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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by GREENERRRR Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:42 am

As expected (based upon community feed back) - 3 of the 5 rule suggestion were easily passed in the latest Governing Council Rule Meeting...

The rules that are on the books are:

29) QB are PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 3 yards outside of the pocket in plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket...

note: The lateral movement does not apply to ADHOC QB scrambles...

30) The Inside out Kick Return is BANNED!

Discription of the Iniside Out Kick Return (IOR):
The returner angles away from his called sdeline return for the 1st dozen steps (towards the middle of the field) -THE RETURNER THAN REVERSES HIS FIELD AND RUNS PARALLELL TO THE LINE OF SCRIMAGE to the out-side (sometimes slightly backwards) FOR 6-8 STEPS - for whatever reason the AI of the coverage team - runs with an angle of pursuit to attack his initial first 12 steps (because he does such an abrupt change to his return angle, all the coverage guys are not in place to make a play) This gives sometimes a CLEAR PATH to the end zone - due to the clear breakdown in discipline by the coverage team...

31) The Only player you can control on a Kick return is the RETURNER

These rules are IMMEDIately in effect... THE SHOULD NOT COME AS A SURPRISE TO ANY1 WHO USES THESE TACTICS... guys have been politely warning players about the PROBABLE creation of these rules - NOW - when proof (video evidence) is provided of these transgressions - SANCTIONS OF SOME TYPE WILL FOLLOW...

note - if players ATTEMPT to do the IOR and are unsuccessful - i sguggest you save the footage anyways - béc when they are successful, the only part of the video you can see in the RECAP VIDEO VAULT is the KR running untouched into the endzone (the entire dynamic of what make the IOR illegal is NÉA due to the LENGTH of the play)
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:48 pm

Have we come up with a way to penalize the players who break these rules?
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:20 pm

i agree we need some repercussions with these, so here are my suggestions:

• if a user violates the rule to where you feel its very obvious, offer a warning by simply typing "29" in a message to make it quick (refers to rule no.)
• enforce rule on the 3rd offense in the game
• user in violation will be penalized the same way intentional grounding is enforced, so essentially on the next play he must snap the ball and throw it away immediately.
• if a touchdown is scored, user must immediately punt the ball his next two possessions.
• if it is reported the same user is violating the rule in a second game he is banned from the league.

• if the player feels his opp tried but failed to perform the glitch, he can offer a warning by simply typing "30" in a message
• if the opponent attempts the same style of return the below penalties are enforced:
* a return past the 20 will result in the user in violation taking an intentional grounding penalty
* if a touchdown is scored the user in violation will immediately punt his next two possessions
• if it is reported the same user is violating the rule in a second game he is banned from the league.

• this is too easy, just stay on your returner and look for a seam.
• if a user violates the rule to where you feel you are being cheated message "31" to your opponent, he will get 1 warning.
• if he tries this a second time he obviously has no respect for the rules, no matter what the return yields intentional grounding must be enforced on his next play.
• if he scores a touchdown on the return he must immediately punt his next two possessions.


don't take the messaging as a sign of complaining, its only to keep us all on the same playing field and i think its a quick way to remind your opp you think he's stretching the rules. most the guys here aren't looking for an easy way out, we just want people to play fairly and realistically...if its not realistic, don't do it!
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:25 pm

I like those reprecussions. I think two straight punts is fair for being scored on from cheese, and an intentional grounding is a good penalty for the other infractions
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by JDB721 Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:02 pm

Dude I love the penalties you came up with, but the only thing wrong is intentional grounding makes you lose yards as well as downs. Maybe the QB can sprint out of bounds 5 yards. Maybe the rule is best how you have, just a small suggestion. I would vote yes for these sanctions.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by DA_KILLA_OLB_56 Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:12 pm

wouldnt a qb running out of bounds make you lose yards and a down. just like intentional grounding?????

What is penalty for intentional grounding 10 or 15 yards??


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Post by JDB721 Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:18 pm

Exactly, but the penalty is set from how far the QB is throwing it behind the LOS. We could designate is somewhere between 5-10 i suppose.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:28 pm

yup, 10 yard penalty and loss of down. i'm just one who likes strict rules, people tend to pay attention more. if they don't, they can leave.
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by JDB721 Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:34 pm


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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by dtigertron Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:26 pm

falconfan I love it. I don't know if the cheesers who normally don't read the rules are going to do the penalties. They rely on the replay saves being hard to see and I don't even think they read our rules. It is impossible to prove they did not follow the penalty as we told them. They are just going to get on here and say, I did take the intentional grounding and you are the one that is in the wrong. These guys are at there worst when some one calls them on a rule and try to get you in trouble for bringing it up. Yes I have a guy in mind from last season, but I am not going to name names now just to get in same situation. I don't even think he is in our franchises this year any way. Just concerned about more of the same type. There has been a lot of he says she says on the site already this year. So I know there are guys like that in here.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by JDB721 Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:47 pm

Actually if you save the replay of the person dropping back illegally then prove with a phone camera in GAME RECAP that the next play isn't something like 2 and 20 or similar. This way you know the guy didn't follow the rules. Commishes need to send everyone messages telling them to read the rules because after season 1 NOBODY should be using the excuse, 'well I didn't know..' Everytime I catch someone breaking a rule, most say 'i didn't know'. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but more than 50 percent of players don't follow the correct guidelines. Commishes need to force out the cheaters, regardless if they lose players and it's hard to replace them.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:01 am

Def, I don't think I didn't know should be a valid excuse. New players should be told to read the rules when they join...I know I was.

On a side note, JDB hit me up with a friend request so we can play the show sometime
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:29 am

guys i tell every1 to read the rules - IN EVERY FRANCHISE THAT STARTS (i actually instruct them in a step by step method on how to PRINT ahrd copy so that they can have it near their PS3 to refer to during the game) - some guys choose to be responsible regartding rules - and others do not - and we will weed out the guys who dont wanna play by the rules...
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by falconfansince81 Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:40 am

GREENERRRR wrote:guys i tell every1 to read the rules - IN EVERY FRANCHISE THAT STARTS (i actually instruct them in a step by step method on how to PRINT ahrd copy so that they can have it near their PS3 to refer to during the game) - some guys choose to be responsible regartding rules - and others do not - and we will weed out the guys who dont wanna play by the rules...

exactly, if we warn them and they continue to abuse the rules or just not take the penalties they should just be removed permanently. there are plenty other candidates who could take their spot and improve the league. a phone can capture the evidence since most of the time the replays are broken on the ps3 or only save part of the play. again. 3rd year in a row.
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by dtigertron Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:46 pm

Not all of us have those phones. I tried to catch a scrub in Madden 10 playoffs with my PC cam, but you couldn't see any thing cause it was to cheap.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by falconfansince81 Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:53 pm

true, but i guess what i'm sayin is we don't have any other option really....i don't have phone at all, i just use the gf's if i need it.

your from youngstown too tigerton?? thats crazy, i live in austintown actually.
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by JDB721 Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:35 pm

Cheedah, Yeah I will play you later but im about to hang out with my girl. She has had a rough day.

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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:06 pm

Sounds good bro, I can play anytime except between 8 and 930 est
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3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote Empty Re: 3 of 5 new rules PASSED in Governing Council Vote

Post by Ryno341 Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:19 pm

Dodgersfan did that Rule 30) kick return twice in a row on me. I even texted it to him after he did it the second time and said "Dude, that's a little cheezy don't you think?" All he said was " No it isn't man, I didn't run backwards or anything!" But whatever, that doesn't matter because I didn't save the replays.

I'm glad to see this as a rule, because it is an obvious glitch with the KR A.I.

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