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Post by saastar Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:54 pm

since we are talking rule changes i have one of my own.. i say we do away with this 32 hr bullshit rule where it has to be 32 hrs past the advance time to get a cpu game.. bc i have had since joining this group a number or sims and its not just me.. if u read delmarus26 i dont think i spelled that right but its close.. but if u read his scouting report in EZ weightloss franchise he explains in his 2nd paragraph about his week 4 sim loss bc of his opponent not responding to messages and friend request and all this other jazz.. and sometimes u send messages and they do see them accept but after that no reply and they dont get on for like 20 plus hrs and u say something but the commish says it got to be past 32 hrs.. 32 hrs?? hell u advanced 2 days ago and i still cant play my game bc my opponent is to busy to play madden or is in to many leagues or doing personal things.. so it winds up being a simmed lose to me or whoever gets the sim loss.. and its not just me.. i have seen in some of these lgs where there was key games that got simmed that would help an opponent make the playoffs.. i mean come on.. i know both opponents are away.. especially if 1 guy is like 10-1 and the other is 6-5... im sure the 10-1 guy is trying to contact his opponent and the other is just not caring bc their playoff chances are slim.. but it could really help the 10-1 guy get a top seed or clinch division or any of that.. and he mite have to take a sim loss bc of the 6-5 guy not caring..

so my rule change would be by the 2nd day of games needing to be played by the commish should send out a message to everyone who hasnt played their game what time he plans on advancing and if there is a game being held up bc on an opponent not responding or some crap like that then the guy who is trying to make an effort should get to play that game then... not have to wait 32 hrs which doesnt really happen anyways and the game by the end of it gets simmed anyways..



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Post by GREENERRRR Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:20 pm

whta gonna happen here is te INEVITABLKE - "HE SAID - SHE SAID" SITUATION - NO WAY TO VERIFY WHO IS IGNORING WHO... the current 32 hour rule is a TANGIBLE RULE - taht can be confirmed and clearly followed - BASING A RULE ON WHAT GUYS "say" is not gonna work...

but i agree the 32 hour rule could be improved - and would love to hear more suggestion - BUT I SAY THIS - the current 32 rule is BETTER THAN THE CURRENT ALTERNATIVE - WHICH WOULD BE nothing!
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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:34 am

I agree with saastar, I think that stuff sucks. 32hrs is way too long. I think we should have a system where the two players are responsible for contacting each other the first day of the "week" (that is THE DAY IT ADVANCES). If contact has not been made, or one player tried and says they did and got no response, BOTH players should have to come on here and post when they can play their game in the scheduling section for each franchise. That way the posts can be viewed by the commissioners and the players must play their games in the windows that match up. If a player is online during those windows and the opponent isn't, CPU gm. Also, I know some commisioners already do this, but people that have posted contact info should get precedence over ppl that haven't. So if it's the last day b4 advance and saastar has his contact info and I don't, he should get a CPU gm, no questions asked. ESPECIALLY since the current policy is that when anyone gets a team in any league they are supposed to post their info in that leagues appropriate section BEFORE they are given a team...but that rule isn't enforced anyway.
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RULE CHANGE??? Empty i agree cheedah

Post by saastar Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:13 am

with all u said but with some tweeks.. every lg should have a game scheduling section and post games to be played for that week.. and say if i post on week 3 that jets vs patriots and im the jets and by like late in day 2 the patriots owner hasnt replied on the site or onliine that the jets should get a cpu gm.. that would make more people be more active on this site to... just my thoughts

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Post by dtigertron Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:13 pm

I totally agree with most of what has been said. I am in another group that only runs one non-draft franchise. They require game times (or at least times you are available to play) to be posted for each game. They also require activity on the site, but that is the main way to stay active, that and give scouting reports.
so I say, when advanced , you are required to post in your franchises "schedule games" thread. If one person posts on the day of advance, or before, and the other person hasn't replied or posted there own times to play by 24 hours after advance. Then they get cpu game, if there opponent hasn't contacted comish or posted by time you are ready to play cpu game. So if you are not ready for your cpu game exactly 24 hours after advance, then your opponent still has til you are ready to play to post game times.

