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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by tomer629 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:00 am

the 13 yd dropback rule. Last 5 games ive played every single player has done it 10+ times per game. Some are so obvious they turn their back to the LOS and speed burst backwards... then turn around and deliver a perfect strike to the wide open HB in the flat for a 15 yd gain.

the best part is that every time I try to save a replay it says "no replay available for this play" I think dropping back so far does something that makes the replay not work.


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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:12 am

Yeah unfortunately we have people who join these leagues for the organization instead of the rules. It's annoying when they pretend like they don't know the rules. I rarely go back even 10. Just on screens. I like setting in the pocket. I had a guy audibling into an onside kick then when I would call timeout. He would audible out of it. So annoying.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Rui_F Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:51 am

On PS3 the replay system seems to not work properly when the ball is thrown to a receiver behind the original line of scrimmage. So most screens and many passes to the flats dont seem to be watchable on replays.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:49 pm

i agree with the fact that alot of guys drop back far too often... doesnt really bother me that much, i guess since im used to it, and theres nothing more frustrating, than trying to explain such a rule to someone who doesnt understand it, or beleive it lol i mean im not gonna sit there with the game paused for 20 mins trying to get my point across, these games are already long enough as it is lol so i just let the baby have his bottle and try n counter what hes doing with my play calls... send a corner on the blitz idk... the game is always full of glitches and its next to impossible to make a rule for every single one of them, and enforce it for that matter, because there arent always replays to prove it... personally i think the more rules you make, the harder they are to enforce... people get lost with so many rules... i personally think anything that goes on sunday, goes in the game, but thats just me, im not a commish... yet lol... but one thing that really gets me, is the 4th down rule... ive been meaning to post something about this, but havnt had time... now, here is the situation... i had 4th and 5 on my opponents 33... now instead of kicking a 50 yarder into the wind, with absolutely no chance of hitting it, especially since there was real bad lag, and i couldnt even kick the ball off properly, let alone hit a long FG, so my instincts are tellin me to go for it, so my opponent pauses and tells me i can only go for it on 4th & 1 unless im down in the 4th? lol i see NFL teams goin for it in simular cases all the time... so why cant we in these franchises ? if we're supposed to play as realistically as possible, well i dont know one coach in the NFL that would send their kicker in for a sure miss... and ive certainly never seen a team punt from their opponents 33 unless theyre up BIG... in my opinion, if youve ever seen it done in real life, it should be allowed... but thats just my opinion... one perfect example is the saints onside kick at the start of the 3rd qtr last year... its banned in our francises, but in the NFL, this is the type of play that wins super bowls... so i say, less rules, less confusion... just boot the cheesers, thats all...

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:53 pm

You can go for it once you get past your 40 yard line. In your situation with the laggy connection and long field goal attempt. I would go for it every time just because its not worth kicking a field goal. The rules allow you to go for it

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:01 pm

see like i couldnt get a straight answer on this from anyone lol thats what i thought, anything inside the 40 is good... then i guess someone should run the rules by bigmullet lol sorry for callin you out man, this happened like 3 weeks ago lol so i hope ur up to speed now... but i think the only thing that sucks more than someone breakin the rules, is someone calling you out on rules that dont even exist lol

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:06 pm

BAM you said it. He seems to be having problems with alot of people.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:13 pm

Lol how are you trying to become a commish and you don't know the rules? Anyway, you can go for it in that situation. As for rule enforcement, we don't even have a way to penalize players that break them. Nor efficient ways to prove they're breaking them. I've done my fair share of complaining to comiishes, and even greener about people breaking rules. There's little compensation for it, if any at all. Pretty much the rules only apply to those of us with enough integrity to obey them, but that's about it. Do we all break rules occassionally by accident because of pressure and panic during a game, yeah. At this point, if I get a game in where someone doesn't IOR, go for it on 4th down every time, or nano-blitz (the last one almost never happens), I'm satisfied. Hoping for much more than that is just being naive.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by falconfansince81 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:14 pm

some people want to tailor the game around their shortcomings, where it would clearly stand to benefit them. there have been plenty of times i've gone for 4th down inside my opponents 50 but only when its logical. going for it on the other side of the 50 is a bit of a different story, and should only be attempted in desperate situations or where you can seal a win with a conversion.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:39 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote: Lol how are you trying to become a commish and you don't know the rules?

