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Accel Clock

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Accel Clock Empty Accel Clock

Post by Deathwish22 Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:09 am

I know this is a non winning argument...but something needs to be said. Now I'm in no way disagreeing with the commish (Greener)...but i just wanted to point something out. This franchise is a super heavy pass oriented franchise minus a few key players. With that being said...did any of you guys happen to look at the stats from this past season before we advanced to Season 3? Almost every single NFL record was shattered...scoring in most of the games was through the roof (40+ points in over 70% of the games). There is no way these stats can be considered "sim" football. The accel clock will prevent a lot of this...and it's especially BS without the accel clock on when you're playing an opponent who is down by a couple scores on you...and he makes his play calling within the first 3 seconds of the play calling screen and hikes the ball before the 40 second play clock even reaches 30 seconds. Something has to be changed...I've had a few games last almost and hour and a half because my opponent will only pass...and not completing a few passes a drive means the clock isn't running at all...and back to my point of the turbo fast play calling screen selection and hiking the ball with 33 seconds left on the play clock (which never ever happens in the NFL...even with Peyton Manning and his no huddle offense). I find myself staring at the playcalling calling screen sometimes for 15 to 20 seconds just watching the clock run down. That is a complete waste of time...the accel clock has been fixed and improved this season and will never give you less than 20 seconds once you select your play and your team lines up at the line of scrimmage. Can we please consider turning it on? Also...I've noticed (I'm a heavy runner) that because of the super long quarters that my RB Gore will sit out whole entire drives...that is not like the NFL at all...and I never give him the ball more than 25 times a game. There is no reason my backup should be receiving 15 carries as well. Look..I'm just trying to keep guys interested. I'm not trying to start a huge fight or anything like that. Just please consider. Greener you've been playing amazing in my league with the accel clock on and it hasn't affected your gameplay at all...if anything it has helped you with ball control (clock control) because you're a heavy runner as well. You want true sim football? You need the accel clock on...because this is a video game....no matter how much you want this game to be like real life NFL football...it never will be like that without the accel clock on. Just look at the stats. If that doesn't proove my point...Then consider this post null.

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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by G-Villa809 Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:46 pm

I would love to have the accel clock activated it would def help us players that run and pass when needed and not 90%pass and 10% run .I totally agree with DW on this because i for one have also experienced this method of play against me from some guys who are good but abuse and manipulate the sim rules.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Deathwish22 Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:30 pm

My point in case. Look at the stats to mine and Iivan18's game we just played an hour ago. Total shootout. 59-52...111 points scored total...ridiculous...He did nothing wrong...and neither one of us were purposely running up the score...but once again...when a player gets down he selects plays within the first 5 seconds of the playcalling screen...and no time gets taken off the clock. I was up 28-10 at one point...We both ran the ball over 40 total times...my qb threw for 490 yards and his did the same. Greener...please read this...you have to turn on the accel clock. These games aren't realistic at all...We had over 1200 yards of total offense combined....and I was even letting the play clock run down 15 seconds before selecting my next play (while letting the clock run). Bros...if you're reading this...please respond with your thoughts. The same goes for EZweightloss's league. I got yelled at for putting up 72 points in a game against the cpu when I supersimmed more than 75 percent of the game. The cpu actually threw 4 touchdown passes for me...and Chris Johnson broke 3 runs for over 75 yards for touchdowns. What am I supposed to do...just run the ball out of bounds and kick a field goal??? How is that fair??? I even kicked 3 field goals on my last 3 drives because I knew I would get shit for the score. The answer is: No...it's because there isn't enough clock running off between each play...even when the CPU has the ball. That stats are right there. Look at them compared to my franchise. You tell me which one is truly "sim" football. Please consider...mine and Iivan's game took over 1 hour and 15 minutes to play...and that was purposely letting the clock run down on my side. Something has to change.

Last edited by Deathwish22 on Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by surfnturf90 Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:40 pm

i personally like having it turned off, but it's not a huge deal to me either way. maybe turn down quarter length?


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by jmojsoski Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:47 pm

Please turn on the accel clock.. Here's my facts, season 2 stats for Philip rivers.. 6400 yards passing 63td pass... With the accel off, pass heavy offesense amount ridiculous stats.. In deathwish and VIP league my qb's have yet to pass the 43td mark.. These stats are out of control.. I can go on and on about the matter, but I will say one thing, I become more and more hesitant to play these games because they just take the fun out if it...
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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by iivan18 Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:49 pm

yea acc clock needs 2 b turned on i nv throw 41 pass attmpts in a game im more of a balance or running type of person but 450 + yrds 4 both teams is in 1 game unrealistic 150+ running 4 both same