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Post by DEN_24 Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:22 pm

my main problem with the 32 hour rule, is that the guy has to be offline for 32 hours straight without logging on... now ive been doin this for 2 years now, and ive seen this happen ALOT... a guy with a losing record just ignores his messages and friend requests, but will log on to play another game (i.e. C.O.D. BLACK OPS lol) so it doesnt show up, but he probably hasnt but the game in his system for a week lol that or... guys will log on for 2 mins just so PSN doesnt show that theyve been off for so f'in long... that way, they never get booted cuz they never surpass the 32 hour mark... thats cheating... another concern of mine is... well say the commish advances today and my new opponent is already past the 32 hour mark, well id still have to wait till day 2 to get the cpu gm... chances are the guy will log on for half an hour while im alseep, never to be heard from again lol i get back on, see that i just missed him, and we never cross paths again, until its too late... i agree that $#*% happens, but when guys are intentionally scamming the system that these commisioners worked so hard to draw up, and enforce... well... that wouldnt fly with me... i know the contact info does help quite a bit, but one thing ive said time and time again... some guys have cells phones, some dont (including myself) some guys check their e-mails more frequently than others... and some guys are on this site daily, some arent... one thing that all guys do have is a PLAYSTATION 3 lol so PSN would be by far the bext means of communication to schedule games... now, some guys say well text me, i dont have time to check my PSN msgs lol but if u cant get on PSN to check msgs, how u gonna get on to play a game? idk... i totally agree with greener that the 32 hour rule is better than no rule at all, and as far as sugggestions well, what might work, is... everyone on this site definitely has an e-mail address right ? well e-mail your opponent, and CC (carbon-copy) the message to the commish so he gets a copy of the message you sent your opponent, if theres no reply, let the commish know... maybe give a couple hours for the commish to msg ur opponent and if still no reply, u could get ur cpu game b4 the 32 hour mark... just an idea, im sure it could be improved upon... idk why all this fuss about cpu games tho, like im just as competitive as the next guy, and wanna make it as far as possible... but i HATE playin the cpu lol so i think there should be more focus on avoiding cpu games than there is on playing cpu games... or focus on booting the slackers that dont reply to messages

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Post by realdealrulz Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:20 pm

Sounds like all the leagues out there are the same. I was hoping this league would separate from the "little boys."


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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:24 pm

Den, I like what you suggested. I think he email would be the best way of confirming an attempt to contact an opponent bc the commish can see that they were CC'd on the email. I DON'T think that should be the MANDATORY way of scheduling games because some ppl don't check their email. However, I DO think that if someone does this at the beginning of the second day of the week, and no response is had, they should be awarded a CPU gm.

Den, on weekends I'm with my gf, so she's not happy with me sitting in front of my PS3 waiting for opponents to come online and message me, but she will deal with the fact that when I have a game scheduled I can take an hour out of the day to play it. So I think that's what ppl mean when we say PSN isn't the easiest way to contact us. It differs for certain people though.
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Post by realdealrulz Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:31 pm

Why not have each Week's game posted and have both owners post the agreed time, this way the entire league can view and hold them up to it?


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Post by DEN_24 Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:35 pm

idk i have the same problem... have a GF that gets pissed too lol but i find it takes alot less time to turn on ur ps3 and check msgs, than it would to log onto ur pc, sign into hotmail and write an e-mail... only downside to psn is, you cant check or reply to msgs if ur not at home so... i agree with ya there... i really think SONY should make PSN available on mobile devices tho, or even through a PC.... right now you can log onto ur psn account at playstation.com but you cant send or read msgs, i think it would be a pretty simple app if they ever created one

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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:42 pm

DEN_24 wrote:idk i have the same problem... have a GF that gets pissed too lol but i find it takes alot less time to turn on ur ps3 and check msgs, than it would to log onto ur pc, sign into hotmail and write an e-mail... only downside to psn is, you cant check or reply to msgs if ur not at home so... i agree with ya there... i really think SONY should make PSN available on mobile devices tho, or even through a PC.... right now you can log onto ur psn account at playstation.com but you cant send or read msgs, i think it would be a pretty simple app if they ever created one

That's why the best method of contact differs for different people. I have a iphone, that updates emails hourly, so if someone emails me it takes at most an hour for me to get it, and then I can respond right away, or at least know that they're gonna be online at x time and then make sure I'm home then to either talk to them about a time I can play or play the game...which, for me, is a million times more convenient than sitting in front of a PS3 all day waiting for them to come online.

