGS BEHIND THE SCENE. I DIDNT NAME NAMES BECAUSE THAT DOESNT MATTER, BUT FOR YOU TO CALL ME OUT ON IT WHEN YOU WERE SAYING ALL THE SAME THINGS IS VERY HYPOCRITICAL.

i said to put it on your job application because its a joke...something you take entirely too seriously and is your only defense mechanism for being a total douchebag on the forums.

I really hope you get MLB the SHOW, because i know you will quit since you havent played the game for 10 years and can't win 75 percent of your games. Then we will see who is having the tolerance. Then again, you will just come up with the excuse that baseball is boring when we all know losing isn't your strong suit either.

the show IS boring. is fucking baseball! why in gods name would anyone sit through something they can't stand? and your right, losing isn't my strong suit...namely because it rarely happens. at least when it does i have the common decency to show respect where respect is due, rather than start a rant based on the fact i just suck at the game but would rather blame it on 'cheese'. get your stick skills up...why don't the top players every post cheese threads? hmm...

I'm done replying to you Father Time. When you don't constantly contradict yourself, then I'll reply to you. Until then.

thank god

If I played Madden for 10 years like you, I would be good too. I know I would dominate you on MLB like you do Madden, so lets just wait until you can't win a game in MLB before you start passing judgement. You will just quit anyways or make excuses like I said.

i've played madden 20 years by the way, so another bs assumption just like all your other ones. and hey, guess what?! i don't give a fuck about mlb nor does ANYONE else in relation to madden! i could shred guitar better as well, want to hold a BPM contest? lets also have a drum off and see who wins! lets go 1 on 1 on counter-strike, i'll just use a deagle and still out frag you 2-1. lets start up a game of bc2 and see who comes out on top. hell, lets have a design contest and see who has better photoshop skills! you see, its all irrelevant bullshit when you claim you can dominate someone in something they have no experience in. theres lots of things i accel in, and if i commit to it i make sure i prosper in it as well.

iI'm not here to start shit with you, but when you contradict yourself, I will be telling my side of the story. Don't make me out to be something I'm not, especially when you are doing all these things behind peoples backs. Atleast I have the balls to admit what I said.

you do that on your own...and i wouldn't call it balls more than i would ignorant, arrogant, and disrespectful. up to this point i've been the only one who even bothers to defend your point of view...whatever demented and skewed one it may be. in bold are the repeated antagonizing remarks you fill your replies with to everyone, which all look the same no matter who or what subject is at at. blah blah blah fuck you mlb the show blah blah blah. i've replied and defended my opinion, i have nothing left to say to you about this...its trivial garbage. you clearly have a lot more underlying issues than just being a new and probably soon to be retired madden player.
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:21 pm

You were just joking about Child Please? LOL Don't lie. You did not say he was confident. You said arrogant and full of himself. Pathetic you can't admit it. I won't be leaving any leagues Smile I don't need excuses like you for games I haven't spent over half my life playing.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by Rui_F Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:05 pm

Treat others as you would want to be treated. Period

When I played ball I would pop people then when the whistle blew I would extend my hand to help them up
When I was wearing the uniform and getting shot at and shooting back, when the shooting was done the same guy that was trying to kill me was the guy I was calling for a medic to try to save his life or at least make his last few minutes on this earth more comfortable.
When I see the little old lady using her turn signal to merge into traffic instead of speeding up I let her in, I might get home a little later but I hope someone would do it for me and my family.
Its a simple creed but if you apply it for most of your life one would hope you get what you deserve.

Sorry If I am off topic by bringing real life into this discussion but all the crap on these boards, and in some of my games, over the last few weeks is starting to wear me thin and making me think its just not worth being on here.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by PaPZ187 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:10 pm

Vista3131 wrote:Trash talk is only appropriate when you know who you opponent is and it is understood as in jest. But to do it to someone you don't know on a personal level is disrespectful.
I agree with Vista. Personally, with my friends I say all sorts of sh*t, but its alot diffrent when your infront of the person and you know them as oppose to on the internet and cant tell if someone is being sarcastic or not and you dont know them. I always show respect towards who I play, win or lose, most of the time lose lol and 90% of the time they show it back to me.

If you are gunna talk sh*t then and run your mouth its not the end of the world. Like Cheddah said at the end of the day its a video game and a 12 year old could probably school me in this, plus it has very little to nothing to do with real football knowledge.

In the end if what they are saying is bothering you that much, either ignore them or shut them up by beating them. Just keep it in perspective that this is a video game, and its all about having fun and being competitive.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:32 pm

JDB721 wrote:You were just joking about Child Please? LOL Don't lie. You did not say he was confident. You said arrogant and full of himself. Pathetic you can't admit it. I won't be leaving any leagues Smile I don't need excuses like you for games I haven't spent over half my life playing.

i'm not going to admit to something i never said, and as CP and everyone else knows i have nothing but respect for the guy as hes one of my favorite people to play. i said YOU SHOULD PUT ON YOUR RESUME, not him. YOU SHOULD put all your mlb the show merits that nobody gives a shit about on your resume, since its pretty obvious you have nothing better to do with your time. YOUR the one who calls him arrogant, so don't twist my words around you spineless fuck. lets talk about what we've said in the past about CP shall we?

you: "Well maybe if the self-proclaimed best player didnt make the post, it would be different. Rubs people the wrong way. Instead of looking like a tool, even if you are the best, you could have put some people ahead of you as a sign of respect. You end up looking like a real d bag making a "best player" thread. Of course, I'm just making it up that you off as a d-bag, everybody loves you and this topic."