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Accel Clock Empty I agree

Post by mblammers Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:55 pm

I am actually surprised to say I agree with DW. I always thought I was a proponent of NO accel clock b/c ideally, I want to be a ground and pound type player.
However, after my game last night in greenerrrs league, I have changed my mind.
Now, you have to realize this is coming from the perspective of one of the lesser skilled guys in the leagues. So take it for what it is worth. (I'm working on improving my skills - give me some time).
Anyway, speaking from experience, I know what it is like to get beat, and beat bad. I can take an ass-whupping with the best of them. However, with the accel clock OFF, the already painful experience turns into pure hell.
I was playing Made2shyne last night and due to some good play on his part, some bad play on mine, and some very bad bounces, I found myself down BIG early. Of course I start throwing, he doesn't stop throwing, and the game DRAGS on for WAY too eff-ing long.
At one point I accuse him of running up the score, and I honestly think he was, BUT HERE's the thing... He claimed that he had to throw one last touchdown on me b/c the game wasn't out of reach yet. Even though at the time I disagreed, with the accel clock off, and rubberband AI, he might have had a point!
When someone is up 38-14 in the 4th quarter, they shouldn't have to be worried about a comeback happening. But with the accel clock off, you DO!
Even though it REALLY pissed me off, the truth is I WAS still trying to stage a miracle comeback.

So, besides my issues with Made2shyne, the point is this:
Accel clock off = UNSIM stats and game situations, and for us lower tiered players, it contributes to uncomfortably long blow-outs.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:00 pm

I feel similar to surf. I like having an entire playclock to figure out select the exact play I like, figure out hot reads at the LOS, and motion receivers were I want them etc. I know a lot of guys say you can do that with the accel clock on but I can't. For whatever reason it fucks me up. I also enjoy the longer games. I enjoy getting more than 1 or 2 possessions per qtr. It suits my play style because I get to make adjustments (which are my strong suit) without having to go into panic mode bc it's getting late. I HATE how in accel clock leagues the clock is burned when I don't want it to be. In real life, if we needed to save time we'd call 2 or 3 plays in a huddle, so the next huddle would be MUCH quicker than normal if we didn't go no-huddle. On here it HAS to be a no huddle if you don't want the clock burning which some people consider cheesy.

That being said, I also enjoy the benefits of the accel clock. Fatigue is MUCH more realistic with it on. Just like DW I've had entire series' where my starting RB doesn't play. Unreal. If people played more balanced games then it wouldn't be an issue. But theres maybe 15 guys I've played that run it with regularity and the rest pass and run draws from time to time. I'm not faulting them bc I believe in taking what the D gives you, but I also see what DW says. I personally think it doesn't ALWAYS make for a shootout, bc sometimes it makes for a blowout turnover fest, but in the games where either both are really good passers, or neither are particularly good at D (or any similar combo) games can become shootouts, which is insane.

All in all, I really like longer games, and the only issue I really like about accel clock on is the fatigue. So I'd suggest longer qtrs with accel on...but I'm sure NO ONE will feel me on that lol.
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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by ezweightloss Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:10 pm

i dont have the patience to sit and stare at the play calling screen for 15 seconds so i just snap the ball with 30-35 seconds left on the play clock. i think in my last game with greener in greener 2 i had the ball for like a total of 5 mins and greener had it for like 20. its kinda stupid. this is y i am implementing accel clock in my league.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by schloer87 Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:33 pm

def wouldnt mind having the accel clock on. games are way to long without it


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by surfnturf90 Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:43 pm

ezweightloss wrote:i dont have the patience to sit and stare at the play calling screen for 15 seconds so i just snap the ball with 30-35 seconds left on the play clock. i think in my last game with greener in greener 2 i had the ball for like a total of 5 mins and greener had it for like 20. its kinda stupid. this is y i am implementing accel clock in my league.

yeah ez, our game we just played changed my mind on this, there was way to much sitting and staring at the playclock waiting for it to run down, mostly by me cause I'm scared to run any offense ha. I think I'm going to put it on in my league too.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by duqsidebooger Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:55 pm

i like accel clock on but i dont have much of an argument besides when im in the lead and running clock i hate waiting 40 seconds in between plays to call hut, and im sure my opponents do too becuz i get alot of conciedes at the end even if the lead isnt very large

edit: it dont matter much to me tho


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by GREENERRRR Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:53 pm

i despise the accel clock - all i have is 20 seconds (at the most) for my players to leave the huddle - get to the LOS (that takes 5 seconds) - bnow we are down to 15... Thna i cycle through my players - motion a WR - IF I WANT TO MAKE A SUBSEQUENT AUDIBLE AND PRESNAP READ BASED ON THE DEFENSE ACTION TO MY MOTION - i am 100% screwed - there is not enough timne to do this -

in accel clock lgs - I NEVER GET TO USE MY TIME OUTS IN THE 2 MINUTE OFFENSE (statgically stopping the clock)_ - BECAUSE I HAVE TO WASTE on plays where my presnap reads take longer than i anticipated...

Sorry fellow - only thing worse than the accel clock is FIGHT OF RTHE FUMBLE - if u want a shorter game - WHY NOT JUST SHORTNE THE QUARTERS...

I would be willing to meet my members concerns on this hafway and reduce the quarter length to 7 minutes (and thats the setting in GRNR2) - seems to be ok...
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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:04 pm

That's cool with me. Either shorter qtr lengths no accel or longer qtr lengths w/ accel. I don't mind either way.
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Accel Clock Empty yeah i agree

Post by saastar Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:43 am

i say if green dont want to change the accelerated clock i say then we take the games down to like 7 mins or maybe 6.. bc the game does seem to drag on alittle bit...