Realdeal the scheduling section on the site is the ideal situation, but the fact that maybe only half the players in the leagues we have here check the site daily to schedule their games.
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Post by realdealrulz Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:47 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:
DEN_24 wrote:idk i have the same problem... have a GF that gets pissed too lol but i find it takes alot less time to turn on ur ps3 and check msgs, than it would to log onto ur pc, sign into hotmail and write an e-mail... only downside to psn is, you cant check or reply to msgs if ur not at home so... i agree with ya there... i really think SONY should make PSN available on mobile devices tho, or even through a PC.... right now you can log onto ur psn account at playstation.com but you cant send or read msgs, i think it would be a pretty simple app if they ever created one

That's why the best method of contact differs for different people. I have a iphone, that updates emails hourly, so if someone emails me it takes at most an hour for me to get it, and then I can respond right away, or at least know that they're gonna be online at x time and then make sure I'm home then to either talk to them about a time I can play or play the game...which, for me, is a million times more convenient than sitting in front of a PS3 all day waiting for them to come online.

Realdeal the scheduling section on the site is the ideal situation, but the fact that maybe only half the players in the leagues we have here check the site daily to schedule their games.

That's not good. I assumed (I know, we all know what happen's when we assume) that our league(s) are driven off this website as it's primary source of communication. I guess I was wrong. That sux actually.


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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:56 pm

It does suck, which is why I think we need to make things like contact info, and scheduling via THIS website MANDATORY. It will 100% hinder our growth, but the return will be quality, active players who follow rules. I'd guarantee that if we REFUSED people who did not provide reliable contact info the right to receive teams in new or current leagues we'd see an increase in activity. I'd also guarantee that if we gave CPU games to people who posted times to play on this site that we'd see an increase in activity too.

I do know that Deathwish's league is by far the best on this site, and it's no coincidence that it also has the most active and legit players in it. DW also makes a real effort to HOUND players who don't post their contact info until they do. Which is yet another reason why there are rarely any simmed games...
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Post by realdealrulz Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:02 pm

Well, I joined this site about 2 hours ago and can see major flaws. I will more than likely be resuming my website here this evening but that is another matter....

I think there should be LEAGUE Forums that separate from eachother on this site to make it much more user friendly as well as keep structure, continuity and parity as well between leagues. It will remedy alot of communication problems as well. Just a thought to consider for the near future I guess.


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Post by mblammers Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:07 pm

I'm not really sure what realdeal's point are, but...

Cheddah's points are all good ones. The site is the best way to post trade proposals and keep people informed about cheesers and keep a log of scouting reports and weekly awards and stats etc... basically all the things that make Deathwish an awesome league.
If people were required to get on the site, every league would improve.


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Post by realdealrulz Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:08 pm

You are restating my points...


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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:21 pm

realdealrulz wrote:Well, I joined this site about 2 hours ago and can see major flaws. I will more than likely be resuming my website here this evening but that is another matter....

I think there should be LEAGUE Forums that separate from eachother on this site to make it much more user friendly as well as keep structure, continuity and parity as well between leagues. It will remedy alot of communication problems as well. Just a thought to consider for the near future I guess.

Got those already bro, see the sections labeled existed online franchises currently/ NOT currently accepting members? Inside those are a number of forums for each of the leagues, within each league's forum are different threads to discuss things like general franchise news, stats, etc etc.
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Post by surfnturf90 Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:40 pm

Cheddah_Cheez wrote:It does suck, which is why I think we need to make things like contact info, and scheduling via THIS website MANDATORY. It will 100% hinder our growth, but the return will be quality, active players who follow rules. I'd guarantee that if we REFUSED people who did not provide reliable contact info the right to receive teams in new or current leagues we'd see an increase in activity. I'd also guarantee that if we gave CPU games to people who posted times to play on this site that we'd see an increase in activity too.

I do know that Deathwish's league is by far the best on this site, and it's no coincidence that it also has the most active and legit players in it. DW also makes a real effort to HOUND players who don't post their contact info until they do. Which is yet another reason why there are rarely any simmed games...

completely agree. contact information is mandatory in the new league, so far i have everyone's cell except for 2 people who say they don't have them. I've already warned them that if their opponent can't get a hold of them and its close to the deadline i'm going to boot them and give a cpu game. hopefully we won't have any problems.


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Post by falconfansince81 Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:48 pm

surfnturf90 wrote:
Cheddah_Cheez wrote:It does suck, which is why I think we need to make things like contact info, and scheduling via THIS website MANDATORY. It will 100% hinder our growth, but the return will be quality, active players who follow rules. I'd guarantee that if we REFUSED people who did not provide reliable contact info the right to receive teams in new or current leagues we'd see an increase in activity. I'd also guarantee that if we gave CPU games to people who posted times to play on this site that we'd see an increase in activity too.

