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My thoughts....

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Post by Deathwish22 Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:18 am

Since I'm not allowed to defend my franchise and the existence of the MG group under general discussion without all of my comments and views being deleted. I will post them here. Bros, if you haven't seen it yet. MLB THE SHOW is being promoted on these MG forurms. What certain people don't understand is that the promotion of this game (The Show) and actual release of MLB THE SHOW will probably be the end of these franchises and this group...just as it was last year. I defended myself and Cheddah saying to stop the promotion of the MLB THE SHOW on these forums because it is only going to draw away more attention from these franchises that are already dying and will only be adding more water to the ship that is already sinking. All of my replys and views were deleted because I offended the person that originally made the post. In an easier way to view things I have come up with this:

If you lived in a small town (MG Group) that only had a Burger King (Madden) as their only restaurant in town...and everyone in that town loved BK (Madden) and would eat their delicious Whoppers there every night of the week (this was a fat town)...and THEN one day city council of this small town announced that they were letting a McDonalds Franchise (The Show) open up in town right across the street from the Burger King (Madden) and gave them all the rights to hang billboards (MG posts) and send out coupons in the mail (ps3 messages) to everyone in the town (The MG) promoting the new tasty burgers at McDonalds and how much cheaper the value meals will be at this new restaurant. Now keep in mind BK (Madden) and McDonalds (The Show) are 2 completely seperate resturants (games) but they are both fast food restaurants (sports games) that serve juicy burgers. Do you seriously think the people in the small town (MG Group) are not going to go across the street from the BK (Madden) and try one of these new delicious burgers from McDonalds (The Show) and use their coupons (ps3 messages) after seeing all the billboards (posts) and coupons (ps3 messages) even though they know that BK (Madden) serves the best burgers in town and has had a great reputation with the small town (MG Group). Wouldn't BK (Madden) be upset for the town allowing this McDonalds (The Show) to open up across the street? Also knowing that BK's (Madden) coupons will soon be expiring (Super Bowl) right when the McDonalds (The Show) opens up across the street and the fact that they know this will be potentially closing their restaurant permanently only to move to another town? I do believe so. So why would the town council be doing this to Burger King (Madden)???

I apologize for the references to fast food....but that was the simplest way to describe how i feel about what is going on with this MG forum right now...and the fact that all my messages got deleted for me defending my franchise and saying to stop promoting the show on this website...just pissed me off. I would just like all of you to know...that I have 100% all intentions to get this franchise to Season 10. We are about half way there. I'm a general, I won't stop until I'm the last one standing.

That is my point. So what do we do? Move to a different forum (XF) where even the thought of THE SHOW there would never even be posted or promoted. I seriously doubt Vince will be doing an Extreme Baseball site. Cheddah and I run the best 2 franchises in this forum...doubt me? Just look at how active our forums are compared to the rest of the franchises in this forum. What do we do? Hang it up now and start playing MLB THE SHOW 10 to practice a month ahead of time before MLB THE SHOW 11 is released? I think not. I would love to hear your opinions. What do you think about all of this? But just to let you know...if you disagree with me or offend me I will be deleting your posts immediately. (J/K!)

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Post by mblammers Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:35 am

1. I don't give an eff about the show. I would prefer not to read about it here, but regardless I'll be playing madden in yours and cheddah's franchise obsessively at least until the snow melts and I can golf

2. Your extended fast food metaphor made me never want to eat at either place ever again


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Post by jmojsoski Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:48 am

DW, maybe you can do a tally of votes right here on send PSN messages , ask guys who will purchase the show, this information will give you a head count of those interested in the show, and when the show comes out and there activity goes down, you can replace them..

I will start first,
I am not buying the SHow
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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:13 pm

I completely support what DW is saying here. I also commented on that post. Unfortunately the topic maker is just a kid, and although no one really said anything mean to the kid or anything disrespectful, we were told we can't talk about it anymore.

I'll say this, I am going to get the show at some point (maybe not at release) but Madden won't see an impact in terms of my playing time. Games I don't have a committment with (like COD and NBA2K11) will just see less playing time.

