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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:55 am

Since the MG divestd itself of the group of people who were causing problems (one of the biggest problems being the rules) - WE CAN NOW FIX THEM! The fundemntal problem with our rules is that WE HAVE TO MANY THEM - this was b/c we had many people who had thier own agenda forming these rule on the GOVERNING CONCIL..

for the record-the GOVERNING COUNCIL will continue - it has value in helping to determine overall vision of the MG... but in regards to the rule revampment - i will spear head this task - BUT I AM LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK FROM OUR MEMBERS - This is not a dictatorship! (as the spas call it) lol - Let me know what u think of the rules - THE GOOD - THE BAD - THE UGLY - i wanna hear it all! There is no dumb ideas (dont be afraid to post we have bounced all the internet bullies who scared off many from posting) - all opinions are valued and i want to hear from MG members...

I think what is most important is to keep the rules CLEAR but CONCISE.. I am striving to keep our MG rules limited to 8! (we will reffer to them as 8 SIMPLE RULES!)... of course there are going to be POLICY AND PROCEDURES that may seem like "rules" but they reference things that happen OFF THE FIELD - (example - what happens when there is an inadvertain DC or what happens if my opponent is away for the entire playing period) - these logistical details are important and will be part of new OFF FIELD POLICY and PROCEDURE section...

Here are the rules I want to start with...

1) PUNT RULE - You must punt when the ball on 4th down if it is in your end...
unlesss a) your behind in the 4th quarter...
b) your behind 4 scores or more anytime...

2) QB is PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that are designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 3 yards outside of the pocket in pass plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket...

note - the LATERAL movement does not apply to ON THE FLY QB scrambles - but the distanced dropped back in the pocket applies regardless of pressure and scrambling ability...

3) You must PASS RUSH a minimum of 2 players EVERY PLAY (that means no "gay" defense)... You are prohibited from moving a Defensive Linemen off the Line of Scrimage (to a traditional LB starting position) before the snap... If you want to play with less DL and more LBs or DBs than call a defense that has such a strategy implemented ...

note DE that are given a "contain" responsibility are considered pass rushers...

4) Players played out of position must be REASONABLE and SIM like... (the most obvious example is that u cant play Ofensive players on defense and vice versa) unless in an EMERGENCY SITUATION where injuries and fatigies demands this switch from a depth chart perspective... The acceptable changes of positions are as follows:

HB to FB cant have a speed greater than 90...
HB to WR they cannot be in the depth chart higher than #3 position...
TE to FB cant have a speed greater than 90...
TE to SLOT or FLANKER - must be an "isnide reciever"
OT to TE, G or C
G to OT or C
C to G or OT

DE to OLB or DT
DT to DE
OLB to DE or MKB
SS to OLB, FS or CB
FS to SS or CB
CB to FS or SS

5) Mix your plays up...We all have our "go to" plays - aka MONEY PLAYS but dont over use any one play... The exception being BASIC FUNDEMENTAL PLAYS that are "main stays" of all ofenses (example - dives, offtackle or sweeps... and blitz counter passes) - if a defense dictates that a bliitz counter pass be used b/c the defense continues to BLITZ - the offense is not responsible to mix it up as his play call is actually dictated by what the defnese calls...

6) The use of known GLITCHES and ILLEGAL BLITZES (aka NANO BLITZES) blitzes is prohibited... Examples of such things are Spy Glitch, Motion Glitch or stacking your MLB directly behind a DL... These Kind of plays will be updated on an ongoing basis (new glitches and nanos present themselves all the time) - we will provide specific written discription of each and where possible video footage of the play...

note - there are many BLITZES that may appear as "NANO " blitzes to some - while others see them sound strategy... A blitz will be determined ILLEGAL if there is no reasonable easy way to defend the blitz (after falling victim to a BLITZ - a player should easily be able to find its counter on subsequent plays) - iof this counter is not relatively obviosu and easy to implement - than its an ILLEGAL BLITZ...

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:44 am; edited 4 times in total
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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:00 am

as a frame of reference - i thought it would be worth while to post our current BLOATED rules... - perhaps there are some that were axed that you thik have value...

The BLOATED rules...