I do know that Deathwish's league is by far the best on this site, and it's no coincidence that it also has the most active and legit players in it. DW also makes a real effort to HOUND players who don't post their contact info until they do. Which is yet another reason why there are rarely any simmed games...

completely agree. contact information is mandatory in the new league, so far i have everyone's cell except for 2 people who say they don't have them. I've already warned them that if their opponent can't get a hold of them and its close to the deadline i'm going to boot them and give a cpu game. hopefully we won't have any problems.

they have to at least have a lan line like i do, my girl takes the cell to night class so its pretty much useless and if she gets another madden game text in class i'll be in the doghouse. i can usually text on weekends but my home phone is ALWAYS a sure bet...i don't know why people are so paranoid lol, its a bunch of guys playing madden...
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Post by surfnturf90 Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:57 pm

yeah who knows, i asked em for phone numbers and they said they didnt have one, but they were always on psn. we'll see


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Post by DEN_24 Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:05 pm

k now maybe its just cuz i dont have a celly (and im not one of the two guys mentionned above btw, i dont think lol) but i think making people post their numbers is going too far... if u wanna use the cell # thing and find it works for you, then fine, great... but say for instance in falconfans case, putting his number up would actually work against him... cuz if someone texts him while his girls got his phone, well he wont know obviously... and the guy that sent him the text will think hes ignoring him, when thats not the case... maybe hes playing madden right now, and the guy that sent the text said well he wont reply to my text so he must not be around... just an example, but im sure you get the point... i know a couple of you were around last year, but there werent very many cell #'s posted until halfway through the year... i find this year, people rely on this method way too much... ill agree it is very very effective, but not flawless... no method is flawless lol personally i think that coming up with new ways to schedule games n all that isnt the problem... some people are the problem... just boot people that consistantly miss games... find new players who wanna play and who can play... i agree with what someone said above, think it was cheddah, but it doesnt matter if the group doesnt grow as quickly, as long as the people who are in it are active, itll grow on its own... if u start lettin all these clowns have 2nd or 3rd chances, the core group of active players will get pi$$ed off and find someone or something else to play... but back to the cell phone thing for a sec lol i had another example i totally forgot to mention up there... what i usually do, is... as soon as the commish sends the message stating that hes going to advance, i check my sched, message my opponent with thwe times i KNOW for sure that ill be online... and mosta the time i get a message back saying yeah i can play at this time... perfect ! game set... if the guy messages me back well i cant be on at those times, i try n work around the times he can be on... hell, one time i had to get up an hour early on a freakin monday to play some dude lol but i signed up, so cant complain... but on a few occasions, i message the guy with my availablity and i get a message back with his number that says "text me"... thats it... now i dont have a cell so cant text... and i replied right away explaining i couldnt... but the guy never logged on PSN... just kept waiting for my text lol i mean he coulda checked the site cuz it clearly states on my contact info sheet that i dont have a cell...but wtv, the game got simmed, it happens... now if what u were saying above means that the guys who dont have their cell numbers up will be booted come the deadline and the cpu game will be given to the guys who have their # up... well thats bs... i was on a hell of alot more than the dude who simply sent me his #, so i think i made alot more of an effort than he did... in the end i didnt complain or anything... like i said, $hit happens, but when it happens over n over with the same guys, well... its time to take out the trash lol and if having a cell # up was made mandatory, i just wouldnt join the franchise... simple as that... thats why im saying, you may lose a few good active players in exchange for buncha clowns... and as a matter of fact, even if i had a cell, i wouldnt post it... i dont wanna be bothered when im doing something or someone important lol... when i have time to play, im online on PSN, but thats just me, i know not everyone leads the same type of life as i do... but i dont see a problem with turning ur ps3 on for 2 mins in the morning, or when u get home from work to check ur messages, and reply to opponents, just let em know when youll be on... find a time that works for both of you and STICK TO IT... id say thats worked about 9 outta 10 times... most games ive missed in any given season is 2 i think (and alot of the time i get 16 outta 16 played... anyways, just wana re-state a very strong opinion of mine... i dont think anything needs to be made MANDATORY, except for PLAYING YOUR GAMES... the way i see it, participation has to be at %75 i think to advance the week ? well, make it mandatory to play at least %75 of your games per season (12 outta 16) so if you miss more than 4 games, you're toast... there will be a few less players in the group, but... with mostly anything in life.... QUALITY over QUANTITY allllllllllll day long lol

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Post by DEN_24 Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:28 pm

oh and one more alternative ive actually considered but never attempted... was to give my psn ID and password to the commish and have him go look for himself how many messages i had sent the guy... and he would be able to see the pending PSN freind request for himself... but then again, i could have just as well deleted my opponents responses b4 giving my ID n password to the commish, so it would seem as tho the guy didnt reply, but who would go to those extents? lol im sure it could happen tho... plus, youd have to have complete trust in the commish not to F ur ish up... but i mean you could always change ur password once its all said n done... make sense?