me: "i voted for childplease as well, just cause i think hes the best on both sides of the ball."

you: "LMAO I have no motive to lie about what people have said about you. Have fun pretending everyone likes your arrogant ass. I'll enjoy baseball. Just like I enjoy madden. I'm not scared to lose like you. "

in relation to buddah...

me: "everyones gets in that slump sometimes tho, usually i just take a break from madden for a day or two and it helps me focus again."

you: "BigBuddah, I doubt you can even read. I feel sorry for you. Madden is your whole life and knowing english is on the backburner. It's funny how you referred to pussy juice last night yet you never get any."

i can go on and on and on and on...and you know what? i must be arrogant too cause i think i can beat anyone in madden. i guess your arrogant in the show since its the only thing you appear to be 'good' at...by posting a random ss from some random game. nobody cares, this is madden...not baseball. cp knows where we stand, and he knows exactly how i feel about him. i've told him his user catching pisses me off to know end but hes damn good at it, i gotta step my game up to defend it. i've told him i think hes probably the best player around, not to discredit anyone else. all you do is try to start shit with everyone in the leagues...your like a virus...nobody wants you around yet you continue to plague every post where you can chime in with some negative shit talk.

tell you what, from now on i'm just going to delete every ridiculous thing you say that disrespects any madden group member. you can cry to greener about it, i'd rather leave than have to hear one more word of ignorance come out of your mouth.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:39 pm

Yeah I agree, but most of this steemed from BigBuddah knowingly breaking the rules by INSIDE OUT RETURNING A KICKOFF for TD then lying about. I was playing pretty well. He won like 55-38.

Then he comes on here and posts that he is letting people stay in the game because he's so good and is bored of playing the same defensive plays. He begins to call his most recent opponents his "lab rats" that he just toys with. If I've ever clashed with a certain type of person, would most certainly be the arrogant ones. I had enough of his douche bag antics, so yeah I got personal with the guy. To pretend like he didn't also, would be idiotic. It's really not my fault, he has the reading level of a four year old and he displays it time and time again in every journal. Swallowing my pride for arrogance isn't about to happen, when all the guy can brag about is madden "skillz".

To top it off, BigBuddah told me to go cry on my soap box and to quit madden if I was going to cry. A few days later, Falcons rapes him in the conference championship. What does Buddah do? Writes out a post crying about how Falcons beat him and used cheap tactics. The guy is a walking contradiction, and quite honestly I'm tired of using the word contradiction when describing him. I didn't get jealous of his madden "skillz" and start hating him for no reason. There were tons of legitimacy behind my reasoning, even if the Falcons and CPs of the world want to twist it their way.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:45 pm

Falcons, looks like somebody else is mad now. Funny how the tide changes once you know I'm telling the truth about you bad mouthing Child Please. I didn't twist shit. It was pretty straight forward what you said. I never even said you were complaining about CP's madden game or the way he plays. I said you talked shit about him posting himself as the best overall player. For a person with an "above-average" IQ, you sure are missing the point. Purposely I would presume.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:58 pm

The "Me" you are portraying yourself as on the forums isn't the same person you are behind the scenes. You said these things on the forums. You are a commissioner. Who in your shoes would say anything different than what you said? Nobody, Being the "good guy" or "bigger man" is easy when everybody is reading. What happens when you are really telling how you feel? Different. Very easy to be politically correct on the internet. I need to find one of your bordered pictures about "internet good guys" who the best at everything on the internet. Atleast I'm sticking to my guns unlike you. It must really eat you up that a 21 year old "kid" is more loyal to his word than some 30 year old man.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:05 pm

your not sticking to anything, you've proved nothing and constantly talk out your ass. THATS what pisses me off...cowards like yourself who hide behind the monitor. i've been civil until this point, but your just reaching so far to the point of blatant lying. i've talked to you once about buddah, and never said one bad thing about him or child please...meanwhile your running your mouth all over this place. i post quotes and evidence, you make shit up.
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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by JDB721 Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:13 pm

I didn't record your voice, because I'm not some paranoid ass hat. Okay? You said it. I can't show quotes. I openly admit I talked shit about both of them. I'm not disclaiming that moron. I'm not hiding behind shit by the way. If you want my address since you are such a hard ass yourself, you can have it. I'll be glad to say this ALL TO YOUR FACE. Want my address tough guy? PM ME. I'm sure since you are so successful, you can buy a plane ticket and do something about it.

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Trash Talking  Empty Re: Trash Talking

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:27 pm

so be throwing your little hissy fits and trying to start shit with everyone else must be your sole purpose of being here. i never talked bad on anyone here, EVER. escpecially guys i've know for 2 years and play with regularly, theres NO reason to. your the ONLY one that me, or anyone else had EVER has a problem with on a personal level. coincidence? no, your just a little asshole. deathwish had the SAME problems with you, and its no wonder he doesn't want you in his leagues. i gave you a chance tho, and here you are calling me a moron just like you do to everyone else...and for and saying i talk shit on people trying to take me down a notch...thats the shit that really pisses me off, i fucking hate liars.

you can say all the shit that you want, i've talked to you ONE time about buddah IOR'ing on you and said i'd talk to him about it. but what do you do? make another shit talking post. i labbed with you ONE game where we talked ONLY about madden, half the time you were drifting off into some rant cause your too high to even pay attention to what the fuck is going on. i suggest you get your shit together, get and education and grow the fuck up. everyone knows you've got all kinda of problems, far deeper than a minor self esteem issue over a video game. 200 other people manage to get along just fine...you for some reason just have to antagonize everyone.
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