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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:38 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:One thing I was thinking about would be (if you could get video evidence) to have the player that got screwed select ANY player from the opponents team and they get that guy. That would make A LOT of people read the rules and stop cheating.

AWESOME idea lol i think it would work better than just booting the guy lol as a matter of fact, it would probably just make the dude quit, cuz if he has to cheat to win, even cheating wouldnt work if he didnt have his star player lol youd have a bunch of bums runnin away with their tales between their legs lol... id vouch for that rule in a heartbeat... and id make sure to have my cam ready before every game lol

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:20 pm

haha its funny to think of but it would just lead to commissioners getting 800 msgs a night about people cheating and requests to look at the saved replays that commishes can barely see already. It would also lead to some stacked teams and if those cheaters quit it'd be hard to find someone to take their team. If we were to do it, it'd have to be in a way that those players they lose would become FA's and at the end of the season before the draft, we could have like a FA draft, first.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:13 pm

a FA draft is also a very good idea but that would also involve a hell of alot of work for the commish lol what i think the best idea would be is to use a 3 strikes ur out rule... video evidence or not, if 3 different LEGIT players complain about the same guy, toss him and find someone new... i mean if a newbee complains, well i wouldnt give as much weight to their complaint, but if the 3 guys that were all in last years franchises too, then they know whats allowed and whats not, they know whats cheese and whats skill... i think things are getting much too technical, but thats just me...

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by tomer629 Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:42 pm

DEN_24 wrote:a FA draft is also a very good idea but that would also involve a hell of alot of work for the commish lol what i think the best idea would be is to use a 3 strikes ur out rule... video evidence or not, if 3 different LEGIT players complain about the same guy, toss him and find someone new... i mean if a newbee complains, well i wouldnt give as much weight to their complaint, but if the 3 guys that were all in last years franchises too, then they know whats allowed and whats not, they know whats cheese and whats skill... i think things are getting much too technical, but thats just me...

I think this is probably the only real solution. If we had this in place last year we wouldnt have had players like boywonder ruining the playoffs. I remember he had legit players complaining about him almost every week, but nothing was ever done until AFTER he won the SB and every person he beat in the playoffs said he was a cheeser. (cheeser with great stick skills, but still a cheeser)

also I think taking players and making a FA draft is a horrible way to handle cheating/cheesing, because then the next guy who takes over the team after the cheeser gets kicked is totally screwed cause he no longer has any good players due to the cheeser being penalized.


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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by falconfansince81 Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:51 pm

i like playing boywonder, i looked forward to every game cause it was such a great challenge. yeah he had amazing stick skills...but he also played a lot of great zone d, when it used to work last year. his offense was alway mixed up and never abused 2 or 3 money plays, i remember when he controlled a player he could rip some pretty sick moves. i only got to play him a few times before he was ran out the league, so i'm only speakin for myself on my personal experience playing him...but the games we did have...which he won, were still a good challenge from a skilled user IMO. im sure other people will disagree, cause i wasn't in all the leagues...
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by jmojsoski Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:13 pm

he beat me in the superbowl... 16-13.... he was the colts and i was the saints..... this was the year those two teams played... i actually had ppl come over and watch, they were all drinking nd shit rdy to go out nd they caught a very good game... i fumbled the ball driving up the field wit 30 secs left to lose.... IT was a battle for the ages...
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by PaPZ187 Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:02 pm

The best solution to all these issues would be for EA to make a better game. Its crazy how much BS glitches and crap are in this game, too bad it will probably not happen until there is some competion for them to go up against.

I'm like Cheddah, as long as they don't nano, for for it every 4th down, and don't IOR then that's all I can ask for realisticly. It sucks, but that's the way it is, and when I play a game against someone that bends rules and constantly takes advantage of glitches and what not I just think to myself "Man, if this game is that important to them that they gotta play like a b*tch with no integrity, then they can have it".