1) No single offensive play or same type of play different formation can compose no more than 20% of your play calls... (if u have 50 plays in a game - u cant run the same play more than 10 times in the entire game) - defense has no such restriction
- If a defense is in a BLITZ package - and the Offense throws a standard BLITZ COUNTER PASS (meaning - the QB reads the blitz throws a quick slant, or quick look-in pass (some call it a pro-pass) to an inside releasor (inside releasor is a TE, Flanker, Slotback, Split end, RB, FB) - IN THIS SITUATION THERE IS NO LIMIT TO CALLING THIS PLAY (in regards to repetitive playcalling) - this rule is in place because such plays are dictated by the amount of times the DEFENSE decides to BLITZ and it would be unfair for the OPPONENT TO FORCE A PLAYR INTO BREACHING A RULE...

2) No Goaline Offense - except for short yardage situations (3rd/4th and less than 3 yards) or inside your opponents 10 yard line

3) If u are inside your 50 yard line- U MUST PUNT THE BALL... UNLEES you are behind in the last 5 minutes of the game - the punt restriction is lifted...

4) On extra points or field goals inside 31 yards - u r not allowed to user control block kicks! - there r well establised glitches to block kicks and block kicks rarely occur at this distance - so this will not be permitted

5) No HB direct snaps out of shot-gun formation ... wildcats r permitted!!! but r subject to the 20% play call restriction like every other play

6) QB are PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 3 yards outside of the pocket in plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket...

note: The lateral movement does not apply to ADHOC QB scrambles...

7) The Inside out Kick Return is BANNED!

Discription of the Iniside Out Kick Return (IOR):
The returner angles away from his called sdeline return for the 1st dozen steps (towards the middle of the field) -THE RETURNER THAN REVERSES HIS FIELD AND RUNS PARALLELL TO THE LINE OF SCRIMAGE to the out-side (sometimes slightly backwards) FOR 6-8 STEPS - for whatever reason the AI of the coverage team - runs with an angle of pursuit to attack his initial first 12 steps (because he does such an abrupt change to his return angle, all the coverage guys are not in place to make a play) This gives sometimes a CLEAR PATH to the end zone - due to the clear breakdown in discipline by the coverage team...

The Only player you can control on a Kick return is the RETURNER

9) Any blitz that tackles the QB b4 an exchange with a RB will be deemed illegal - i understand these sort of blitzes can happen inadvertainly from time to time... each player will be given 8 incidents of this nature without sanction (over a 17 week season)... Episodes beyond 8 will be taxed... the tax will be draft pics (TBD by commish) given to the weekest roster team - this rule allow us to target players who 'gameplan' for this sort of blitz and not penalize a player that does it inadvertainly... IF U TACKLE A QB B4 THE EXCHANGE U ARE REQUIRED TO GO OFFSIDE THE NEXT PLAY (the player will still lose the down but at least he will gain his lost yards back)

10) SQUIB KICKS ARE BANNED – unless it the final 30 seconds of a half...

11) U can only manually move (joystick move) 1 player that rushes the QB - U can shift as many pass rushers u want using the `shift` system with L1 or R1... player that manually move more than 1 player that pass rush the QB, could be tryn to confuse the a.i. of the Offensive Line - so this practice is outlawed!

12) B4 the snap - U cannot move a defensive lineman form his `Line of Scrimage`area - U can shift him using L1 as much as u like - and u can move him manually (with the joystick) - along the `Line of scrimage` - but moving him back - like he is a LB is outlawed... this confuses the a.i. of the offensive lineman and can cause `Nano` blitzes
EXCEPTION: when your opponent is lined up in a punt formation and you suspect that he is Faking the punt (with a run) - u can move him into a better position to make a play on this fake

13) U cannot bring an extra blocker back on punts b4 the snap...

14) U can run the 1-5-5 as much as u want when its 3rd or 4th and 6 yards (or more to a 1st down) - (i.e passing situations) - in addition u can use the 1-5-5 IN 3 OTHER SITUATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE 1 LISTED ABOVE in the entire game...

15) Anytime a player controls a receiver and turns him out of bounds WITH THE INTENTION OF SHAKING THE AI COVERAGE and subsequently catching a pass with that receiver - shall be in breach of SIM rules... the offending player will take a sack on the next play at the previous plays LOS... He will also lose the down for the play - If he gained a 1st down on the illegal reception play - he will give away downs til they are all accounted for...

16)You must ALWAYS rush at least 2 defenders. D-Lineman in "contain" are considered rushers. If you want to spy, you still need 2 rushers.

17)You MAY NOT line up RBs/TEs in any WR depth chart spot above wr#5. The top 4 spots MUST be WRs. This is to avoid the play screen problems. Those that wish to split out TEs and RBs may do so using motion.