P.S- DW awesome analogy. But now I'm angry AND hungry lol.
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Post by falconfansince81 Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:28 pm

i don't really care, because like cheddah said i'll cut time out of my other games if i want to play it. i've never even played the show, but wanted to last year and never got the chance. that doesn't mean i'll be dropping dw and chz league...cause they will be around all 10 seasons. some of the other less active ones may fall, and thats expected as football season ends...but again, the community we have here is a lot stronger than someone promoting a baseball game. i wouldn't sweat it dw, hes just excited about the game and went a little overboard...didn't meant to diss anyone.
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Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:21 pm

I personally will be buying the show possibly at the release but that will just mean the end of my NBA 2k11 playing. I won't even be playing in an online lg on the show so it time will probably be limited
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Post by ezweightloss Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:33 pm

i've never been good at baseball in real life therefore not giving me much interest in baseball video games. i haven't purchased one since back when i had a ps2. i see the messages and posts but i never look at them or read them. i know i'm not getting the show so why would i waste my time reading it. but it's w/e i think FF has a good point in saying he was just getting excited but didn't mean to diss anyone..


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Post by surfnturf90 Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:55 pm

I won't be getting The Show.

And yeah, I have talked to t-man a bunch about trades and stuff, and I talked to him for a while last night after he sent out the message saying he was leaving the leagues. He is a really nice guy, he just felt like people were attacking him and didn't want him to be part of the group anymore. Obviously that's not the case and I told him that, I think he was just frustrated last night.


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My thoughts.... Empty Re: My thoughts....

Post by Fr8trainShane Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:34 pm

Obviously since I was the one that started the fire Smile I won't be playing the Show.
I feel bad that T-man felt attacked, which certainly wasn't the case... but I, like most of you, don't want to see this play struggle because we are pulling people to another game. He just couldn't see that.

I'll do, and go where ever, as I agree Cheddah and DWs leagues are by far the most fun. I have no intentions of leaving until I have a 3-pete Superbowl run in both franchises during the same time period.... Smile (ie never)


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Post by phantomshark Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:34 pm

I'm getting the Show, and I may try an online league (I couldn't play online with the Show 10 because even a little lag made it impossible to hit the ball), but it won't affect my Madden playing. I don't leave leagues that I join, but I assume at least a couple of the ones I am in will die (there's 2 already that are starting their slow demise).


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Post by phantomshark Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:40 pm

Oh, and BTW, I do not think that posting an promo here for a Show league run by the same group is at all bad. People are going to get the Show or not, play the leagues or not. The message just directs them to stay in the family. I hope that they will post stuff on The Show site promoing the MG also, for people who find it through a different source. I.E. 'We still have Madden leagues going strong, need a replacement owner or 2, check it out'. When I owned an ice cream store, the pizza place across the street from us used to leave their coupons on our counter and we used to leave ours on theirs, and it benefited both of us.


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Post by bjcole26 Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:40 pm

My thoughts.... Fassler_Flav_1-26_B_post

Is this a good picture for DW analogy.

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Post by Fr8trainShane Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:41 pm

This whole Idea that its a "sister league" or a part of the family is just completely wrong.

If anything the Show is a ex-boyfriend that is trying to steal back your girlfriend.... its certainly not a hot girl that is trying to have a 3-some with you and your girlfriend....


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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:58 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:This whole Idea that its a "sister league" or a part of the family is just completely wrong.

If anything the Show is a ex-boyfriend that is trying to steal back your girlfriend.... its certainly not a hot girl that is trying to have a 3-some with you and your girlfriend....

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Post by Deathwish22 Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:36 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:This whole Idea that its a "sister league" or a part of the family is just completely wrong.

If anything the Show is a ex-boyfriend that is trying to steal back your girlfriend.... its certainly not a hot girl that is trying to have a 3-some with you and your girlfriend....

I just about pissed myself laughing with that comment. I apologize for the lame analogy to fast food restaurants...but I truthfully feel that is excactly what is going on here. I'm here to stay...I know Cheddah's franchise is too. The thing that pissed me off though...is the fact that I never slammed the kid and never told him to leave. All I did was voice my opinion and boom...all my shit gets deleted because it offended him. Grow up bro. I don't care what age you are. If you come on here promoting a different game and trying to pull people away from what I've worked so hard to achieve this year...I'm gonna bite back. End of story. No hard feelings.

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Post by Deathwish22 Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:37 pm

jmojsoski wrote:DW, maybe you can do a tally of votes right here on send PSN messages , ask guys who will purchase the show, this information will give you a head count of those interested in the show, and when the show comes out and there activity goes down, you can replace them..

I will start first,
I am not buying the SHow

I can tell you this. Whenever anyone's activity goes down...no matter how long you've been in this franchise...and you're playing the show and ignoring your opponents from Madden you will be removed. Cut and dry. No questions asked.

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Post by Deathwish22 Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:48 pm

falconfansince81 wrote:i don't really care, because like cheddah said i'll cut time out of my other games if i want to play it. i've never even played the show, but wanted to last year and never got the chance. that doesn't mean i'll be dropping dw and chz league...cause they will be around all 10 seasons. some of the other less active ones may fall, and thats expected as football season ends...but again, the community we have here is a lot stronger than someone promoting a baseball game. i wouldn't sweat it dw, hes just excited about the game and went a little overboard...didn't meant to diss anyone.