There isn't much you can do about it, like Falcon said just step your game up. Even if its some cheap tricks they are using, I still can't find myself to play like that back at them, it just isn't fun. It sucks, but it is what it is, atleast I found a few players that play legit, and whether win or lose, do it with more dignity than most do when they win a game lol.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:09 pm

I was just kidding about the FA draft tomer, but if it were done, it would just have to be the new users getting to pick, not everyone in the league. But again, it wasn't a serious suggestion.
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by DEN_24 Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:10 pm

about all the previous posts on boywonder... ive never actually had the "privilege" of playin the guy lol but i agree with falconfan... even if the guy cheeses, id still enjoy playing him cuz itll just make u a better player... maybe he does it every play, which is what put him in deep water, but some guys use the same tricks but not as often, so if u play a whole game trying to defend his tactics, well you might not stop it everytime, but youll be able to practice, and the next time someone pulls one of those tricks outta their @$$ lol youll have their number... like say someone stays in the goal line formation and hurries up all the way up the field, or wildcat all the way up the field, well you might not stop him, but eventually, youll be able to call the right plays in that situation, so youll be better at defending goal line offense or the wildcat... anyways, i think im rambling here lol but bottom line... i was thinkin to myself, why is this topic titled "why have a rule if no one follows it?" i think a much better question would be "why keep the guys who DONT follow the rules?" lack of proof ? i think that LEGIT players, that i turst and that ive had good clean games against, well their word is enough proof for me

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:30 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:Lol how are you trying to become a commish and you don't know the rules? Anyway, you can go for it in that situation. As for rule enforcement, we don't even have a way to penalize players that break them. Nor efficient ways to prove they're breaking them. I've done my fair share of complaining to comiishes, and even greener about people breaking rules. There's little compensation for it, if any at all. Pretty much the rules only apply to those of us with enough integrity to obey them, but that's about it. Do we all break rules occassionally by accident because of pressure and panic during a game, yeah. At this point, if I get a game in where someone doesn't IOR, go for it on 4th down every time, or nano-blitz (the last one almost never happens), I'm satisfied. Hoping for much more than that is just being naive.

you are mistaken here bro... when i recieve VIDEO EVEIDENCE - i always sanction a player (and award compensation to the victimized player based on severity of the offense) - the key is to have irrafruitable proof - and TO SHOW HOW THE PLAY IMPACTED THE GAME NEGATIVELY FOR YOU...

i recognize the video replays are noit the best - but this is the best system i can come up with to ENFORCE rules.... afterall - if i sanctioned guys based upon what guys "say" - I WOULDNT HAVE TIME FOIR ANYTHING ELSE... - in addition - some guys are just misinformed about rules - and how game play relates to rules... I have evem had MULTIPLE guyts send me "so called irrufruitable video evidence" - I bview the replays and its not even close to what they are describing as an infraction...

pls - if any1 else has a btter way to enforce rules - levy sanction for breakn them and award compensation to victims of rules breakers - PLS LET ME KNOW!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT!!!!
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:32 pm

PaPZ187 wrote:The best solution to all these issues would be for EA to make a better game. Its crazy how much BS glitches and crap are in this game, too bad it will probably not happen until there is some competion for them to go up against.

I'm like Cheddah, as long as they don't nano, for for it every 4th down, and don't IOR then that's all I can ask for realisticly. It sucks, but that's the way it is, and when I play a game against someone that bends rules and constantly takes advantage of glitches and what not I just think to myself "Man, if this game is that important to them that they gotta play like a b*tch with no integrity, then they can have it".

There isn't much you can do about it, like Falcon said just step your game up. Even if its some cheap tricks they are using, I still can't find myself to play like that back at them, it just isn't fun. It sucks, but it is what it is, atleast I found a few players that play legit, and whether win or lose, do it with more dignity than most do when they win a game lol.

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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:45 pm

Rui_F wrote:I think one of our big problems is quick expansion. I haven't been on here that long but when I joined it was because I found the site on my own, when I signed up greener sent me an email with the rules and explained to me that if I cant follow the rules this aint a site or leagues for me. With our expansion some people newer then me even have already gotten some of their buddys to also join up. Unfortunately some people have not made it a point to explain to their friends when they bring them on that the rules are important and sim play is what separates these leagues from all the other crap out there. I have played people that I honestly don't even think have ever been on these boards but to sign up and when they received the rules it went straight into the delete folder, like when you receive any privacy notice and rules for countless websites we have all signed up for over the years. I have called people out on rules sometimes in games and have had people respond "what rules?". So yeah sometimes it sucks you have to pause and call people out but remember if you don't do it the next guy might have 2, we all break them sometimes but most of the time its accidental, like I'm not going to send a txt to guys like cheedah or deathwish etc. cause I know they know the rules so if something happens it probably was a flub or an accident but if its a new guy I have never seen or played then yeah I'm going to say something about it if it looks like a trend and not just a one time thing.