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Post by surfnturf90 Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:43 pm

I hear ya DEN_24, but i've had too many times where I send my opponent a message saying when i can play, and he just never responds, or he responds one time but doesn't get on after that, i've had a bunch of games simmed cause of it. When they have their number posted on the site, I can almost always get a hold of them through text and we can get our game scheduled.

If I ever said posting a cell number was "mandatory" that was a mistake on my part, but at least in my league they are highly encouraged. The two guys who don't have them assured me that they check their psn messages several times a day and wouldn't have any problems scheduling their games, which works for me.

I think having a number posted makes the leagues run a lot smoother. While the majority of us could probably get all of our games scheduled through psn no problem, there are always going to be situations that come up that make us miss a scheduled game time, or forget about a league deadline, etc. That's when it's nice to have a number listed. Plus, at least for me, I like sending a message to my opponent with my number, and then i don't have to sit at my ps3 waiting for them to answer.

Completely agree with what you said about certain people being the problem with scheduling games, but there's no way of knowing who these people will be until they are already in the league, and by then the teams have been drafted. It's hard to pawn off a team that somebody else drafted, so replacing these players isn't easy, and a lot of times they get to slide by and stay in the league.


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Post by DEN_24 Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:13 pm

surfnturf90 wrote:Completely agree with what you said about certain people being the problem with scheduling games, but there's no way of knowing who these people will be until they are already in the league, and by then the teams have been drafted. It's hard to pawn off a team that somebody else drafted, so replacing these players isn't easy, and a lot of times they get to slide by and stay in the league.

see thats the problem right there... they shouldnt get to slide by... if they knew that theyd get booted for missing more than 4 games, theyd make it a point to get on and play... a rule's a rule... and id boot em even if i couldnt find a replacement... say there were 3 or 4 teams per franchise that were CPU teams, well it would be better than having 3 or 4 guys that never play, cuz you go through the trouble of trying to schedule the game, they dont, and in the end, you play the cpu anyways lol woulda been alot easier to just play the CPU to start with lol but someone said in a previous post, they signed up to play PEOPLE lol not the CPU... couldnt agree more lol now, i think if there were a few less franchises, the legit guys would fill them up quicker and they would never get booted, so no need to replace, but yeah its the same every year, no one wants those "hand-me-down" teams lol idk, i just say that when it comes to playing games, the commishes should be a little more nazi-like lol set a certain % or number of games and if anyone is below the mark for one or two seasons, then see ya, wouldnt wanna be ya lol id be happier knowing that there was some kinda rule like that

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Post by Cheddah_Cheez Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:13 pm

DEN_24 wrote:
surfnturf90 wrote:Completely agree with what you said about certain people being the problem with scheduling games, but there's no way of knowing who these people will be until they are already in the league, and by then the teams have been drafted. It's hard to pawn off a team that somebody else drafted, so replacing these players isn't easy, and a lot of times they get to slide by and stay in the league.

see thats the problem right there... they shouldnt get to slide by... if they knew that theyd get booted for missing more than 4 games, theyd make it a point to get on and play... a rule's a rule... and id boot em even if i couldnt find a replacement... say there were 3 or 4 teams per franchise that were CPU teams, well it would be better than having 3 or 4 guys that never play, cuz you go through the trouble of trying to schedule the game, they dont, and in the end, you play the cpu anyways lol woulda been alot easier to just play the CPU to start with lol but someone said in a previous post, they signed up to play PEOPLE lol not the CPU... couldnt agree more lol now, i think if there were a few less franchises, the legit guys would fill them up quicker and they would never get booted, so no need to replace, but yeah its the same every year, no one wants those "hand-me-down" teams lol idk, i just say that when it comes to playing games, the commishes should be a little more nazi-like lol set a certain % or number of games and if anyone is below the mark for one or two seasons, then see ya, wouldnt wanna be ya lol id be happier knowing that there was some kinda rule like that

I think either way, if you set the number to 4 people will try and miss 3. Just like the people that bend the rules as much as they do.
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