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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:03 am

so lets hear what you have to say on this - NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP!!!

I am definitely concerned that we may not have enough rulkes - and WANNABE LAWYERS will try to use this to their advantage to try to "skirt" the essence of rules... but proper wording and additional footnotes can help fill in these gaps...

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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty SOUNDS GOOD TO ME

Post by CassiusRocknRoll Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:25 pm


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by Dlew16 Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:13 pm

i love everything about this. sometimes the bad seeds just need to be weeded out.
good job greener. What a Face


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by Maddog Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:25 am

chatted with greenerrrr last nite and he asked me my opinion on the rules. looks good i like the new rules, less is more IMO


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by bigbuddah Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:06 pm

Simple now that the game hasn't come out to see the flaws and regulate them..good for now though


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty comment forwarded from PSN message...

Post by GREENERRRR Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:25 pm

One of our members wanted to gop back to our old rule regarding 4th and inches...

specifically - he wanted to allow 4th and inches call to be performed ANYWHERE ON THE FIELD AT ANY DOWN...
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Post by GREENERRRR Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:29 pm

Personally i think thgat allowing 4tha nd INCHES gambles anywhere on the field at anytime add a huge demension of RISk vs REWARD...

Many people see 4th and INCHES calls as "gimmees" but thast not the case - there have been may times where i have made plays in the backfield in this shortyardage situation - and if someone tried this in their own 20 in the 1st quarter - an i stopped them - IT WOULD BE A HUGE MOMENTUM SWING FOR ME...

But the SIM side of me is not in favour of this - rarely do u see NFL teams doing 4th and inches gambles inthewir end in the first half... so i am up in the air on this - I could be persuaded to amend th rule if more are in favour of this change...
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Post by sweetstick Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:17 am

i dont think you should be allowed to do 4th and inches deep in your end especially in the 1st quarter. That would never happen in the NFL


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by DB74277 Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:18 pm

I think that if it is past halftime, or hell even 2 min till halftime you should be able to go for it on 4th and 7 or less in between your opponents 49 and 40 or 35 yard line. To me it is killing my games when it is useless to punt and I've seen coaches in the NFL go for it all the time, especially aggressive coaches like Rex Ryan, to try to get the lead and/or gain momentum. Not only that, the length of time in games makes posessions a lot more scarce and therefore important and if NFL teams played in that short amount of time they would go for it on 4th a lot more as well. I'm not talking about doing this if your up 14 or if you have a great kicker that can knock down those 60 yard kicks but the most frustrating thing for me in this league (and most inconsistently followed rule that I notice) is when it is practical to go for it on 4th down and not give away your valuable possessions so easily. I know we are supposed to play like the NFL but we can still do that and change the tolerance for aggression due to the importance and small amount of possessions relative to the NFL. Plus aggressive coaches make this call. This call happens a lot, and like I said it is usually based on a coach's style.

There would have to be constraints on the yard lines that you could go for it in but I just feel like this is my biggest complaint and the most noticeable difference for me in other SIM leagues. I would always kick a field goal (in normal circumstances) if I am within distance but those 10 or 15 yards before I'm in FG distance on my opponents side of the field it just seems like such a waste and such a hard pill to swallow to have to punt on 4th or go for a 60 yard field goal with a shitty kicker. With big plays left and right as well, it just gets frustrating and redundant and forces more users to go for bigger plays and longer yardages per play because there is less of a level of choice at midfield when your just out of FG range. I just feel like we have to keep aggression in the game down but this happens often (it's not something extremely noticable) in the NFL so it should be allowed to happen in a SIM league. I wouldn't go for it up more than 7 points ever but when you are playing those games with big plays and more offensive than defense it is frustrating to see a measely 20 yard swing in punting the ball on your opponents side of the field when you were just 4th and 2 on your opponents 44, especially when you are down 7 or 3. This is just my opinion and I respect everyone else's as well so don't hold back when giving me your opinion just know that I don't have to agree with you.

And I want to get one thing straight, I do not favor any one league over another and I just like to play SIM football in Madden and develop my team and avoid drama at all costs (even though I know it can sometimes be unavoidable). I like the MSL and I like the Madden Group and GREENERRRS league. GREENERRRR is the one that found me on the boards and introduced me to all of the websites with leagues when I usually just had my league that I played offline and just played my friends and random lobby games and had random unreliable leagues I was in that would never go anywhere. I really enjoy discussion with GREENERRRR and am learning a lot from him and everyone in both the leagues and I just hope that there is not any comparing or dissing because everyone has the same goal the details are just different and not everyone gets along. I don't want to harp on that I just wanted to put it out there and leave it but I'm enjoying the seeing the rules simplified as well and a healthy debate is always a good thing.


