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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:38 am

Everyone is complaining about missing games, the obvious reason is contact. It's IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTACT MOST PLAYERS. First of all, no offense to any commissioners at all, but it should be MANDATORY that players who sign up for leagues post contact info before they are allowed to draft. I don't care if they've posted it in other leagues they are in, given it to the commish, or know half the league. They should HAVE to post contact info. A lot of players also say "PSN is the best way to contact me". No it's not, of the players that say that, it's true for maybe 4 of them. The only way the PSN is the best way to contact you is if you're looking at you're PS3 for more hours of the day than you do anything else...which includes eating, sleeping, working, going to class, studying, etc. which we all know is highly unlikely. A PSN is not good enough, you should have to post some other reliable means of contact whether it be a cell number to txt or an email address that YOU REGULARLY CHECK.

Yes, making a contact info post might slow down some leagues from getting started, but at least it'd provide for more reliable players. To me, if someone is unwilling to provide a good amount of reliable contact info, they're probably not serious about playing. Veteran players who don't post it are just plain fucking lazy. It takes 2 seconds, and sets an example for new players. In my opinion, if you're not posting contact info you shouldn't be allowed to join that league, and if you're in one, you should be booted.
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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by falconfansince81 Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:30 pm

i was going to make a topic about this today as well, communication lately has been absolutely awful. i've said in all my franchises if you don't post contact info don't ask for any help regarding other players.
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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:37 am

wHEN WE 1ST STARTED THIOS POLICY - i had definite PRIVBACY CONCERNS - afterall posting you cell on the internet - may be an issue for some people BUT THERE IS A AY AROUND THIS IF U HAVE PRIVACY CONCERNS (and dont want us "nuts" form the Madden Group knowing your cell #).,..

This IS what to do:

Make a new email EXLUSIVELY FOR PLAYN IN THE MADDEN GROUP - have these emails forwarded to your CELL... to make this work 100% - GUYS THAT DO THIS MUST RESPOND TO SUCH EMAILS sent to their cell (via this sysyem) IMMEDIATELY - nobody wants to keep checkn their email lookn for a response from some1 - take 30 seconds and reply to the email - just a few sentences telling them when u can play...


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:12 am

i agree greener, but I think the commissioners should make it mandatory that players provide contact info other than their PSN BEFORE THAT PLAYER IS ALLOWED TO HAVE A TEAM in the league. I was looking at the last 4 weeks of each of my franchises. Other than DW's which every game was played, I had 2 computer games in Vista's, 1 computer game in the VIP lg, 1cpu/1sim game in the MG lg, and I'm about to have one simmed game in the 3 weeks that the new Greener lg has been around. I have nothing against games getting simmed if players can't match schedules (happened between me and Deathwish) but in every other case it's been because players don't have contact info. I mean, 6 missed games out of 15 is a hell of a lot in my opinion.

I annoyingly bitched at DW about halfway through season 1 of his franchise about the contact info, and he made it a point to harass players until at one point only 1 or 2 guys and since then I haven't had a problem getting a game in at all.

Sure it'd take us a lot longer to get leagues off the ground, or to fill in the gaps of the leagues we had. But we'd get more dedicated and quality players in our leagues, and games wouldn't get simmed if we just made it mandatory.
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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty I agree

Post by mblammers Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:14 pm

I think this should be mandatory as well.
You should not be allowed to even join a league before having some way to get ahold of you that is better than PSN. I'm still not convinced the privacy concerns relating to a cell number are that big of a deal (and like I've said in other posts, removing a bit of anonymity would likely prevent people from acting like d-bags), but SOMETHING should be done.


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Vista3131 Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:16 pm

I laugh when I hear people afraid to post cell # , Really what can happen, I myself and I see others that have there cell number posted on our PSN ID. I have had it there for 3 weeks and have yet to get even 1 Text message to schedule a game and I am in TEN leagues!


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:22 pm

Well I've had a player already flame my phone after a game. But I have my emails forwarded to my phone anyways so I go with that now. But some people have to pay for their txt messages, so they might not want to run the risk of that happening after a game. I mean, with some of the people that have been on these boards, would you be suprised?
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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by ezweightloss Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:13 pm

ive never had anyone abuse my phone number being distributed, (except my ex-gf hahaha) nah but seriously.. idk what kinda low class person would do something like that. i really like texting people to schedule a game. it's fast, easy, and convenient and i got unlimited texting so it's all good.


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:19 pm

I'm not saying I wouldn't let anyone have my number from these boards anymore. Obviously I txted you today. But I just won't put it under the contact info section, I'll put my email there, but I don't mind vets or proven legit guys having it.
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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by PaPZ187 Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:42 pm

I agree 100% about making this mandatory BEFORE you join a league or get a team. Its ridiculos how many people don't post their contact info, or they only post a psn id and an email address they NEVER check.

I also have my emails sent straight to my phone, so I get them as soon as someone sends me one. I also post my number for text since I have unlimited and its the best way to schedule a game IMO.

I don't sit on the ps3 all day waiting for my opponent to sign on, so the best way to play games is to schedule them through a contact outside of the psn. Its so simple and takes a minute out of your day to send a message to your opponent, I have no idea why most don't do this or don't respond to my psn messages with my email and number when they have no contact info posted.

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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty I've almost had it.

Post by mblammers Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:44 pm

Some of this is venting, b/c it JUST happened to me, but I feel ready to give up:

Many of us have been saying for a while that lack contact info is a serious problem, and it finally bit me in the ass.
I went on vacation for a week. I did the courteous thing and notified all commissioners. I left the franchises I was in and took the cpu losses - How many bums would've just went on vacay without notifying anyone and hoped for good luck in sim games?
As a result, I took a BUNCH of losses. Not being an elite player (yet), I can't afforrd to give away games and still have hopes of postseason.
Fastforward to Thursday evening. I was online, and hoped to get a game in against my opponent. Our teams were both 8-5 and in the same Division! I can't find him on the site, so I ask the comissioner (Greenerr) if he has his info. He does not.
The next morning I post on the site asking for his info - No luck.
Next thing you know - SIMMED GAME, I lose.

I'm not saying the guy was avoiding me or doing anything dirty. What I am saying is that this is BULLSHIT that I can't get a gm scheduled. I have a career and a family and a busy schedule. If we can't figure out a way to make scheduling gms easier, I am going to have to bail. It is not fair for me to make myself available when others don't. I'm not saying I would have won the division game. That's not the point. The point is that I was spenging a LOT of time trying to set up the gm only to have it simmed. I would have really liked to have played it.
Can we get a real rule in place soon please????!!!!!!!!!


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by Vista3131 Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:36 pm

Blammers I here you, It always seems to me, much like you I need every win because I am always fighting for the last playoff spot 9-7 10-6 in there but I can not get a sim win to save my ass!

Nothing drives me more batty then, I have a game against whomever and they show they were on the PS3 20 minutes ago and there is no message for me to tell me is he coming back on is he gone for the night just anything would be great.

I leave messages for all my opponents. So they know how to find me, my cell phone is right on the PS3 for all the world to see.

How hard is it to leave a message take 1 minute that's all!


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Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!! Empty Re: Lack of Contact is RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Post by falconfansince81 Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:49 pm

if people don't have contact info and they are not on i just boot em to give their opp a cpu game, simple as that.
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