Maybe we should make someone answer 10 questions (short test) about the rules before allowed to join any leagues. Mostly this would eliminate the "what rules?" and "I didn't know" kids.

gREAT POINTS HERE GUYS - AND I HAVE TO ATKLE SOME RESPONSIBILITY HERE TOO... When we firts started this site in Late July (and form last yeaRS SITE AS AN EXTENSION) - It was more MANAGEBBLE for me to message EVERY NECOMER - i had a standard welcome message with a direct link to the rules - and i asked every1 DIRECTLY if they were "cool" with our rules... Now that we are in the middle of the season - and we all have franchise repsonsibility (and the membvership has exploded - we ARE CLOSE TO 2OO GUYS NOW - MAYBE MORE) - i havent had time to do this...

Perhaps we can implement something like jdb721 suggests (its a great idea) - or continue doing what i started (or maybe both) - BUT I NEED A LIL HELP FELLAS!!!! This is a COMMUNITY organization - I DONT CHARGE ANY1 TO JOIN (even though multiple people have told me i should - i dont want the Madden Group to have a fee associated with it - I am not in this for $ - I have already done pretty well for myself)... Perhaps some1 that can dedicated 10-15 minutes (mon to friday - hell thats a coffee break! LOL!) to logging onto the site - and messaging new joiner with a WELCOME MESSAGE (that clearly explains are expectations regarding rules - and where to find them on the site).... Even 1 better - send them the condensed version of the rules i have listed on a PSN too (that way they have the rules abvailble on their PS3) - its nopt as much work as u would think - all you are really doing is FORWARDING PREVIOUS MESSAGES (amybe maken a setence to personalize it a bit)...

I would love some help with this - and a partner that would be willing to take this on... I will work with this person to clear the ack log of nbew joiners that wehavent contacted - but once we are caugfht up - it should be too much of a committment!!!!
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:48 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:
See what bother me about the cap card is that the only thing I'd use it for was franchise games, and there's no way I'm spending $50 of my own money to prove OTHER people are cheating in this already shitty game. That would basically mean EA ran me for $110 bucks to play this game that's not even worth $.11. Now...if we could figure out a way to get the rule breakers to pay for my cap card we'd be on to something Laughing


what is a cap card?
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Why even have the rule if nobody follows it - Page 2 Empty Re: Why even have the rule if nobody follows it

Post by GREENERRRR Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:57 pm

JDB721 wrote:If there is sufficient video evidence, then the person should get a warning then be removed after another violation. Just video evidence is so hard to come by sometimes. When people do what GAD_Warrior did to me yesterday, I get annoyed. I was up 34-14. He starts off in regular kick off then goes to onside kick. I call timeout to get my hands team. He kicks off regular then he continues to do that the whole game. Ran no huddle for most of the 2nd half which resulted in him using 3 plays total the second half. All spread plays. I'm just tired of some people.

when some1 pulls that onside nonsense - all u have to do is hit square (audible button) - and any other button - and the other kickoff team will come out - dont waste timeouts on that mabnouvuer bro - but i agree with you - thats CHZ - and he took advantage oif you not knowing the controls - which is 100% unsportsmanle (i dont know how many times i jhave paused the game to tell people how to "spike the ball" to stop the clock - when they have no timeouts and are making their end of quarter drives - its not in my best interest and has cost me more than 1 game over my madden carreer - but ITS THE SPORTSMANLIKE THING TO DO...


Suspension of players;
Forfiture of draft pics (and they can be given to the victimized player)
Awarding points in the next gm they play (effective with divisional rivals);
Forfiture of specific players;

But if any1 else has other sugestion of effective sanctions that will serve as a DETTERENT and COMPENSATE VICTIMNS OF RULE BREAKERS - i would love to here what u have to say...
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