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:58 am

ty for your well written post...

and i looked over the punt rule proposed - and it was worded poorly - i have emended it to be more clear... specificly the new proposed punt rule says:

1) PUNT RULE - You must punt when the ball on 4th down if it is in your end...
unlesss a) your behind in the 4th quarter...
b) your behind 4 scores or more anytime...

So we are on the same page regarding this rule... I have the same frusturation when i am in inside my opponents end on 4th down but out of my kickers FG range (which the FG range of kickers is insane for Madden 11 - it started out in Madden 11 being to hard to kick FG than they patched it where kickn 55 yarders is commonplace - any 50 yard FG or farther should be DIFFICULT to make - thats not the case currently - but thats a topic fo another discussion) lol,,, but its totally frusturating to be out of FG range (but be in your opponents end) and punt the ball - get a touchback and net a lousy 22 yards - but than again - i suppose that shows the value of having a good punter and practicing this skill...

but as our current proposed rule reads you CAN gamble on 4th down in this circumstance... I personally dont think you should gamble evrytime in this situation but, the choice should be yours to make... Its kind of a grey area - but if your the type of player that never punts on 4th down in this circumstance you need to check your pulse as a SIM player...

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:28 am

Another member suggested limiting the SPEED level of SS playing OLB - this makes complete sense to me... I dont think any SS playn OLB should be faster than 86 speed (similar to the proposed rule of having HB playn FB)... makes perfect SIM sense to me...

The same poster mentioned that it wasnt SIM to have OLB playn DE in a 3-4... Its ok for them to play DE in a 4 man line...

I think he is 100% right here as well but i think the game does well sorting this one out... A DE playn the 2-3-4 teqnique in a 3-4 defense is more like a DT than a proto-typical DE... If you sub in an undersized OLB to play DE in this circumstance - HE GETS EATEN UP BY THE WEAKEST OF O-LINE... Thats because his skill set is not what is required of that technique - to play this position well - size around 300 pounds, strength over 90 and blockshedding over 90 are skills best served by that position... It doesnt matter how fast the player is in this role - the Linemen is right in front of him - speed is inconsequential - sure solid pass rush skills should help but if your over matched physically these skills are inconsequential...

On the other hand if your an OLB playn DE in the 6-7-8-9 technique - that puts u closer to the edge and is more in line with your skill set - Speed is more critical (as he is farther from the center), your less likely to get a Doubleteam from 2 Olinemen (if you get double teamed its from a Tackle and a TE or RB) - sure strength, size and blockshedding are important here as well but not as much as when playing the zero to 4 technique...

so considering this - if guys want to play a OLB at DE in the 3 technique - i say DONT STAND IN THERE WAY - he is not doing himself any favours and can be easily exploited - eventually he will see that his OLB playn the 3 technique is getting man-handled and will substitute him out! Best analogy here is DARWINS THEOREY of survival of the fittest - or in the this case - it would be the defeating of the DUMBEST! The game certainly penalizes players who make this sub - no need for us to dictate a rule...
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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by Maddog Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:42 am

Wouldnt it be eaier just to tell everyone to "play like the guys on Sunday do"??? (instead of making all these inticat rules)


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by likeuntobuddha Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:55 am

You have to use rules or people will say there are none.

I liked the first set of rules. I'd add them to the new set that breaks down the player movement rules.

This is about the only league bold enough to address and ban the inside outside kick returns and running back a of second guy to return punts.

If you can't read and understand them maybe you are playing way too many video games and you should go try some of that fancy book learning. study

I wish I had a good enough team that was so deep that I could put a good fast SS at OLB. With the team I just picked up I was forced to do to a lack of OLB's. And the fact that the Chiefs really suck.

And Greener is right about their lack of weight. In another league I tried this with some decent back up SS's but I finally had to pick up a couple of crappy OLB because the SS's were being crushed by running plays.

I find it interesting that over the seasons Madden moved OLB Michael Johnson to DE where I've played him since the first week. I am a old 4-3 player and I will use a Robert Ayers (OLB, 273 pounds) at DE but lighter guys just get pushed back.