Falcon...I couldn't agree with you more. I plan on possibly purchasing The Show somewhere down the line...but it won't replace my Madden play or focus on my franchise. I will just play it to replace my Rock Band 3 time or all the extra time I have sitting and staring at the four walls of my hotel room (I travel constantly)...I really don't think I will even play the game online. I will probably do what Bill said and just play an offline franchise by myself. All that we can do for now...is keep moving. We are about a week away from Season 5. The DW franchise is almost a whole year ahead of everyone else and we haven't even had a single extension this season (which is pretty damn impressive). Cheddah is also doing a wonderful job as commish and his league is soon going to catch up to mine in total posts on this forum....which I will gladly let his franchise take the reigns as most popular on this forum because he devotes all the time and effort into his franchise that I wish all the other guys (commissioners) would put forth. I'm sorry...but if Greener is truthfully telling this kid to promote The Show...then Greener's interests are elsewhere...because he's just not viewing this topic like the rest of us are. Guys are going to do whatever they want....and who knows...we might not even make it to March...I know what happens once the Super Bowl ends. All of our motivation to play might completely die out. But those are all unknowns for now...all I'm focused on...is being able to say we finally had a franchise make the 10 seasons. Last year the longest running franchise in this network only made it to Season 4. Only time will tell.

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Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:56 pm

Season 5 will see the rise of the Saints from the Louisiana Bayou......stay tuned
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Post by GREENERRRR Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:01 pm

Lets get this straight - so there is no doubt aboiut this!!!

I am 100% committed to the Madden Group and will continue to do everything i can to see it flourish and grow!!!!

I was not tryn to "muzzle" deathwish or any1 by erasing his posts in general discussion - I was just tryn to spare a kids HURT FEELINGS - (and btw - it was suggested by 1 of your biggest advocates on this topic to erase the posts - and i think it was the right decision - nothing was served by comparing the kid to sickstick)

Sedcondly their are enormous synergies of the 2 groups working together and cross promoting membership! I have made a direct rule - and its clear as day - No person is allowed to hjoin MLBTHSG if the quit MG lgs!!! or if they have more than 2 consective SIM gms in the MG - they will instantly be removed form MLBTSG! The MLBSG has 270+ members to start the spring with - We are going to recruit in numerous spots and increase this number... In late July - early August we will promote MG to the membership at MLBTSG (and hold them to the same committement standards of finishing LGs at MLBTSG when Madden is released) but the result will be an enormous group of people that will have enjoyed or MLBTSG LGs - and want to continue the experience in the MG ultimately giving us more legit players in the MG! Its always better to work together - where we have failed in the past (through inexperience) - is not having a set plan and policy to deal with potential deserters form one group to another - this policy is simple - it will not be tolerated in any way...

I have worked as hard as any1 to see that the MG will be a success - And the fact of the matter is i spread myself a lil thin helping all the LGs in the MG and sometimes my LG suffers - but it always has a full membership base - and the playing % is great - it just takes 3 days to get things done - whcih is disappointing but is ok... We may or may not get to season 10 but as long as DW lg gets to season 10 - thats a success for us all at the MG!)

I am not sure what else i can do to put your minds at ease - but know this - DEATHIWISH LG STARTED WITH 32 GUYS - IT WILL END IN SEASON 10 WITH 32 GUYS - regardless of what happens in MLBTSG and i am 100% committed to help make this happen...
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Post by bjcole26 Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:28 pm

I am committed to playing in Madden Group long term for sure... I am also going to join Greenerrrs baseball league.. I am not looking to drop any leagues to play baseball and if anything i will be playing less fantasy baseball.

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Post by Fr8trainShane Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:20 pm

I was the one who suggested that they delete the posts after they made the new section for the show, simply because at that point it was dealt with.

btw Greener... Much better read bro... I love the bold instead of the caps.....so much easier on the eyes.


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Post by Dlew16 Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:12 pm



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Post by ezweightloss Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:16 pm

Fr8trainShane wrote:btw Greener... Much better read bro... I love the bold instead of the caps.....so much easier on the eyes.

funny but true. haha


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Post by Deathwish22 Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:50 pm



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Post by Child_Please4285 Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:43 pm

i will get the show probably not at release no i won't be playing online it BLOWS!!!! you kno how fustrating it is kicking a laggy FG imagine trying to hit a baseball every game ive ever played of the show online blows not my internet ive played it over friends houses also the servers just blow sad cause it's a really good game

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