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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by huffinator Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:18 pm

I'm pro accel clock. The only cons that I see from it is that if you run down the play clock to 20 seconds, and then select your play, each play could basically run 1 minute off the game clock, instead of 40 seconds per play. This is critical at the end of the game.

I do like it though because I always get screwed by a couple of defensive injuries that give the opposing team basically free timeouts. It never fails that I'm up by a touchdown with 5 mins in the 4th qtr, I run the ball effectively and then someone not even in the play, gets hurt on defense or offense. And its not even serious injuries and the players will be back in the game in just a couple of plays... Anybody else ever have this happen? Which results in giving the defense enough time to make the game winning drive.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Deathwish22 Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:54 am

GREENERRRR wrote:i despise the accel clock - all i have is 20 seconds (at the most) for my players to leave the huddle - get to the LOS (that takes 5 seconds) - bnow we are down to 15... Thna i cycle through my players - motion a WR - IF I WANT TO MAKE A SUBSEQUENT AUDIBLE AND PRESNAP READ BASED ON THE DEFENSE ACTION TO MY MOTION - i am 100% screwed - there is not enough timne to do this -

in accel clock lgs - I NEVER GET TO USE MY TIME OUTS IN THE 2 MINUTE OFFENSE (statgically stopping the clock)_ - BECAUSE I HAVE TO WASTE on plays where my presnap reads take longer than i anticipated...

Sorry fellow - only thing worse than the accel clock is FIGHT OF RTHE FUMBLE - if u want a shorter game - WHY NOT JUST SHORTNE THE QUARTERS...

I would be willing to meet my members concerns on this hafway and reduce the quarter length to 7 minutes (and thats the setting in GRNR2) - seems to be ok...

Greener...you need to turn the ACCEL CLOCK ON...but if you're not willing to do that...I agree with you changing the minutes down from 8 to 7 or even hopefully 6. 7 minutes is still way too long...just ask EZ. He was having the same problem with padded stats in his league at 7 minutes...the accel clock is the only thing that will fix this. But still bro...Green, you're pretty much the only one who wants it off. At least consider that...and you've played fine with it on in my franchise...and you don't even use it. You let the clock run down to 20 seconds (in spite of the accel clock) in my league everytime. Why not just turn it on in your league...so the rest of us don't have to deal with the punishment of staring at the playclock for 15-20 seconds before selecting a play? It seriously makes your games very boring and time consuming to play when they don't have to be. Plus...I don't want to get yelled at anymore for putting up 40+ points every game if not more and having a ridiculous amount of unrealistic stats for my squad. You've always promoted this network as "real sim football" but without the accel clock on...you're not even coming close to that.

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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:12 am

DW, I was for the accel clock until I heard about the glitch. I don't think it should be used anymore, or if we do use it, we gotta have longer qtr lengths to compensate for the glitch. Just my opinion though
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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by surfnturf90 Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:26 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:DW, I was for the accel clock until I heard about the glitch. I don't think it should be used anymore, or if we do use it, we gotta have longer qtr lengths to compensate for the glitch. Just my opinion though

I don't think the glitch is as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Being able to call a play and snap the ball, while running off only 10 seconds of the play clock is just as unrealistic, and that can easily be done with the accel clock off.

I still don't have a strong opinion either way, but I don't want everyone to overreact to this "glitch" thing. You gotta remember its Madden, there are "glitches" everywhere.


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Accel Clock Empty Late to the discussion....

Post by Fr8trainShane Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:23 pm

But being an opinionated person I figure I'll chime in.

Personally I prefer the Accel Clock be off. I play more of a balanced game or run game strategy. However, listening to the arguments about why its NOT sim to have the Accel clock off, I think perhaps you need to look more at your play style.

The reason why most teams feel that the Accel clock more simulates is because you are, in most cases, way way way pass heavy in your game play. Look at some of your box scores, if your pass:run ratio is higher than 65%, then you better have Peyton Manning, Tom Brady or Phillip Rivers as your QB. If you don't, then you just aren't being realistic in your game. NFL Teams run the ball consistently (with the exception of those 3 teams). However, Madden players (especially online games) tend to pass 2-3x as much as a real NFL team.

So its not the Accel clock that makes the game SIM, its that your playcalling isn't even close to SIM.

I don't care either way, I will play with it or without it.... but I think without it, you can read defenses, audible, motion, and you have a much more realistic game.


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by schloer87 Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:08 pm

def didnt see this post before making my other one. seems like majority agrees. shorter quarters would work also but something has to be done


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Bigmullet Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:57 am

My franchise has always been and always will be accelerated clock, way more sim type style


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

Post by Bigmullet Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:59 am

If you noticed check out my league, every gm, every year for the most part are definitely more sim scores, definitely lower scores, might be a shootout once a week or 1 in 3 weeks, which is more sim like style


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Accel Clock Empty Re: Accel Clock

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