lol if ur talkin to me, im not "trying" to be anything lol if i wanted to, i would... i just dont have the time or patience to deal with the cheaters, and people that complain about everything... i ran a successful league in MLB THE SHOW, and was waiting for that to finish (which is right around the corner) to start a madden franchise... if and when i do so, it wouldnt really be tied in with this forum at all... i probably wont have 32 teams since 32 guys are hard to babysit lol in MLB i went with 24 guys and it worked out alot better, now the only issue with that, is that the teams end up STACKED with talent, but id rather that, than have and extra 8 guys that dont know their head from their a-hole lol another reason id do it seperate from this forum is because i find the are too many rules... i wont enforce a rule i dont beleive in, and i couldnt have a franchise included on this website unless i obide by the universal rules, so... the way i did it in MLB was if one guy got 3 complaints from 3 different opponents, then he's toast, whether i agree or not... simple as that... i cant stand fools that pull out all the stops to win... someone who cant stand losing, never deserves to win... far too often, ill have a really close game with someone, then when it comes down to the wire, the money plays come out... so some guys stay within the rules, but are cheap as hell in doing so... and for the record, its not that i wasnt aware of any of the rules, i was called out on a fake rule, and i wanted clarification... now if u werent talkin about me then, it was probably about the guy who called me out on it, cuz he already is a commish lollll

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Rui_F Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:48 pm

I think one of our big problems is quick expansion. I haven't been on here that long but when I joined it was because I found the site on my own, when I signed up greener sent me an email with the rules and explained to me that if I cant follow the rules this aint a site or leagues for me. With our expansion some people newer then me even have already gotten some of their buddys to also join up. Unfortunately some people have not made it a point to explain to their friends when they bring them on that the rules are important and sim play is what separates these leagues from all the other crap out there. I have played people that I honestly don't even think have ever been on these boards but to sign up and when they received the rules it went straight into the delete folder, like when you receive any privacy notice and rules for countless websites we have all signed up for over the years. I have called people out on rules sometimes in games and have had people respond "what rules?". So yeah sometimes it sucks you have to pause and call people out but remember if you don't do it the next guy might have 2, we all break them sometimes but most of the time its accidental, like I'm not going to send a txt to guys like cheedah or deathwish etc. cause I know they know the rules so if something happens it probably was a flub or an accident but if its a new guy I have never seen or played then yeah I'm going to say something about it if it looks like a trend and not just a one time thing.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:50 pm

Oh look at this, A conflict on the forums without me involved. Laughing

As for cheaters, I really want to get a cap card or just straight up get a video camera and record it until i get a cap card.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:53 pm

one problem ive noticed, not only in madden but in MLB too, is that with so many franchises to chose from, guys over commit themselves... they just wanna draft their team and be in every league possible... unfortunately, the more franchises you join, the harder it is to keep up with em all... thats why i like to make sure i dont have too much on my plate... cuz for some, when it comes to fantasy drafts, its like a fat kid with a bag of candy, he can never get enough lol

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:53 pm

Maybe we should make someone answer 10 questions (short test) about the rules before allowed to join any leagues. Mostly this would eliminate the "what rules?" and "I didn't know" kids.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:12 pm

Sick idea JDB. I don't know how it would be done, or have any where we could start but that would be a cool thing to do. I think it would eliminate a lot of newcomers, but I think you'd get the really good players still. I know if when I first signed up, if i was given a 10 question test after being given the rules I wouldn't have minded.

