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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:32 am

I have recently developed a strategy where at times in the game (i want to empasize - NO WHERE NEAR ALL OF THE GAME - but depending on success rates - i may use it more games than others)... I would run NO HUDDLE POWER RUN PLAYS...

I mix up the type of runs through audibles - so it doesnt breach repetitve play calling,,, I do it for a CHANGE OF PACE LOOK... it also has the benefit of TIRING OUT THE OTHER TEAMS DEFENSE - usually paying dividends if its late in the 4th and the gm is still in question)... the other thing i like about it is that in accel clock LGs - IT RENDERS THE EFFECTS OF THE ACCEL CLOCK TO ZERO (although since the last patch - it takes a while to snap the ball on no huddle - especially if u audible - but it still quicker thand the accel clock run off)...

I know the BILLS went to 4 straight SUPPER BOWLS BY PLAYING EXCLUSIVELY no huddle - THE K-GUN... (and many may not know this - but they stole the idea frOm the BENGALS who did this to them is 88 or 89 - with BOOMER ESSIASON ending the BILLS season in a playoff game - their have been other teams who did exclusive NO HUDDLE OFFENSE - OLERS IN WARREN MOON - OR WAS IT WHEN HE WAS WITH THE vikes?...

but note - i am not even doing this all the time (like thse teams did) - at the MOST - IF I AM HUGELY SUCCESSFUL - i may run no huddle 40% of the time... and even when its going well - i call plays from time to time so i can make substituitions to my players that are fatigued (especially at RB and OLINE - i keep those guys always in the "blue" -so othey are good and fresh!)...

Other times i run no huddle occur when i catch a defense in BIG RUN STOP defense and i have MULTI WR SET on the field or the oppisiste - if the defense has a nickel or dime defense and i have a power run formation on the field... the reason for that is obvious - i am tryn to take advanateg of the mismatch - BUT THE DEFENSE HAS OPTIONS - they can always call a TO - same when their defense gets tired - they can always call TO to give them a breather!

what u guys think - i expect the GRNER HATE CLUB just to disagree becuase its mandated by membership and the GUYS that throw 90% of the time because anything that doesnt apply to them and works for some1 else is seen as negative by that sort... - but i am truely interested to hear what the level headed members think...
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by BiLlDoZeR_27 Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:41 am

How did the Bills do in those Super Bowls Greenerrrr? Lol
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by phantomshark Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:46 am

I have always felt that no-huddle in Madden is pure cheese, except in time saving situation at the end of the half or the game. The main reason is, although it happens in the NFL, if it does they defense is free to change their look however they want, while in Madden you are limited to the 4 formation audibles and 4 'other' audibles. Also, you are unable to do a quick change of personnel, like you can in the NFL( with one guy sprinting off and another sprinting on).


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:52 am

phantomshark wrote:I have always felt that no-huddle in Madden is pure cheese, except in time saving situation at the end of the half or the game. The main reason is, although it happens in the NFL, if it does they defense is free to change their look however they want, while in Madden you are limited to the 4 formation audibles and 4 'other' audibles. Also, you are unable to do a quick change of personnel, like you can in the NFL( with one guy sprinting off and another sprinting on).

quick changes in the NFL like u described are HIGHLY RISKY - often lead to coverage and assignment breakdons - - majority teams dont do it - and if they do it - they are LUCKY...

and their is more than 4 audibles - their is 5 - and the 5 five oTHER LOOKS 0- tahts 10 DEFENSIVE PLAYS U CAN RUN -= plus with the time they give u b4 they allow u to snap the ball since the patch - U CAN MAKE AS MANY INDIVIDUAL CHANGES TO THE PLAYS U HAVE AVAILABLE VIA AUDIBLE AS U WANT... i would say u could call almoist any defense u like if you used these tools properly... u just gotta know how to use them - THAT ARGUEMENT CARRIES NO WEIGHT WITH ME...
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by BlaineTheMono19 Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:54 am

I think no huddle is part of the game and a respected strategy. I throw it in every now and then to exploit a mismatch in personnel, change of pace, or I'll even do it if I'm feeling the momentum. Honestly, if I had a deeper offense, I'd run no-huddle a lot more.