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:57 am

Ty for your post likeuntobuddha - and you certainly have your work cut out for you with the CHIEFS - u should have a top 5 pic in the 1st round of the rookie draft and u will land a high end player - hopefully for your second pic, a HIGH end player will fall to you at a critcial position u need to fill... And with the DOUBLE DRAFT we are doing - if you can duplicate that draft success for the 2nd draft - u MAY have a more serviceable team...

Your 100% right about rules - they are a must - without rules what do we have? ANARCHY!!! LOL - joking aside - its important to have rules to set boundries... We just have to balance the # of rules we have with the need for them (of course fewer the better) but we have to cover the required SIM areas - we dont want to leave things up for inturpretation - 1 player cant see things 1 way and another a different way (from a SIM perspective) - clear rules are needed to show them how the MG views the subject....

Last edited by GREENERRRR on Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by GREENERRRR Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:04 am

I was looking for commonalities of so called "nano blitzes" - I preffer the term ILLEGAL BLITZ - nano blitz seems to cover all blitz that any paticular player has a hard time recognizing an countering...

1 thing i did notice that many ILLEGAL BLITZ have detailed pre-snap set ups... So if you want to avoid ILLEGAL BLITZ s - snap the ball as soon as you can out of the huddle (altjough that cuts into presnap reads and adjustments you can do)...

So another way we could limit exposure to ILLEGAL BLITZES is to limit presnap adjustments...

here are 2 ways:

1) If you manually move (aka joystick move) any player b4 the snap - U MUST PLAY WITH THAT PLAYER! (this allows all shifts done by position to be used - which continues to give the defense flexibility - u just can switch to any player once you manually move any player around for any reason...)

2) (our old rule) U can only manually move (joystick move) 1 player that rushes the QB - U can shift as many pass rushers u want using the `shift` system with L1 or R1... player that manually move more than 1 player that pass rush the QB, could be tryn to confuse the a.i. of the Offensive Line - so this practice is outlawed (the difference here being u dont have to play with the player u MANUALLY move aka joystick move)
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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty agree with most of rules except for some 4th down rules

Post by galo17 Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:39 am

Should punt when on ur side of the field unless down by 4 scores anytime, and maybe say 3 or even 2 in 2nd half. 4th and long (10yds+) must punt/attempt FG regardless unless game on the line. other than that it all sounds good


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Post by dtigertron Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:13 am

I agree, 4 scores is too much. Don't know the perfect number, but I think 2 is enough. If your Defense is getting smoked, you are going to get desperate, like an onside kick to start 2nd half (hmm that sounds like something I saw in a Super Bowl, lol). I am not saying you should onside kick in second half, just saying that those teams with out strong D in the NFL will some times go for it on 4th when they are only down 1 score. Madden 11 aint the NFL, to be sure (lol, text editor doesn't like my southern slang). But I think any time some one is down 14 or more, they should be allowed to go for it. Even if they get first down, doesn't mean they will score.

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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by likeuntobuddha Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:28 am

GREENERRRR wrote:One of our members wanted to gop back to our old rule regarding 4th and inches...

specifically - he wanted to allow 4th and inches call to be performed ANYWHERE ON THE FIELD AT ANY DOWN...

I'm kind of with this because of how I started playing madden and the fact that I'm still not a good passer. When Madden first came out it had a number of "great teams". As a long time Dolphin fan I'd play the 72's Dolphins (only great Dolphin team offered). Their stats were really messed up. QB Bob Griese, with a all time 67% completion rate could not complete a pass or barely even pass it 10 yards. Their Pro Bowl kicker, Garo Yepremian, could not make a EXTRA point (no kidding) let alone a FG.

So I became a 4 down running team. I also ran for extra points and never tried FGs.

Another thing from that time and from the HS days of me playing a Wishbone QB (yea, I'm that old) was running the fullback. I mean I had Larry Czonka for Christ sake. Even not I like to run the full back but one of the thinnest parts of the draft is fullbacks. (another team that ran a fullback was the 49ers when HB Wendell Tyler and FB Roger Craig for 2-3 years ran for a combined 2,000 yards. And this was during the Montana years.

I often give up some blocking to have a better runner at fullback and there used to be many more plays for the FB to run. I often either move a good blocking RB there or maybe a TE.

Again being a Dolphin fan I would move him to FB as soon as I got another runner for HB. And i got the idea from the Dolphins. Ronnie Brown has ran for 16 TD's in his career from the fullback position.


