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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:31 pm

CharlieHustle wrote:An off-tackle/toss/counter is one thing... but when you have (had) guys running draw-plays and dives that draw the ignorant AI defenders inside EVERY TIME, then sprint to the sideline to get around them, that is as cheesy/exploitative as one's run game can get. Y'all know the difference, That's why the 3-3-5 nickel became so popular in last year's game, to stop the sideline runs.
the 335 was so popular cuz u could get great pressure from the 2mn under due 2 the blitz angle of the LB


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Post by CharlieHustle Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:54 pm

With all due respect, how do you simply "up your speed" at LB and Safety? A slow LB with good awr, prc, and bsh, SHOULD'VE been good enough to know not to over-pursue and take bad angles, yet they fell for it every time, which made them ineffective in the game, regardless of there ratings.

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Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:30 pm

awareness doesn't have anything 2 do with how fast 2 get 2 the ball its just lets ur plyer kno where the run would b, pursuit is the trait ur looking for and even thn tht wont guarantee u will catch a speed bck 2 sideline, and upping speed at LB is simple especially 4 SS dev it like 18k til thy around 85 speed, if awr bsh n prc mattered thn plyers would b happy with LB's like laurenitis fletcher and maualuga but intstead evety1 wants Willis wagner bowman, u  stop speed with speed, if u want 2 keep a speed bck away from sideline mk sure ur LBs r 85+speed with good DE's


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Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:36 pm

also its very easy 2 mk sure ur tm has the right speed at LB safty CB etc. since every1 drafts ther tm, just because a tm doesn't have the personnel to stop something doesn't mk it cheesy, if i kept goin 2 harvin n desean becuz ur CBs guarding thm r verner n ronde barber almost 15 speed diff would u consider tht cheesy?


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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by CharlieHustle Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:18 pm

You actually made my point for me, as far as LB's are concerned. In real life laurenitis, fletcher, and malaluga are just as effective on the field against the run as those other LBs you mentioned... Know why? Because they don't take bad angles that allow speed backs to gain more than a few yards when they're run east and west... That only happens (consistently) in the video game.

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by CharlieHustle Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:26 pm

And most of the time, it's not the right personell that's lacking on D. It's the right defensive plays/schemes to counter whatever you're doing on offense... That's why I vote YES for custom playbooks. lol

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Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:19 pm

there good because thy also have others on the field reacting the same to the ply @ the same time wherr as on Madden u user 1 plyer, and u cn just hot route the zones u need or audible if u need 2 try n stop a ply personnel shouldn't factor 2 much into it


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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by RIPxPatTillman40 Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:22 pm

the knock on teo this yr was whether he was quik enough to mk all the plys he needed 2 tht y he slipped n draft, they knew he was smart n could tackle but weren't sure if he had speed n lateral quikness


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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by GREENERRRR Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:22 am

CharlieHustle wrote:An off-tackle/toss/counter is one thing... but when you have (had) guys running draw-plays and dives that draw the ignorant AI defenders inside EVERY TIME, then sprint to the sideline to get around them, that is as cheesy/exploitative as one's run game can get.
the issue is not with SPEED BACKS - the issue is with how the draw is over-powered in Madden...

The DRAW is a conservative play call - Used best in 3rd and long - when the defense doesnt wanna risk throwing the ball down field (where it could be picked or lose yards in a sack...)

The DRAW is a low risk play - that will rarely lose yards and has the potential for big gainer... but no way it should work so consistently like it does in Madden...

The draw SHOULDNT be as effective as it is - THE DRAW IS NOT A BASE PLAY - it shouldnt be relied on to be used more then 3 times a game - WHY? because it would get stuffed after the defense has seen it a few times...

Only time a draw should be effective is vs MAN defense and when the defense is expecting pass - this is because all the WRs "clear" the LB and DBs down field because they have to cover the MAN TO MAN - (they are looking at the player in their route and not in the backfield) - therefore they dont start pursuing ballcarrier until they hear the DL yell "DRAW!" and by that point they are 20 yards downfield covering a clearing route and are in no position to make a play!

If a team is in ZONE - draw is ineffective because players drop to zone and watch the qb (with their head on a swivel) so they see the handoff and get in a proper pursuit angle instantly - which makes the play very easy to react to (and even less so when its been run multiple times...)

but in madden this doesnt translate - hell even the player "manned" up on the guy running draw (who is normally 'earmarked' to be blocked by a specific olinemen) doesnt even react to the draw! WHICH IS INSANE!

bottom line draw is not a BASE play but guys use it as a BASE PLAY because its effective WHEN FOOTBALL FUNDAMENTALS SAY IT SHOULDNT BE!

John Madden would be furious to find out that the lame ass "draw" play is called more frequently then VINCE LOMBARDI's POWER SWEEP! (but i think he is in his bus and doesnt even know how things like this are so out of tpouvj with reality...)

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by CharlieHustle Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:35 pm

what is wrong with y'all?? Y'all do realize that you can customize your defensive playbook as well? smh...

Having a custom D actually helps to neutralize te effectiveness of money plays because you can add packages to the D you're already using... I shouldn't have to use a completely different defensive playbook to stop 3-4 plays.

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by CharlieHustle Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:36 pm

y'all = those who vote no

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by QDiggity Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:31 am

Great points made by everyone, especially green Tillman colon and weasel (even if he did pop off lol) but what it comes down to is this...

If both sides of the ball can use custom playbooks then there should be no debate, ALLOW it. Cheese can and will be done once players figure it out so that's inevitable. But we should not rule out custom playbooks without even giving them a chance.

Allows us to use our creativity and play a SIM style that we want to.
Use plays unseen in Madden.
Adapt to your team.

Dishonorable players who cheese (I'm sure the commissioners will deal with accordingly).

I think it's a great wrinkle to our SIM leagues


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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by Maddening isn't it? Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:25 pm

After using a custom playbook online for awhile now, I must say I LOVE it. I can totally mix up my play calling now. I can come out in a different formation on every single play because now I have plays in every formation that I like. Before I was pretty much stuck using 3 or 4 formations because all the plays in the other ones sucked. On D# I can now switch it up every play also. Custom playbooks are a must imo.

Maddening isn't it?

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by Maddening isn't it? Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:15 am

SO, are we using custom playbooks or not? If not is there a way to set audibles on a default playbook? I don't want to be stuck with the lame audibles that are preset. So say yes to them being allowed. Thanks.

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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:46 am

Maddening isn't it? wrote:SO, are we using custom playbooks or not? If not is there a way to set audibles on a default playbook? I don't want to be stuck with the lame audibles that are preset. So say yes to them being allowed. Thanks.
I thought I announced this - we will be allowing CUSTOM ROSTERS for now - evaluating as we move forward...

The vote was close - but in favour of trying custom rosters...
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Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No? - Page 2 Empty Re: Custtom PlayBooks allowed in League play? Yes or No?

Post by weasel_ Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:28 pm

Are the possition rules still I'm affect ? No TE at WR etc.....?


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Post by GREENERRRR Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:57 pm

weasel_ wrote:Are the possition rules still I'm affect ?  No TE at WR etc.....?

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