So there you go, Greenerrr, something we agree upon.


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:59 am

BlaineTheMono19 wrote:I think no huddle is part of the game and a respected strategy. I throw it in every now and then to exploit a mismatch in personnel, change of pace, or I'll even do it if I'm feeling the momentum. Honestly, if I had a deeper offense, I'd run no-huddle a lot more.

So there you go, Greenerrr, something we agree upon.

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by BlaineTheMono19 Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:00 am

BlaineTheMono19 wrote:I think no huddle is part of the game and a respected strategy. I throw it in every now and then to exploit a mismatch in personnel, change of pace, or I'll even do it if I'm feeling the momentum. Honestly, if I had a deeper offense, I'd run no-huddle a lot more.

So there you go, Greenerrr, something we agree upon.


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by Child_Please4285 Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:08 am

u guys are crazy but i love it lol

Me personally i hate it its annoying but just because i hate it don't mean its unfair besides after a incompleted pass they dont let you run hurry up so that helps

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by falconfansince81 Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:58 am

it doesn't really bother me at all, i actually end up getting more int's when people no huddle...but in greeners case he likes to no huddle iso after iso after iso so i don't know what the point is. the only time i seen you no huddle greener was i DW league and you ran dives like 4 times in a row....which is perfectly fine i was still setting up for pass but thats my fault, i don't see a problem with no huddle at all.
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by ezweightloss Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:08 am

i don't think the the madden no huddle equates to real life no huddle at all, this defense is at a heavy disadvantage in alot of cases. i think there is a bit of exploitation involved in it but nothing i would be too mad about


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by jmojsoski Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:59 am

No huddle is cool
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by bjcole26 Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:34 pm

I personally think a team should be allowed to no huddle... Especially if they are messing the plays up... I am not sure i would want to see no huddle the entire game but if they did, they would be there choice. Also, i think everyone should have all there audibles set both for offense and defense before the game anyways. This should allow the D to make adjustments or audible out.

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by mblammers Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:03 pm

I think every one but JMO should be allowed to run it.


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by jmojsoski Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:08 pm

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by sam22smith Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:20 pm

I think it is legit and quality play when used reasonably. Greenerrr used it strategically against me in or playoff game and it was quality.

But it needs to have limits because its cheezy if someone is running no huddle all game.

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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by imthatcrack Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:28 pm

i have no problems with no huddle


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:33 pm

I personally think it's a bit lame. But that's just my opinion. I think there's a lot of things that are rarities in the NFL (which the no-huddle offense falls into the category of) that just don't translate well into Madden. But that being said, if someone wants to do it all game, I could just as easily do the same thing, so its whatever to me
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by imthatcrack Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:37 pm

Now if its done all gm i think it is a lame but done in the right way seems all good


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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by jmojsoski Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:37 pm

I personally think if the D is out of position or your losing under 2 minutes, its cool to use no huddle...

For example, in my Championship game against buddah, I came out in a 3WR 1TE 1 HB set, he came out in 4-6 zone blitz, i realized that and took advantage of the mismatch... But once I reached the goal line i went back to my huddle offense.
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:52 pm

jmojsoski wrote:I personally think if the D is out of position or your losing under 2 minutes, its cool to use no huddle...

For example, in my Championship game against buddah, I came out in a 3WR 1TE 1 HB set, he came out in 4-6 zone blitz, i realized that and took advantage of the mismatch... But once I reached the goal line i went back to my huddle offense.

That's a good way to do it. Especially now that we have rules against manipulating the depth chart so people can't be fooled into picking a mismatched formation.
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NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan? Empty Re: NO HUDDLE is it wrong to have it as part of yopur gameplan?

Post by Vista3131 Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:49 pm

MY Opinion is.....and I truely don't care that people use it to gain a advantage.

But with that said I think no huddle is LAME.

The times I see it used over and over again is on 3rd and short. Like people are afraid to call a play on 3rd and short?

Again so I am clear my opinion LAME, But I will never complain about it because I am used to seeing it and there is no rule so fine by me BUT I will not use it unless it is to clock the ball.


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