See what bother me about the cap card is that the only thing I'd use it for was franchise games, and there's no way I'm spending $50 of my own money to prove OTHER people are cheating in this already shitty game. That would basically mean EA ran me for $110 bucks to play this game that's not even worth $.11. Now...if we could figure out a way to get the rule breakers to pay for my cap card we'd be on to something Laughing

As far as DEN_24 it wasn't a malicious statement, I thought you were saying you were on your way to becoming a commissioner here, which is fine if you are, but I thought it funny that someone aspiring to be a commissioner here wouldn't know all the rules.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by falconfansince81 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:13 pm

well as far as babysitting there is some of that, especially when its the same person being called out or a new member to the group. but usually if its over play calls i usually just reply back with the play that stops it. i commish two league, and volunteered to help greener out with nicks as well...and i'd say i get maybe 3-4 messages a night about 'someone ran this play too much' or 'so and so went for it on 4th down', but what can we really do after the game is over? i can confront the guy who was accused but usually get a completely different story, and then its his word vs his opponents in which case if there is no video evidence i have to unbiasedly throw it out. i think the rules are a great template to follow, but at some point you have to step your game up and shut your opp down...
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:26 pm

If there is sufficient video evidence, then the person should get a warning then be removed after another violation. Just video evidence is so hard to come by sometimes. When people do what GAD_Warrior did to me yesterday, I get annoyed. I was up 34-14. He starts off in regular kick off then goes to onside kick. I call timeout to get my hands team. He kicks off regular then he continues to do that the whole game. Ran no huddle for most of the 2nd half which resulted in him using 3 plays total the second half. All spread plays. I'm just tired of some people.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:29 pm

Then he has the audacity to say I run the same plays. Told him to prove it lol I have atleast 25 plays I like to run from my book not counting all the runs and variations.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:35 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:
As far as DEN_24 it wasn't a malicious statement, I thought you were saying you were on your way to becoming a commissioner here, which is fine if you are, but I thought it funny that someone aspiring to be a commissioner here wouldn't know all the rules.

naw dude, i wasnt offended at all by ur comment lol and not at all looking for any type of confrontation either lol im just saying, if the dude that called me out on that fake rule can be a commish, anyone could lol and he does have his own franchise on this site lol chances are you might even be in it yourself lol

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by falconfansince81 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:41 pm

^ hes also called out a couple other good players and even penalized one by making him not use a wr for a game lol. when i have to play that type its like walking on eggshells...call very simple plays and tip toe around any sort of potential big play to save yourself the bitching later.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:48 pm

He made me give up Jermaine Gresham for the whole year after I lost him to a career ending injury versus the CPU. After most everyone besides lanakilaiau supported the claim saying they would have quit to. BigMullet still has it out for me. He questions the validity of my trades sometimes. Like I control two franchises in one league or something. I just get good value because I know what the true value of what I have is.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:55 pm

^ yeah but why even bother ? lol guys like that wanna make me quit every franchise im in lol ive had better games on "play now" mode lol like seriously, i joined these leagues to save myself the trouble of playin people like this... but sometimes it seems like the leagues full of em lol its getting outta hand

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by falconfansince81 Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:13 pm

not in my franchises Smile my usual answer is step your game up or get better...i even offer to lab in unranked to improve or work on something that your opponent was beating you with.

yet only a few people have actually taken advantage of this, most would rather decline the offer and continue to whine about the same crap plays beating them.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by JDB721 Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:15 pm

You know you could make people surrender a 3rd rounder if they cheat someone out of an important game. Like one that has playoff relevance or a playoff game too. I think losing a valuable pick would make someone stop if they are known for doing things frequently. Just a suggestion

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:33 pm

One thing I was thinking about would be (if you could get video evidence) to have the player that got screwed select ANY player from the opponents team and they get that guy. That would make A LOT of people read the rules and stop cheating.
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