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by chizz522 Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:36 am

The simple list of rules is perfect. No confusion and no arguements. There is no gray area here with this short and simple list which will create less arguing and nit picking about the the rules with our valued players. I say we leave it like this until we find out the new glitches we may run into in madden12. Less Rules = Simply better gaming and less questions. Perfect Greenerrr

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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Re: MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts...

Post by likeuntobuddha Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:26 pm

Odd thing happened to me yesterday. I was playing a league game against the CPU and it gave me the prize "nano". I was playing the 3-3-5 and was not moving players on my own.


I again agree with the above post that the rules are good and let's see what what happens with madden 12.

I do not think Greener taped our game but I did run a kick off up the middle. I never gotten that inside outside move down and I've only return a few kick offs ever. As I took the ball I remembered that in this league that was not legal (love that rule) so getting the ball on the left hash mark i juked inside semi up the middle and just burst though a couple of defenders and was gone. I wanted to save the replay but of course it only showed the last 30 yards.

Anyway, it showed me that you can run back kick offs "legally".


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MG Rules revamped & SIMPLIFIED - post your thoughts... Empty Rules finalized in debate thread

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:42 am

1) PUNT RULE - You must punt when the ball on 4th down if it is in your end...
unlesss a) your behind in the 4th quarter...
b) your behind 3 scores or more anytime...

2) QB is PROHIBITED from doing UNREALISTICLY LONG DROP BACKS AND SPRINT OUTS (on pass plays that are designed for being thrown from a standard pocket)... A QB cannot drop back farther than 12 yards from the Line of scrimage... The QB cannot move laterally (as a preplanned sprint out) more than 3 yards outside of the pocket in pass plays that are designed to be thrown from a standard pocket...

note - the LATERAL movement does not apply to ON THE FLY QB scrambles - but the distanced dropped back in the pocket applies regardless of pressure and scrambling ability...

3) You must PASS RUSH a minimum of 2 players EVERY PLAY (that means no "gay" defense)... You are prohibited from moving a Defensive Linemen off the Line of Scrimage (to a traditional LB starting position) before the snap... If you want to play with less DL and more LBs or DBs than call a defense that has such a strategy implemented ...

note DE that are given a "contain" responsibility are considered pass rushers...

4) Players played out of position must be REASONABLE and SIM like... (the most obvious example is that u cant play Ofensive players on defense and vice versa) unless in an EMERGENCY SITUATION where injuries and fatigies demands this switch from a depth chart perspective... The acceptable changes of positions are as follows:

HB to FB cant have a speed greater than 90...
HB to WR they cannot be in the depth chart higher than #3 position...
TE to FB cant have a speed greater than 89...
TE to SLOT or FLANKER - must be an "isnide reciever"
OT to TE, G or C
G to OT or C
C to G or OT

DE to OLB or DT
DT to DE
OLB to DE or MKB
SS to OLB (cant be greater than 88 speed), FS or CB
FS to SS or CB
CB to FS or SS

5) Mix your plays up...We all have our "go to" plays - aka MONEY PLAYS but dont over use any one play... The exception being BASIC FUNDEMENTAL PLAYS that are "main stays" of all ofenses (example - dives, offtackle or sweeps... and blitz counter passes) - if a defense dictates that a bliitz counter pass be used b/c the defense continues to BLITZ - the offense is not responsible to mix it up as his play call is actually dictated by what the defnese calls...

6) The use of known GLITCHES and ILLEGAL BLITZES (aka NANO BLITZES) blitzes is prohibited... Examples of such things are Spy Glitch, Inside Out Return aka IOR, Motion Glitch or stacking your MLB directly behind a DL... These Kind of plays will be updated on an ongoing basis (new glitches and nanos present themselves all the time) - we will provide specific written discription of each and where possible video footage of the play...

note - there are many BLITZES that may appear as "NANO " blitzes to some - while others see them sound strategy... A blitz will be determined ILLEGAL if there is no reasonable easy way to defend the blitz (after falling victim to a BLITZ - a player should easily be able to find its counter on subsequent plays) - iof this counter is not relatively obviosu and easy to implement - than its an ILLEGAL BLITZ....

7) If you manually move (aka joystick move) any player b4 the snap - U MUST PLAY WITH THAT PLAYER! (u can shift players into various positions as much as you like)... Once you manually move a player around for any reasoin - THATS THE PLAYER U HAVE TO CONTROL... (Many NANO's are "set up" with multiple presnap movements of players - this ruley instantly elliminates this tactic)

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